মঙ্গলবার, ২৭ অক্টোবর, ২০০৯

This is Google's cache of http://folk.uio.no/albrech/CybIslamLinks.html. It is a snapshot of the page as it appeared on 12 Oct 2009 19:01:33 GMT. The current page could have changed in the meantime. Learn more

These search terms are highlighted: islamic world  

Islamic World

Quick & dirty list of links maintained by Dr. Albrecht Hofheinz, University of Oslo, Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages. Favourites highlighted in orange. Green links: accessibility problem. Last updated 11 November 2005. For comments and suggestions, please contact me !

General reference

Encyclopaedia of the Orient
Encyclopedia (>600 art.) dedicated to North Africa & the Middle East, fully searchable and hyperlinked. By Tore Kjeilen (Oslo), who holds a hovedfag degree in Religious Studies (with Arabic and History minors) from UiBergen. Est. May 1996.
Ex oriente lux
Ausführliche, gut gemachte Seiten einer Orient-begeisterten Deutschen: "Eine Begegnung zwischen Orient und Okzident. Wer sich für die Kultur, Geschichte und Politik des Nahen Ostens interessiert, der wird hier fündig". Sehr viele Links. Literatur, Forum.
Ex oriente lux - Fernsehtipps (Dtld)
Regelmäßig (nach Kräften...) aktualisierte Hinweise auf orient-spezifische Fernsehsendungen und Ausstellungen in Deutschland.
Ex oriente lux - Ausstellungstipps
Portal to promote dialogue with the Islamic world, in English, German, Arabic. By Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, Deutsche Welle, Goethe Institut InterNationes and Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen, funded by the German Foreign Office.
Deutschsprachiges Forum "für Freunde und Kenner des Orients"
Wikepedia in Arabic
Arabic incarnation of the free, open source, collaborative encyclopedia.
Wikipedia in Persian (Farsi)
eBook Search Results for Middle East History
Master index of electronically available books, with direct access links.
Neel wa-Furat (Beirut)
Owner: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut. >50000 titles, bestseller list, world-wide delivery, acceptable security. 07-2000: >8000 visitors/week. Coop. with Maktoub.com, Arabia.com, Ayna.com.
Sulaiman's Bookshop
Arabic Internet bookshop shipping from Beirut. Particularly good for books from Lebanon, Syria, and the Arabian peninsula, less strong for Egyptian and Maghrebi books. English interface. Popular with Western academic institutions.
al-Maktaba (Beirut)
Reliable, reasonably fast, good at special orders, incl. books from Damascus. Extensive searchable catalog w/ mostly in-print books from Beirut publishers, but always happy to track down out-of-print editions, or books published elsewhere. Good prices.
Online Arabic bookstore in Dokki, Giza (Egypt).
Arabic bookstores online
AdabWaFan.com - Arabic books, music, videos, software, toys and arts and crafts
Online store, part of the An-Nahar Group (Lebanese newspaper). Sells books, music, videos, software, toys, arts & crafts.
Librairie de l'Orient Livres sur le monde arabe et sur l'Islam
Online store for selling and buying rare and unused Persian books (also for new books). "If you can't find a particular book, we can try to find it for you."
Iran Farhang
Arabic bookstore in Cairo. Site apparently opened 2001/2002; by Oct. 2002, empty form, no content yet.

Internet & Computers in the Middle East

Peer-reviewed electronic journal on peoples and cultures of the "Middle East" and imagined "Orient" as represented on the Internet. Emphasis is on popular or public culture, media representation, imaginaries and "cyberIslam."
Arab Information Project (Georgetown University)
Research & Information on IT in the Middle East, observing the impact of information systems and communications there. By U Georgetown's Centre for Contemporary Arab Studies.
Virtually Islamic
Gary Bunt's web site on computer-mediated communication and cyber Islamic environments
Virtually Islamic - Blog
News, Commentary, Information and Speculation about Islam in the Digital Age - part of virtuallyislamic.com. Online since July 2003.
Arabic website Award for web design in the Arab world

Search engines

Google in Arabic
Arabic interface of the popular search engine. Arabic searches can be made from any interface language.
Arabic searchable directory. Offers ISO, GIF, and CP-1256 (Windows Arabic) interfaces.
Search in Arabic (cp-1256). By All@din, an Arab-Australian owned internet company.
MidEast Net (Business Search Engine)
Business portal (cybermall) for the Arab & Middle East market. Includes search engine (from which is was originally developed). Rund by MidEast Net, Cairo, Egypt.
Musalman (Islamic search engine)
Islamic community portal of the Panchayat Foundation, San Jose (Muslims of Indian background). Search engine, select links, event listings around the world, advertising for Muslim businesses, articles.
Arabist (comprehensive Middle East search engine)
YaSalaam.com: Ar./Engl. Portal & Search Engine
owner: International Websites (Kuwait) & Vaultbase Information Systems (US). Bilingual. Offers free site reg., site building & hosting to Gulf business, e-mail; free personal ads, job market
My Muslim Net Guide & Islamic Web Portal


Sakhr's Arabic Internet directory.
Middle East Directory - A Comprehensive Guide to ME Web Sites
Claiming to be "...the FIRST ever printed & published Middle East Internet Directory - featuring comprehensive and accurate listings of commercial & business web sites (with E-mail addresses) from 16 Middle East countries"
Yahoo! Middle East
Arabic/French/Engl. directory by Wanadoo/France Telecom, launched 29 Mar 2001
Arabic web directory based on self-submission and user ranking. Very popular, but somewhat questionable in its methodology.
ArabO Arab Search Engine Directory & Polls
Comprehensive Muslim directory. With top news.
Ibrahim Shafi's Islam Page
Large directory, Islamist outlook, 1997 design, but regularly updated
Arabic around the Web (Arabic2000)
By Arabic2000.com. Good links, with comments: web directories with Arabic focus, Arabic search engines, Software, hardware, newspapers, Stores, educational & research institutions, cultural & heritage sites, professional & NGO organizations, &al
al-Khayma al-`Arabiyya
One of the first Arabic portals. US-based; pro-Saudi.
Muslim Tents
English version of Khayma.com
Dalil al-mawaqi` al-`Arabiyya
Islamically (Saudi-linked) oriented Arabic portal owned by Khayma.com (US-based Arab portal). With list of the day's newly added links, and links to request the opening or blocking of particular sites for Saudi viewers. Registered 15 Mar 2000.
Dalil Paris
Arab web directory made in France. Secular; develops into a portal with discussion boards, image banks, music etc.
Portal, directory and search engine for the Middle East. Provides reference information including news, stocks, weather and local events, email, maps, chat and personals.
'Serious' portal, with emphasis on news etc more than sports and music. Based in Riyadh, Saudi-Arabia.
News and service portal by an Egyptian IT company. Pan-Arabic, liberal.
Dalil Nesnas
Web directory. Made in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Arab-Islamic Web directory from Saudi Arabia.
ArabNet - The Resource for the Arab World
Arab World guide by the Saudi Research and Marketing Group (who publish, i.a., Asharq Al Awsat). 1998 interface. Country data & current news. Directory and Arabic content discontinued.
al-Murshid: Arabic / Middle Eastern Directory
Directory for the Arabic-speaking world in English
Naseej: Arabic / English directory
Gulf-oriented Arabic (CP-1256) & English web guide with plenty of resources (news, sports, Islam, jobs and many others) and web-based Arabic e-mail. Directory search. Owned by Arabian Advanced Systems (Saudi-Arabia).
Links to Individual Countries of The Arab World
Maintained by MIT Arab Students Organization
Regional Arab Information Technology Network (RAITNET)
Multinational non-governmental & non-profit org. Objectives: promote & participate in devlpmt of high-quality regional & international information & telecom. infrastructure for the develpmt in the Arab world. Focus: Ecole Mohammadia d'Ingenieurs (Rabat)
"An open door to the Arab world": aims to introduce non-Arabs to the Arabs and their culture. Apparently est. by British Yemenis.
Arab Internet Directory (1001 sites)
Set out to be a comprehensive directory, but last updated March 1997. Set up by Arab World Online (www.awo.net).
Online translation English to Arabic.
Middle East blog directory
Persian blog
Directory of Persian-language weblogs.
Nawal: Arab Directory and Search engine
Est. late 1999. Still in its starting phase, but interesting, commented links.
Category index and search engine in English only. By al-Nadeem Information Technology, Bahrain.
U Texas Middle East Network Information Center
One of the best selections of Middle East specific sites. Est. 1993.
Columbia U (Frank Umlandherm)
Frank Umlandherm's (Columbia U Library) links, organized by region, country & subject. All materials are arranged to encourage an awareness of authorship, type of information, and subject. Research-oriented.
MESA Links
Islamkatalog (Uni Leipzig)
Link-Sammlung des Orientalischen Seminars der U Leipzig. Bereiche Recht, Wirtschaft, Islamisches Bankwesen, Politik, Medien, Umwelt, Sprachen, Kulturen, Frauen. Von R. Lohlker als nützlichste Sammlung in D bezeichnet. Nov 2001 im Neuaufbau.
Rüdiger Lohlker: Islam im Internet
Sehr ausführliche, durchgängig kommentierte Linksammlung. Achtung: Datei >750 kb auf einer Seite, daher langsam!
Gießen Links: Personen, Institutionen, Medien
vom Orientalischen Seminar der Universität Gießen.
U Köln, OS: Links
Islamic and Middle East Resources; Bookstores, Libraries and Publishers; Institutes (Arabic, Islamic and Oriental Studies); Learned Journals; Scholarly Associations and Societies
Harvard's Center of Middle Eastern Studies: Links
Gen., Photo, Architecture, Maps, History, Assyrian Studies, Women's Studies, Student Orgs, Grad. Programs, Grants, Religion, Newspapers, Radio/TV, Journals, Literature, Organizations, Computer, Language, Music, Books, Teaching Resources, Crafts, War/Peace
Islamic Studies Pathways (Gary Bunt's links)
Website in prep. of Gary Bunt, Virtually Islamic: computer-mediated communication and cyber Islamic environments. Cardiff: U of Wales P, May 2000.
Islamwissenschaftliches Recherchieren im Internet
Verzeichnis nützlicher Adressen für Islamwissenschaftler/innen. Stand Juni 1997. Von Susanne Wündisch, Studentin an der FU Berlin. Gut kommentierte Darstellung, bes. Universitäten, Institute, Menschenrechtsorganisationen, Think Tanks, Periodika, Medien
Georgetown U Arab Information Project links
Some links (countries, technologies, issues) from the Arab Information Project (Georgetown University)
Cornell U (Ali Houissa)
Middle East & Islamic Studies Collection (Cornell). Link page by Ali Houissa, Cornell U Library. Est. Apr. 1996.
U Utah (Joseph Roberts): MENA
Middle East North Africa Internet Resource Guide. Started Nov. 1993; not much updated since 1998
U Bergen (Knut Vikør)
U Bergen (Joe Bell)
Arabic & Islamic Links. Last updated Oct. 98.
ISIM Islamic Studies links
Links to: Institutes and Organizations / Publications / Research Resources / Events and News
Halle, SSG Vorderer Orient - Links
Teaching Islamic Civilization with Information Technology
Corinne Blake presents web resources for use in classroom.
Arabic Language Resources, Middlebury College
Many links of interest to students and researchers in Arabic. Designed for use by students at Middlebury College; some local links.
Nabil Sharaf al-Din's web links
Yale Near East Collection: Selected Internet Resources
CyberMuslim.2 (Masood Cajee) 1994
Historically important list of Muslim world links as of 1994.


Maktoob: Arabic/English Free Webmail
Based in Jordan, est. Oct. '98. First Arabic free web-based e-mail; meanwhile a general portal. Was long the most frequented Arab site on the web (acc. to Alexa.com, Apr-May 2000). Automatic anti-virus scanning. Soon with web voice msg (Mediaring).
Sakhr's service portal (Arabic/English). Daily news, IT, women, shopping, BBS, chat. Arabic cinema encycl., literary & Islamic software. Engl.<->Ar. machine translation, dictionaries for bi-directional translation in 5 lang., weather, prayer times, etc.
IslamiCity in Cyberspace
Very active Islamic portal, with some activist leaning, est. by HADI, a holding org. in California (http://islam.org/HADI). One of the most comprehensive Islamic sites, with news, business & e-commerce, travel, audio/video, software, and other sections.
Islam Online (Qaradawi-led)
Very professionally done Islamic portal with a conservative Islamist leaning (led by Qaradawi). With fatwa database, fatwas to online enquiries; family circle & matrimonials; youth corner; jobs; Islamic banking; news & commment; radio & TV links. Engl&Ar
The Islaamic Network Website
Network of Islamic Societies at UK universities, colleges, and schools. Islamist outlook. Many texts, i.a. by Ibn Baz & his followers, but also extracts from classical texts in translation.
Islamic Gateway (daily updated)
Its Pakistani daughter (www.umma.net.pk) is strongly Islamist, Jihad oriented. The mother (UK based) hosted sites of the Muslim Brotherhood and the Taliban, i.a. Formerly ummah.net; restructured during 2001.
Lively UK Muslim community portal. With images of mosques, articles, and helpful links.
Ahlus Sunnah Portal
Islamic portal in the US. Qur'an, Dua, Prophecies, Beard in Islam, Social Conduct, Siwak. Muslim Matrimonials, Ask Imam. Calligraphy & Clipart. News, Geek Info, Mailing List.
Muslim Net Guide & Islamic Web Portal - My Mu...
Islam Today
Islamic portal based in Saudi Arabia, supervised by the Salafi dissident Shaykh Salman al-Oudah who had some influence on Arab Jihadis. Arabic & English.
Orig. "Islamic Da`wah Network" mail. list; became Islaam.Com in late '96; facelift in June '99. Regularly updated. Contemporary interface; French subsection. Transl. of many Islamic texts, incl. class., but mostly moderate Islamist. Links; reg. upd.
Muslim “Online Ummah” portal, based in New York (Islamist Pakistani background). Had search engine, chat (incl. IRC), mailing lists, web based email, free web hosting for Muslim organizations; dial-up ISP. No longer available since late 2001.
Muntada al-Arab (Arab Forum)
Qatar-based Arabic discussion forum for Islamic, political, literary etc issues. Est. 1998.
MSN Arabia
Arabic version of Microsoft's MSN portal, now jointly managed with LINKdotNET, the ISP that controls ca. 40% of Egypt's market. Launched oct. 2001. Formerly msn.arabia.com. Meanwhile #1 Portal in the Arab world, mostly for people, chat, Hotmail.
Popular Saudi-based general Arabic portal
Middle Eastern portal on the Internet, est. 1999.
Portal (launched Aug 2001): news, search, e-commerce. Planned: e-mail, UMS, chat. W/ alldomains.com to offer pre-registration for .com, .net and .org DN in Arabic & SE Asian char sets.
Portail francophone de la culture arabe. Leçons d'arabe, médias, links.
Arabic portal with a populist Islamist leaning. Produced in Egypt; designed and financed by Arabia-Inform.com.
Arabia Inform
Dubay-based information processing company, est. 1997, belonging to Almotahida Group. Main products: the (populist Islamic) portal moheet.com and the (paying) news database askzad.com.
Almotahida Group
Egyptian (? or Dubay?) business group. See Arabia Inform and Moheet.
ArabNet (Australian, in Arabic)
Arab community forum based in Australia. Est. 1996, interface not changed since. In Arabic (GIF).
R3odi Cards
Popular Arabic site for sending e-cards. Also chat and games.

ME e-lists

Arabic Mailing Lists
Adabiyat: Middle Eastern Literary Traditions
Moderated, professional list on Middle Eastern literary traditions, est. 1995. With searchable archive (since 1997/10).
Arab world
36 msg/month [1998]. General ME info. Normally no discussion, only one-way announcements (conferences, job offers etc.), of great relevance for the academic comunity.
Arabic-Info archive search
Arabic-L (Arabic Linguistics and Arabic Language Teaching)
Ca. 15-20 msg/wk. Sponsors: Brigham Young University, Arabic Linguistics Society, American Association of Teachers of Arabic. Encourages contributions, squibs, queries and responses in those areas.
Arabic-L archive search
with "subscribe arabica" in body. Seeks to facilitate the distribution of information related to the Arabic language, literature, arts and any other related field. Est. May 2003.
Spondored by the International Society for Arabic Papyrology
CentralAsia-L: Announcement List for Central Asian Studies
Sponsored by the Harvard Forum for Central Asian Studies "to facilitate the efficient distribution of information about matters of interest to Central Asian Studies." Announcements only. Mailto:majordomo@fas.harvard.edu: "subscribe CentralAsia-L"
Low-volume announcements of new openings in Arab cyberspace. mailto:Majordomo@leb.net with the following command in the body of your email message: subscribe cyberarab-digest
Eurasian Geopolitics
High-volume list sponsored by the Eurasia Research Center, to discuss geopolitical relations and the internal politics of the countries of the Central Eurasian Region.
Fiqh: Islamic Law Discussion
4 msg/month. Dominated by professionals in law history. Mostly queries related to individuals' research. Conference announcements. Go to http://forums.nyu.edu and enter fiqh, or send blank message to join-fiqh@forums.nyu.edu [2000]
H-Mideast-Medieval (H-NET List on Islamic Lands of the Medieval Period
Professional historians' list (sponsored by Middle East Medievalists) on the Islamic Middle East ca. 500-1500. Ca. 9 msg/month. Mostly particular queries of bibliography or related to individuals' research. Occasional conference announcements.
History and culture of the eastern Mediterranean (from ca. 1500)
H-Net discussion dealing with Turkish studies.
History of Islamic Art and architecture.
History of Islam (ISLAM-L)
33 msg/month. Few historians, as list became dominated by young Muslims discussing "what Muslims should think" about certain topics. Mostly non-polemical or with a low heat level [1996|
History of the Mideast and North Africa (MENA-H)
1 msg/month. Meant to be a general list for the Middle East history (cross-religion, unlike Islam-L) but has ben completely inactive. [1998]
Human Rights Watch Middle East
Press releases and public letters written by Human Rights Watch concerning events in the Middle East and North Africa.
MELCOM/UK list, deals with concerns common to librarians, archivists and academics with responsibility for or and interest in Middle Eastern and Islamic collections and bibliography. 11 msg/month.
Middle East Librarians Association (MELANET-L)
26 msg/month. Dominated by librarian professionals, American. Topics related to their organization internally, and to requests for particular items etc., sometimes also general bibliographic queries [1994]
Middle East Review of International Affairs (MERIA)
MERIA (ed. Barry Rubin, Bar-Ilan U, Israel) publ. free, mediated email lists which include news and research material, discussion on relevant issues, and other matters.
MUSLIMS (The Islamic Information & News Network)
Political Islam Discussion List (PIDL)
Discussion of political aspects of the Islamic ideological paradigm. Owner: Kamran A. Bokhari, Grad.Stud. in Pol.Sci., Southwest Missouri State University
"Unmoderated list for Arab-identified lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered people. Anything that concerns queerarabs is an appropriate topic for discussion. Not for posting personal ads. Friends, family and significant others welcome." [1996]
SARA: Middle Eastern Studies TOCs
SARA - Scholarly Articles Research Alerting: MIDDLE-EASTERN-STUDIES-C list (Middle Eastern Studies, cluster). Tables of contents of select scholarly journals. SUBSCRIBE MIDDLE-EASTERN-STUDIES-C your name. Ca. 1 msg/month.
UCLA-CNES Technology Exchange
To keep informed about technology news in the Middle East. About every other month, we will send you an email to direct you to our site where content is updated regularly. Has been less volume since June 1999.
Rayat Sud
"The Black Flags": Est. 19 Dec 2001 'to provide authentic Islamic news'

Discussion Forums

SaudiLinks discussion & chat site directory
Huge searchable inventory of Arabic discussion forums and chat sites (12 Sep 03: 1344 resp. 244)
Very popular discussion forums.
Sehr populäre Diskussionsforen.
Important Arabic discussion forum, including moderates. Also famous for its chat rooms. Based in UAE? Linkpop Nov 03: 24298 (tog. w/ alsaha.fares.net)
Saudi Shi'i Islamic and cultural site, with many very active discussion forums, frequented by Sunnis and Shiis alike who engage in often lively discussions withouth always degenerating. Linkpop Nov 03: 478
Arabic discussion forum
Ana al-Muslim
Popular Islamist activist discussion forum. Formerly at www.vip1.com
Muntada al-Shabab
Popular, moderated, secular discussion forum. Run from Cairo.
al-Muntadayat al-Ilmiyya
Discussion forums on scientific subjects. >5000 members, >9000 threads, >50000 posts (Nov. 2003).
Saudi chat and discussion site. Originally planned as a search engine (yahala.com), but this did not materialize.
Shabakat Kif al-Arabiyya
Best known for its chat and discussion forums.
Chat, discussion & service portal (w/ web directory) for young Kuwaitis. Forums, matrimonials & contact, html, art/music, games, campo racing, sex life, Zionist, e-cards, poetry, joikes, for women.
Chat, discussion forums, search engine. From Kuwait.
Muntada Shabakat al-Duraz al-Shamila
Konventionelle Diskussionsforen. >10600 Mitglieder, >66500 Threads, >428700 Beiträge (Nov. 2003).
Dook Net
Formerly a Saudi (?) discussion site, dook.net, then dook.8m.com. Now appears inactive, with only a few links to other discussion sites.

Chat rooms

Chat al-Saha / arabchat
= http://www.fares.net/chat
Chat al-Shellah
ArabChat IRC Network
Chat at ArabFun!
formerly at arabchat.com
Ayna Chatrooms
Chat at WeArab.Net
formerly at arabchat.org
Qatarweb voice chat and IRC
~ C h a t . + . + [ 4 ] + . + . U A E ~
3oyoon chat
Chat Ali Babaa
Chat al-Maias
Chat al-Nasb
Chat al-Oyoon
Patriot Chat
Chat Dalooo3
Chat Dhima Najd
Chat Jaaaber
Chat Lagit roohi
Muslim Chat (on Muslims Online)
Qcat chat
Nov. 2003: 3 rooms (al-majlis, al-murabba3, al-suuq)
Chat Ra3odi
Arabic voice chat
Sandroses Chat
Wanasa DigiChat
Chat Taqayna
Chat Ashge
Chat al-Majnoon
Chat Kifee
Chat Tansaim
Chat Zorona


al-Shamil fi al-mudawwanat al-Arabiyya
Arabic blog directory est. March 2005.
Eatonweb Blog Directory Portal :: Arabic
Metablog on Arab political blogs
Est. Dec. 2004
AraBlog reBlog
Arab blog aggregator (mainly in English)

Specialized Computer Magazines

PC Magazine Middle & Near East English Home Page
PCMag M&NE (Arabic & Engl. printed edns. combined) has a circulation of 55000. By DIT (Dabbagh Information Technology; www.dit.net (ex DITnet.co.ae). Since early 2002 has incorpororated Internet al-Alam al-Arabi.

IT companies

Microsoft Middle East
Site of one of the most active software companies in the region. (What else would you expect from Bill Gates?)
Harf Information Technology
Well produced, extensive commercical site incl. Qur'an recitation, Hadith Encycl., Encycl. of fiqh, &al. Qur'an pp contain comm., user-friendly Java. Ar/Engl/French/Turk/Malay. Good sound quality; choice of recitors. Prob. best Q. source online.
AramediA Group (Arabic & Islamic software)
Arabic software/localization/translation providers: word processing, DTP, multimedia, learning Arabic, Ar. fonts (Mac & PC), dictionaries, encyclopedias, web design, by MS, Sakhr &al.
Sell, i.a., Arabic fonts (incl. Macintosh)
Sell Arabic desktop publishing software for the Macintosh, incl. fonts.
Glyph Systems
Glyph Systems' Arabic fonts.
NISUS Software
Sun Microsystems (Middle East & North Africa Region)
Giza office, opened in April 1999.

Networking and Technology

Computers 4arab: al-Mawsu'a al-Arabiyya li'l-Computer wa'l-Internet
Popular Arabic IT site; with useful articles, discussion forums etc.
Hitek Magazine
Lebanese publication focusing on IT, networking, internet, security.
Network Startup Research Center, Middle East
NSRC provides pro bono technical & engineering assistance to international networking initiatives providing access to the public Internet, especially to academic/research organizations and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in the Third World.
Arab Countries’ Global Telephone Traffic Networks
By James A. Danowski. Paper presented to the AUSACE conference, Cairo, 1998. Publ. in Amin, H. & Gher, L. (eds.) Civil discourse in the Middle East and digital communication age. Norwood, N.J.: Ablex, 2000.
Netakeoff: first ME IT incubator
ME Incubator/Accelerator dedicated to development of Internet & technology firms by providing seed capital, office facilities, business assistance, technology know-how, and other support in return for equity stake in incubated companies.
Aim: help webmasters, writers, designers,and others. Encourage networking and communiation to help us maximize the power of the medium in various aspects including business, politics, and culture. Not very active

Technology Events, Conferences &c

GITEX | Information Technology Exhibition
IT exhibitions in Cairo and Dubai: "The premier information technology exhibitions in the Middle East"
COMDEX Middle East
ME branch of COMDEX, "the world's greatest information technology show"
Annual Arab International Telecom Congress & Exhibition for the Arab States and the Middle East. Based in Lebanon.

Countries, Regions, Peoples

UNDP' Sub-regional Resource Facility for Arab States (SURF-AS)
By the United Nations Development Programme. Main goal: to support and build capacity among UNDP Country Offices in the Arab region, policy makers and partners with information and knowledge resources in key development areas.
Maps of the Middle East (UT Perry Castañeda Map Collection)
Large collection of useful maps
Historical Maps on the Arab-Israeli conflict
Maps and Travel Information (MENIC)
Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries
Web site of SESRTCIC, which contains information about the 57 member countries of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC)
Islam und muslimische Zivilisationen: Länder und Regionen
Wichtige Texte und deutsch kommentierte link-Sammlungen aus dem ehemaligen meOme-Islam-Portal von Bernhard Trautner.
Winthorpe Arab Countries survey (1998)


Large Maghreb portal, with politics, culture, and much more.
Maghreb Press Archive
Maghreb Confidential
Hijra International
Fondée le 13 novembre 1994, HI est une organisation caritative pour la défense, l'aide, et la protection des requérants d'asile et de leurs familles en provenance des pays arabes et notamment du Maghreb. Basé à Genève.


Fertile Crescent Home Page
The Gulf/2000 Project
Est. 1993 by the School of International and Public Affairs of Columbia University in New York. Detailed information on Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE.
Gulf States Newsletter
Forthnighly, covers political, economic & financial affairs in Bahrain, Iran, Irag, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen. Est. 1974, online since 1999. TOC & select articles free; otherwise (archives!) needs registration.
Gulfnet International


Directories; IT

Afghanistan, on 50 Websites a Day
'Wired' guide to Afghan sites.
Afghanistan Online
Award winning Afghanistan portal. Est. 1997
Political Resources on the Net - Afghanistan
Afghan links
Directory apparently no longer maintained.
Satellite Internet and Email provider for Afghanistan (based in Peshawar). Also offers Pashto, Dari, Persian, and Urdu IT-products, web hosting, software....
Afghan Wireless Communication Company
Afghanistan's first mobile network, launched in April 2002; a joint venture between U.S.-based Telephone Systems International (chaired by an Afghan emigré in NYC) and the Afghan Ministry of Communications.


Bernt Glatzer's Domain
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Afghanistan, Afghanistan Research Group, Archive of News from Afghanistan, Freundeskreis Afghanistan. Ausgezeichnete Links.
Afghan Network iNteractive
ICARP Afghanistan
Well-managed, comprehensive site (one of the best country-specific sites for Islamic-related studies). Many links to other sites.. As well as the 'serious' side to this site's contents, click on Ariana Afghanistan for Pashtun Sayings...
About Afghanistan
Socio-Economic Data on Afghanistan
Data from the Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRTCIC), a sub-org of the OIC.
The Afghan Mosaic Online
Afghan News Australia

Political situation

Afghanistan News.net - News, Finance, Sport, ...
AI Informationen zu Afghanistan
Auf Deutsch
Mohsen Makhmalbaf: World's indifference to the Afghan tragedy
June 2001 article by the famous Iranian film director.
Naser Alams Afghanistan Homepage
Derechos: Human Rights in Afghanistan
2000 Human Rights Report - Afghanistan
1997 Human Rights Report - Afghanistan
INCORE guide to Internet sources on conflict in Afghanistan
Extensive links, but not updated since Sep. 1999


Just Another Talib on the IRC
Does Official Taliban Site Exist?
'Wired' article.
Yahoo! News: Taliban
Afghanistan's Taliban Rebels Blend Islam and Maoism
By Franz Schurmann Pacific News Service, September 30, 1996
Archive: Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, New York Office
Used to present the Taleban's perspectives on Islam, incorporating press-releases and speeches. Sep 2001 hacked by anti-Bin Laden hacker. Went offline shortly afterwards.

Political Organisations abroad

Afghanistan Foundation
Revolutionary Women of Afghanistan
Offline 24 Sep 2001. Alternative: http://rawa.fancymarketing.net/index.html
Hezb-e-Islami Afghanistan
Hekmatyar's Party. "Chronicle of events" ends in 1992...


Afghanistan - Wirtschaft (1997)
V. Wolfgang-Peter Zingel (Südasien-Institut der Universität Heidelberg. Aus: Munzinger-Archiv / IH-Länder aktuell, Ravensburg, 25/97


Afghanistan Cultural Heritage
Guide to online resources concerning Afghanistan's cultural heritage: Museum Directories and Topographical Guides; Museum Catalogs/Sites; Web Sites: Gateways, Art and Cultural Heritage Sites; Selected Bibliography
Lemar Aftaab
Cultural eZine
Afghan music (mp3 shoutcast)

Deutsches Afghanistan-Komitee

Katachel e.V.

Verein für humanitäre Hilfe in Afghanistan

AdmiNet - Afghanistan

Afghan Depleted Uranium & Recovery Fund

Founded to "explore potential remedial efforts to counter the deadly effects of uranium weapons on the people and the ecosystem of Afghanistan"



Algeria information page
Includes maps, articles and related topics, organizations and news groups and mailing lists
Edjazair : Le Portail de l'Algérie
In Berlin angesiedelter Menschenrechtsverein, der sich zur Aufgabe gestellt hat, die Menschenrechtsverletzungen in Algerien zu dokumentieren. Deutsch & Französisch.
Burgat: Algerien: Islamismus gegen die Intellektuellen?
Dt. Übers. v. François Burgat, "Algerie : L'islamisme contre les intellectuels ?". Aus L'ISLAMISME EN FACE. Paris: La Decouverte, mai 1995.
Mouvement Algérien des Officiers Libres de l'Armée Nationale Populaire
based in Madrid
ArabNet: Algeria
Country information, tour guide, links.
Front Islamique du Salut (FIS)
Front Islamique du Salut (FIS): Conseil de Coordination
HMS (Algeria)
Forum for the exchange of ideas and discussions that are primarily of interest to Algeria and Algerians.
Forum for discussions on any issue related to the Amazigh (Berber) language, history, and culture
Algérie Press Service
Mario's Cyberspace Station: Algeria
Al-Khabar (Algeria)
PARIMAZIGH: revue culturelle Amazighe
Gouvernorat du Grand Alger
Community information for Algiers, tour guide. Well designed. In French, Arabic, and English.
newsgroup soc.culture.algeria

Amazigh (Tamazgha)

Monde Berbère
One of the oldest and most important Amazigh sites.
Tamazgha: web site of Amazigh Cultural Association in America (ACAA)
Amazigh cultural site chiefly in Arabic characters


Armenian Web Sites
Armenian Church
Armenien-Bibliographie, (Jaschke, Wagner)


Assyrian Academic Society (AAS)
Assyrian Homepage
Assyrian History
Assyrian Homepages
Assyrian International News Agency
Assyria Online
Assyrian Books
History of Assyrians
Assyrian Alphabet
Assyrian Religion
Ishtar Quarterly
Assyrian Information Medium Exchange
Assyrian Authors
Assyrian Women
Assyrian Grammar Online
Nineveh Online
Introduction to Modern Assyrian Culture
Voice of Nineveh
Assyrian-Arabic MP3s
Songs of Assyria


Azerbaijan International Magazine


Bahrain Internet Pages
Al-Ayam (Bahrain)
Al-Ayam newspaper (Bahrain)
Multaqa al-Bahrain
Discussion forum est. in 1999. Early in 2005 Bahraini authorities arrested the founder, 27-year old Ali Abdul Imam, and two website technicians from this forum which had posted a UN report critical of the government's discrimination against the Shiite majority. The country's largest opposition movement had used the website to organize protests and evade police. The three were released after 2 weeks in jail, but charges continue to hang over their heads.
BahrainBlogs :: Blog
Blog that attempts to link all Bahraini bloggers
Blog of Amira al-Hussaini, a middle-aged woman, in English, est. 4 Dec. 2004.
Internet Filtering in Bahrain in 2004-2005
country study by the OpenNet Initiative
Bahrain TV
Bahrain Bookfair


Bangladeshi newspapaers
Virtual Bangladesh site, offers a good selection of media resources, including The Daily Star and The Independent.
The Daily Ittefaq
Bengali newspaper
The New Nation
Newspaper in English, by the Daily Ittefaq.

Bosnia, Kosovo, FYR

Bosnia Home Page
Kosovo: News, background and resources (British Gov't perspective)
produced by the British Ministry of Defence & Foreign and Commonwealth Office. It provides daily updates from the NATO perspective, together with a substantial archive of background information.
Human Rights Council, Kosova
Patrimoine Sans Frontières
Un projet culturel pour la reconstruction du Kosovo.


Chechen Republic Online
regularly updated with news, and also contains background information on the region.

Central Asia

Eurasia Research Center
Turkmenistan : Personenkult statt Demokratisierung
Central Asian Studies World Wide
Resources for the study of Central Asia
Harvard Forum for Central Asian Studies
Central Asia Monitor
Print journal covering the Central Asian republics since independence. With free on-line archive 1992-1998
Interactive Central Asia Resource Project
Rich source for information on Central Asia
TRANSOXIANA-Revista de Estudios Orientales-Universidad del Salvador
On-line publication introducing articles on varios subjects, ranging from Egypt to China, and from History to Art and Religion. This publication, in spanish, issues two numbers a year.
CentralAsia-L - Announcement List for Central Asian Studies.


African Studies: Chad


Lobby for Cyprus


Government sites

The Egyptian Constitution
Egypt’s Government Services Portal
Egypt's E-Government portal, launched 25. Jan. 2004 (with Microsoft, in presence of Bill Gates) (now "Sir" William). In Arabic and English. Replaced the former E-Gov site, www.alhokoma.gov.eg, which had provided access to ministries and services, incl. >300 forms and procedures.
Information And Decision Support Center (IDSC)
Egyptian Cabinet's Information and Decision Support Center Library
The site provides a searchable on-line database of the Library collection which includes foreign and local documents
Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (Egypt)
Telecommunication Regulatory Authority
Egypt's Information Highway
Official site of Egypt's Information Highway project, init. late ’95 by Eg. Cabinet Information & Decision Support Center (IDSC). Incl. TourismNet, CultureNet, HealthNet, EnvironmentNet, GovernoratesNet, LibrariesNet, Government Online. Mostly in Arabic.
Egyptian National Science and Technology Information Network (ENSTINET)
of the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology.
Egypt State Information Service
Official presentation of Egypt on the WWW (by the EG Govt). With "Egypt Online", which contains lots of official news.
Egypt State Information Service (UK Mirror)
Egypt State Information Service (US mirror)
Information Technology Institute - Egypt
Egyptian Presidency
The Egyptian Ministries
Egyptian Healthcare Network
Initiated by IDSC.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ministry of Awqaf
Egyptian Armed Forces
Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation
Egypt's Social Fund for Development
Ministry of Emigration and Manpower
In Arabic and English
Egyptian Geological Survey and Mining Authority
Ministry of Tourism/Egyptian Tourism Authority
Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs
Egyptian Sales Tax Department
Emigration Sector's Official Home Page
The Central Laboratory For Agricultural Expert Systems
Egyptian Meteorological Authority
Egyptian International Trade Point
Egyptian Government Employment
Shows results of employment applications for Egyptian government jobs.
Personal Status Procedural Law
Islamic Council of Egypt
The Egyptian Governorates
Portal for all Egyptian Governorates, with demographic and other data.
Listing of ALL EMBASSIES in Egypt
The Egyptian embassy in the U.S.
The Egyptian consulate in Chicago
German Embassy In Egypt
Italian Embassy In Egypt

ISPs, Cybercafes etc.

Internet & E-mail Access Providers in Egypt
Internet Access Provider Lists for Egypt
"The List" of ISPs in Egypt
Internet Society of Egypt
The Regional Arab Information Technology Network (RAITNET)
RITSEC (Regional Information Technology and Software Engineering Center), Cairo
Est. 1992 by UNDP & Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development; hosted by Eg. Govt. Provides technical, professional & developmental services to agencies, institutions and governmental organizations in the Arab Region. Main Internet gateway of Egypt.
Telecom Egypt
First mobile telecom operator in Egypt, started operating 21 May 1998. Consortium of France Telecom, Motorola, and Orascom.
ClickGSM (MisrFone)
Second Egyptian mobile telecom provider. Est. Nov. 1998. Shares held by Vodafone-Airtouch, Banque du Caire, EFG-Hermes, CGSAT, Mobile Systems Intl.
Egypt's Smart Village

Class A ISPs (with own international link)

TE Data
Telecom Egypt's Internet arm. Ex: GegaNet, 1st Eg. ISP w/ direct sat. link abroad; branch of Egyptian German Telecommunication Industries (EGTI), a Siemes/GoE joint venture founded in 1989 to install digital telephone exchanges in EG.
Egypt's largest ISP, which claims to control over 40% of all access. 75% owned by Orascom. Also www.link.com.eg. Jointly manages MSN Arabia together with Microsoft.
Internet Egypt
The second ISP in Egypt (after Geganet) to open its own direct international link (in 1998). Runs several Internet Cafes all over Egypt. Has meanwhile been taken over by LINKdotNET.
MenaNet Communication
Chec whether MenaNet or MinaNet is correct for class A provider.
Nile Online
Big Egyptian ISP; "largest in the Middle East". Internet-Egypt seems to connect through Nile-Online, acc. to traceroute? (and Nile Online to newyork.teleglobe.net).
Egyptian ISP. Dial-up: 07778880
Egyptian ISP offering broadband through VST satellite.

Other ISPs and IT companies

1st Mideast Net
Access Internet Services
Alexnet (Yassa Trade)
Offers Internet access in Alexandria.
Computer Networks Services
Consultant Information Center
Data Express
ISP based in Alexandria. Somewhat left behind by developments.
IT company specialising in application software, e-mail, FTP, IRC, Advertising, home pages, and special databases.
Design Coordinators
Egypt Network Co.
Egypt On Line
Egypt Web
Egyptian Information Services
IT company in Heliopolis specialising in ommunications and value-added service, ISP, mobile communications, corporate communications, network design.
EU.org (eu.org)
Future for Computers and Communications
International Electronics Center (IEC)
ISP, web design, courses.
Internet Alexandria
Internet Plus
Internet Solutions
InTouch Communications Services S.A.E.
Egyptian ISP est. 1992.
ISP of Egypt
Madentex (Alexcomm)
ISP and network solutions provider in Alexandria
Misr Information Services & Trading (MIST)
Misr Net
Monolith FreeDomain Project (ml.org)
NCM Systems International Co.
NetAccess (Worldwide)
NetWave Productions
NSRC Egypt
NTG Egypt
Omega Center for Computer and Language
Pan-Arab Computer Center (PACC)
ISP, web design, training; Apple support.
PowerNet Egypt
Regional Information Technology Enterprise (RITE)
Information services and IT solutions.
Safwa Consultations & Systems
Scientific Computer Center
ISP in Sharm El-Sheikh
SofiCom Communications (Egypt)
Egpyptian ISP, est. 1995. Rel. contemporary design. With Egyptian directory. Also offers turnkey communication solutions, web design and management, FTP servers, training. Runs an Internet cafe in Alexandria.
ISP, web design and maintenance, local and international linking, training. Operated the first Internet cafe in downtown Cairo (at Bustan Commercial Center: http://www.starnet.com.eg/bostan).
TechnoMina Communications
ISP and Internet cafe operator in Alexandria.
The Way Out / Instinct
ISP and Internet cafe operator Check also link http://www.wayout.net
Trade Net
United Computer Experts (Infinity)
IT company in Maadi offering tailor made customer solutions.
World Communication Net
Egyptian network company.
Yalla Online
Egyptian ISP
Internet Club & Computer Services in Heliopolis, Cairo.
Style Internet Cafe
CyberAccess Cafe
Internet cafe in Alexandria.
EGYnet-Egypt Information Network
"The first Egyptian Internet content provider"
RDI (Research and Development International)
Egyptian multimedia and software company founded in 1993.
AIN Online
Multimedia software company based in Heliopolis, Egypt.
Cable Network Egypt (CNE)
AT&T (Egypt)
Computer and communication vendor networking; web building for companies.
Arab Communication Network (Web Sook)
Cairo-based Internet service provider and web host; aims at e-commerce, portal function. In Arabic and English. Design somewhat left behind by recent developments.

The Egyptian GNU/Linux User Group

exists to serve the Egyptian Free/Open Source Community

Portals & Directories

Egyptian portal (owned since May 2002 by LINKdotNET).
Egyptian portal (Arabic & English) est. in April 2000. Claims 300,000 unique visitors a month. Is developing its own syndicated news service.
Economist.com | Country Briefings: Egypt
MENIC Egypt links
Yahoo! Links to Sites in and About Egypt
Egypt WWW Index
Large, well maintained selection of Egyptian links, with pointers to particularly important sites.
Kufta.com - Egyptian web site directory
Searchable Egypt directory. "799 links and counting as of 18-Dec-2001"
Guardian's Egypt - Egypt Today
Links by Andrew Bayuk.
Egypt's resources on the Internet (Ahmed Khalil)
No longer updated.
Egypt Country Guide & Business Directory - Egypt.com
Egypt directory mostly aimed at business. Formerly the site of the Wafd party.
Egyptian Search Engine
A Bridge to Egypt
Initiated 1996; info about modern Egypt. "Our goal is not only to inform visitors about Egypt's rich culture, but also to display Egypt's current economic growth through investment opportunities, company profiles and major undergoing projects."
Egyptian Directory : Your guide to business in Egypt
Mainly business oriented directory from SofiCom, an Eg. ISP.
Directory of select Egyptian websites. By the ISP Internet Egypt.
Ägypten, Landeskundliche Informationsseite
Informationen der Deutschen Stiftung für Internationale Entwicklung.
Ägypten Online
Auf Deutsch. Virtuelle Tour, Land und Leute, Themen, Buchtipps.
Ägypten Heute
Wirtschaftshintergrundinformation; Stand 1996.
Egypt Internet Pages
The Egypt Home Page
The Egyptian Castle
Good private site: business, travel, advertising, shopping, Arabic music, Internet services, web design and hosting, banners, web submission, arabic books, in ternational weather, currency converter. Est. 1997 by Nahed Elbanhawy. 2001 up for sale.
Africanet: Egypt


the egyptian blog ring
Egyptian blogs (from Eatonweb)
Egyptian Blogs (aggregated by Manal and Alaa)
The Arabist Network
Journalistic blog in the spirit of the now defunt Cairo Times. Online since Nov. 2003. Categories: Academia, Syria, Terrorism, Iraq, Women, Religion, Business, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Arab diaspora, Refugees and migration, Society, Israel/Palestine, US policy, Political Islam, Libya, Environment, Jordan, Military, Economics, Human rights, Algeria, Politics, Lebanon, Kuwait, Sudan, Media, Morocco, Culture
Taqq Hanaq / Digressing
Egyptian blog in Arabic created on 30 Dec. 2003, but which really only took off after Oct. 2004.
Manal and Alaa's bit bucket | free speech from the bletches
Egyptian activist blog. See this article in OpenDemocracy: http://www.opendemocracy.net/democracy-protest/enough_2794.jsp
Egyptian blog (in English) (online since Jan. 2003). Categories: Egypt, Entertainment, Europe, Middle East, Politics & War, RantLite, Reference, Religion, Science & Technology, Society, United States.
Baheyya: Egypt Analysis and Whimsy
popular, well-written Egyptian blog in English, est. March 2005. "Commentary on Egyptian politics and culture by an Egyptian citizen with a room of her own."
Rantings of a Sandmonkey
"The writer of this blog is an extremely cynical, snarky, pro-US, secular, libertarian, disgruntled sandmonkey. If this is your cup of tea, please enjoy your stay here. If not, please sod off."
The Big Pharaoh
Egyptian blog in English, est. April 2004.
Bent Masreya
Egyptian blog in Arabic, est. May 2005
Egyptian Person
Egyptian blog in English and Arabic, est. June 2005
One Arab World
Blog by Karim Elsahy, an Egyptian living in Boston. In English, est. May 2005.
From Cairo, with love
"Free thoughts and reflections of an ordinary Egyptian". Blog in English, est. Feb. 2005.
Egyptian blog in Arabic, est. July 2004.
Egyptian blog from Alexandria, in Arabic, est. Feb. 2005
Blog by Rehab Bassam, from Egypt, in Arabic and (formerly) in English, est. Jan. 2000, with regular postings since Nov. 2004 and use of Arabic since Dec. 2004.
Tayy al-Muttasil
Egyptian blog, est. Nov. 2003, in Arabic.
al-Qitat al-3amya'
Egyptian blog by Guevara & Zeryab, in Arabic, est. Apr. 2005
Abu Aardvark


Egyptian Laws / al-Tashri'at al-Misriyya
by Legislation and Development Information Systems (www.ladis.com).
People's Assembly (Arab Rebublic of Egypt)
"Crisis in Egypt" (Muslim Brotherhood perspective)
© The Egyptian Action Group, 1996. Hosted in the UK, this site aims to document the oppression of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.
Islamists' renouncement of violence
NPR broadcast, 14 June 2002
People's Peaceful Front for the Rescue of Egypt
Site promoting the candidature of Amr Mousa for the Egyptian Presidential elections in Oct. 2005 (against a 5th candidacy by Mubarak, and against his son Gamal taking over).
Political Parties in Egypt
Overview: Name, chairman, when founded, party papers, goals & objectives. Dead by April 2005.
Hizb al-Amal
no longer works.
Muslim Brotherhood (Egypt)
unofficial MB page. Adress no longer works.
Hizb el-Ghad
party led by Ayman Nour. With Internet radio stream.
Egypt Election
Husni Mubarak's campaign site for the Sep. 2005 presidential elections.
Harakat "Kifaya"
Opposition movement against a fifth term in office for Mubarak and against the succession of his son.
Yahoo! Groups : Kefaya
Yahoo! Group for the Egyptian opposition movement, est. July 2005. 67 msg in July, 1 in Aug.
Ishtirakiun - Markaz al-Dirasat al-Ishtirakiyya
Egyptian socialists
al-Wa3y al-Misri / Misr Digit@l
Electronic Egyptian Weekly Newspaper in blogform, run by Wael Abbas. Est. Feb. 2005. In Arabic.
Auswärtiges Amt: Länderinfo Ägypten


Egyptian NGO Commission "NCPD"
static since 1997
Egypt NGOs law 153/1999
Government page on the new, more restrictive NGO law of 1999, presented under the heading, "Towards Empowering the Civil Society in Egypt".
Egyptian Organization for Human Rights (EOHR)
Official site, in English and Arabic.
Land Center for Human Rights(LCHR)
Egyptian human rights NGO for the protection of people working in agriculture, esp. children and women. Site in Arabic and English. Ex lchr96.org
Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies
NGO est. 1996.
Association for Human Rights Legal Aid (AHRLA)
Est. 1994 as Center for Human Rights Legal Aid to provide free legal assistance & representation to victims of human rights violations in Egypt. Registered as AHRLA under the 1999 NGO law.
The Human Rights Center for the Assistance of Prisoners
Egyptian NGO est. 1997 by Mohamed Zarei. Site est. 2001, continues to be updated with PR etc.
Arab Program for Human Rights Activists
Cairo-based NGO est. April 1997; site was put online in late 2000 with some info (Engl. & Arabic) about the organization. Never updated, its content disappeard in late summer 2001, though the URL is still active.
Integrated Care Society (ICS) in Egypt
Aims at enhancing children's cultural awareness in Egypt by promoting book reading and adopting love the books campaign. Chaired by Suzanne Mubarak.
Women's Organisations in Egypt
List of organizations with contact information.
Dr. Nawal El Saadawi and Dr. Sherif Hetata
Formerly the Arab Women Solidarity Association
The Association for the Protection of the Environment
Non-profit organization serving the communities of garbage collectors in Cairo, Hurghada, Tora and Wadi El Natruun in Egypt. A.P.E. was formed in 1984.
Egyptian Popular Committee for Solidarity with the Palestinian Uprising
not really updated since 2002
Anti-Globalization Egyptian Group (AGEG, al-Majmu'a al-Misriyya li-munahadat al-aulama)
HRW: Egypt - Human Rights Organizations Under Atta...
Amnesty International Egypt Report 2001
Little Horus Website
Egyptian children's website. By ICS.
Democracy Egypt (Saad Eddin Ibrahim's Website)
no longer public

News & Media

Cairo Press Review
Middle East News Agency (MENA)
Daily, Arabic text CP-1256, Egypt.
Al Ahram Weekly (Egypt, in English)
Al-Ahram Hebdo (Egypt, in French)
El Akhbar
The most popular Egyptian daily.
Akhbar el-Yom
In Windows encoding.
Akher Saa
Al Gumhorya and El Messa newspapers
al-Gomhuria Online
"Electronic supplement" der drittgrößten ägyptischen Tageszeitung bzw. deren ISP-Version (07772220), mit Services: Wechselkurse, Goldpreis, Wetter, Gebetszeiten, Notdienste, Archiv der Zeitung, Fernsehprogramme, E-Mail, Sternzeichen, Karikatur.
Weekly organ of the leftist party Hizb al-Tagammu'. In GIF format.
Weekly organ of the (Islamist) Egyptian Labour Party, online only since 2001 when bi-weekly paper was closed. More or less regularly updated since Oct. 2001. Used to be at www.elshaab.com. Mirrored at www.alarabnews.com/alshaab & mohamadabbas.com/alshaab
Middle East Times
Egyptian weekly in English.
Egypt Daily
Al Osboa
Egyptian Arabic weekly. Formerly at http://www.alosboa.com/, then www.alosboa.co.uk.
EgyptToday Monthly
The Egyptian Gazette
Egypt Today
Al-Wafd newspaper
Official Site of the party paper.
Al-Alam Al-Youm (EG business daily)
Arabic (GIF)
NILESAT's Nile Thematic Channels
Trial Site of NileSat. Offers Entertainment, Tele-Text, Culture, Sports, Educationa, News,Family+Kids, Drama. "Under construction": Updated ca. March - June/Sep. 1999, not since.
Monde Diplomatique: Egypte
Articles from Le Monde Diplomatique
Arab Ambassador
online biweekly on Arab cultural affairs with Egyptian focus, published in English in New York.
"Die einzige populärwissenschaftliche Zeitschrift über Ägypten in deutscher Sprache". Nur Werbung für Abonnement.
Al Helal Magazine
October News

Diaspora & community building

Yahoo! Groups: Egypt
74 Egypt-related groups on 27 May 2000. 270 on 7 Nov 2001.
El-Shella: The Friendly Egyptian e-Community
Moderated, high vol. mailing list (ex: @eGroups.com). Aim: to link Egyptians & Egypt-enthusiasts from around the world. Est. 8/98, very successful community building enterprise. 2267 members on 27-5-2000; 3456 on 22-7-2002. Mid-2002 350,000 reg. visitors.
Mailing list, founded in 6/1985 at Harvard University (A.Heddaya 85-87; A.Bestavros 88-92. Since 9/1992 hosted by Hussein Badr at SUNY/SB; remotely maintained by Husam Kinawi. Ca. 250 members throughout the 1990s.
About Arabian, specially Egyptian politics. "...who knows, maybe if we would grow in number we might be constructing our own Political Party!!!" 209 members on 27 May 2000; ca. 4 msgs a day.
Egyptian Media Center
"dedicated to bringing Egyptian people and their friends worldwide closer to the homeland". Never got off the ground - overtaken by pace of web development.
Egypt Progammers
Newsgroup soc.culture.egyptian
Qaryat Karrana
Homepage of an Egyptian village.

Social Issues

Egyptian Deaf
Site aiming to provide services to deaf people in Egypt, including alphabetisation. Launched 2002 as part of the "electronic Alexandria" project. Never developed beyond flash into.
Gay Egypt
A Yahoo (?) site mainly aiming at the foreign tourist.
CairoScholars (Yahoo! Groups)
Group for students and scholars who are living, working or conducting research in Cairo: share information that will help people find work, contacts or housing. Moderated.


Egyptian Libraries Network
Bibliotheca Alexandrina
includes mirrors of web, TV, and movie archives (http://www.bibalex.org/MainFrames.asp?LangID=1&Type=1&ID=279&Name=underconst.swf&FacilityID=100&IsAbstract=1&TemplateID=5)
International Friends of the Alexandria Library
Weghat Nazar
Intellectual magazine.
Egypt Today
Monthly in English. What's On: in Art, Books, Film, Food, Pop Music, Stage. What's New: Debuts, Culture, People, Education.
Cairo, Egypt
History Guide, Visitor Guide, Picture Gallery, Auditorium, Maps, Cairenes on the Internet. Est. 1995, still updated, but shows its age.
Egy.com (About Cairo)
By Samir Raafat. "Old & new articles, photos & references dealing with 19th & 20th c. aspects of a 1000 year old capital: architecture, landmarks, character, people, problems." Fabulous pictures & stories; high society touch.
Cairo Times
Twice-weekly English magazine
Classic Egyptian Music
Nahdet Misr
Online entertainment guide to Cairo. Restaurants, movies, music, culture, markets, horoscope, weather, Cairo guide, classifieds. Formerly "Cairo Cafe".
Alexandria, Egypt
History Guide, Visitor Guide, Picture Gallery, Auditorium, Maps, Alexandrians on the Internet, Links.
Cairo: City of Minarets
Panorama of modern and contemporary Egyptian art (painting, sculpture, ceramics, calligraphy) that is available for sale.
Miftah Shammali: Egypt
From the Norwegian North Africa site.
Heritage of Islamic Egypt
"An Illustrated Guide to Islamic Monuments in Cairo, with an Appendix on Some Remarkable Places in Alexandria and Tanta". With photographs by Dr. Marco Schöller. Under construction.
Egypt Scenery
256-color pics by Han Zou (then at U i Bergen, Norway), taken during trip to Cairo, Luxor and Sharm el Shaykh in April 1993. Typical tourist pictures, emphasis on ancient monuments, coarse quality.
Al Warda
Arabic meta-culture Web-zine
Ramatan Taha Hussein Museum
Cairo International Book Fair
NOVA Online: Mysteries of the Nile
Amwag Sakandariyya
Cultural e-zine from Alexandria
Egypte:cImages de la fin du XIXe siecle
Pictures of Islamic Cairo
Naguib Machfus Hompage
Dem Nobelpreisträger gewidmete Seite des Unionsverlags, der deutsche Übersetzungen seiner Werke veröffentlicht.
Zamalek Sporting club
Maady Sporting & Yacht Club
The Egyptian Sailing and Water Ski Federation
Egyptian Squash Federation

History (post ancient)

Encyclopedia of the Rulers of Egypt
Comprehensive overview of Egypt's rulers from the First Pharaonic Dynasty to the present.
History of Christianity in Egypt
By David C. Scott.
Cairo History Guide
Antiquity to the present. Brief abrege, text only, but with many hypertext links to external sites (some outdated - the text was written ca. 1995/6).
Major Powers in Egypt in the 2nd half of the 18th c
By Dr. M Trabia, U of Nevada (not a prof. historian). Only on: Major Powers in Egypt in the 2nd half of the 18th c: Ottomans, Mamluks, Bedouins, City Dwellers (Scholars [Ulama], Nobles [Ashraaf], Merchants, Middle class, Low class, People of the book.
Americans in the Egyptian Army: Ismail's Bold Experiment
Gamal Abdal Nassir
Site celebrating Gamal Abd el-Nasser. With short bio, photo album, poems in his honour, Suez Canal nationalization speech extract (MP2, 2 min), and a short US trailer of the movie "Nasser 56".
Pillars of Modern Egypt
Brief biographies of important 20th c. Egyptians: Saad Zaghloul, Ahmad Shauqi, Talaat Harb, Moustafa Kamel, Hoda Shaarawi, George Abiad, Rose el-Youssef, Abbas Mahmoud al-Akkad, Taha Hussein, Tawfiq al-Hakim, Umm Kulthum, Naguib Mahfouz.


Egyptian Universities Network (EUN)
Egypt's top level domain (EG) is registered by EUN; EUN was the first Eg. Internet node, in cooperation with IDSC (Oct. 1993).
Ain Shams University
Al Azhar: The Bastion of Islamic Knowledge in Egypt
Unofficial site hosted at the University of Windsor, Canada
American Research Center in Egypt
American University in Cairo
Arab Academy for Science and Technology
Ain Shams University
Assiut University
Cairo University
International Language Institute
Mansoura University
Misr International University
City University
Assiut University
Mansoura University
Université Senghor d'ALexandrie
Université internationale de langue française au service du développement africain.
Information Technology Inistitute
ITI2000 Global Campus
Egyptian virtual technology learning site
Association of Egyptian American Scholars ( AEAS )
Egyptian students association in USA and Canada (ESANA)
Egyptian students association in Japan (ESAJ)
Egyptian students association in France (ESAF)
Ägypten-Seiten für Kinder bei der Blinden Kuh
Hieroglyphen und Spiele.
Egyptian site for boyscouts and kids, trying to combine fun and education.
Ancient Egypt Page (Mr. Deutsch's Egypt Unit)
Well-done educational pages about ancient Egypt.


Yellow Pages Egypt
Yellow pages for (2003) Cairo and Alexandria.
Directory of shops, medical and other services in Cairo, Alexandria, Port Said, Dimyat, al-Qalyubia and Asyut. Est. 2003.
Egyptian online site mediating delivery of goods and services in Cairo.
VERCON (Virtual Extension and Research Communication Network)
FAO IT project in Egypt to improve, through strengthened research-extension linkages, the agricultural advisory services provided to Egyptian farmers and in particular to resource poor farmers, to increase production and raise farm incomes.
Car on Nile
Egypt Economic Indicator BY IDSC
Egyptian Stock Exchange
Cairo and Alexandria Stock Exchanges
Banque Misr
National Bank Of Egypt
Al Watany Bank Of Egypt
Commercial International Bank
Egyptian American Bank
Misr Exterior Bank
Suez Canal Bank
Corporate Home Page in Egypt
Tamima Group
Provider of Electronic Home Shopping in Egypt & the Middle East. Direct Response Television Marketing since 1994. 2001: developped Cyber Mall.
AL Kinanah
The Egyptian Center for Economic Studies
The American Chamber of Commerce in Egypt
German-Arab Chamber of Industry and Commerce
The International Group for Investments (IGI)
Misr Financial Investments Co.
EDAR.com | Egypt's Real Estate Directory
ABC Super Markets
Nile Mart
Mondy Bazar
Men Dakhel El koon Magazine
Est. by Al Hisham Organization, Doqqi, Egypt.
Cairo International Conference Center
Career Mid-East
Egyptian site.
T-Shirt Egypt
E-marketing of T-shirts from Egyptian cotton.
Egyptian Businessmen's Association
El Rowad
Egypt Business Center
Shop at Sakhr
privatization Egypt


Egypt Tourism Net
Government site, initiated by IDSC. In Arabic, English, French & German.
Travel Egypt| Red Sea Riviera| Egypt Hotels| Packages| Cruises| Diving & Safari.
Hinweise des ägyptischen Fremdenverkehrsamtes
Tropeninstitut München: Ägypten-Information
Tour Egypt Monthly
Online magazine on Egypt tourism. Last updated October 2000.
Tourism Investment in Egypt
Ancient Egypt
Explore the Pyramids
With maps, explanations, virtual reality (QT) renditions.
Egypt Tours Travel
InfoHub WWW Travel Guide
Journeyman Home Page
World Travel Guide: Egypt
Monuments and Sight Seeing Attractions in Egypt
Color Me Egypt
The Cairo Guide
The Hotel guide

Individual homepages

Ahmed Hosni homepage
Ahmed M Abdelatty Ali
Alaa Sadik
Aly Mohammed Aly Abd-Allah
Amr Hagag Homepage
Ashraf Salah
Ayman Rezeika
Dr. Ehab Hassanein
Dr. Ismail Serag eldin
Dr. Mohamed Ali Ahmed
Hamed El-Afandi's fun homepage
Hassan Nofal
Heba Qureshi's homepage
Mohamed Galal Sabbah
Nancy Hussein Abdel wahab
Prof. Abdelsalam Heddaya
Prof. Abdelsalam Helal
Prof. Ahmed H. SAMEH
Prof. Azer Bestavros -- Homepage
Prof. Hoda A. ElMaraghy
Prof. Maher Amer
Prof. Nabil R. Adam
Prof. Reda A. Ammar
Prof.Ahmed H. Zewail
Prof.Waguih H. ElMaraghy
Sayed Mohamed homepage
The curse of the Pharaohs
Yaser Hadidi
Yusuf Ibn Yaqub
Prof. Hassan Aly
Prof.Nader Rafla
Omar El-Behairy
Moustafa's Homepage
Mahmoud Mohamed El-Khouly's homepage
Hussein K. Hefny
Dr. Youssuf Gherbawy
Dalia Rashdan Mohamed homepage
Ehab Tawfik


Shaebia (People's Front for Democracy and Justice)
PFDJ website
Eritrean Liberation Front - National Congress (ELF-NC), Democratic Movement for the Liberation of Eritrean Kunamas (DMLEK), Eritrean People's Movement (EPM), Democratic Organisation of Red Sea Afars (DORSA), Eritrean Revolutionary Democratic Front (ERDF)
Asmarino.Com - Home
Eritrean news and culture portal. With Asmarino radio (canned streams).
CyberAdal Press
Eritros Sounds Home Page
Eritrean music page
Beilul.com - Home of Eritrean Youth
Music, forums, pictures, etc.
Database of Eritrean literature


Library of Ethiopian Texts, Charles University, Prague.
"The fastest way to send gifts to Addis" (48 h delivery)
Aethiopica. International Journal of Ethiopian Studies
"information on Market Trend, Customs Procedure, Bids Online that is published in the “Ethiopian Herald” & info on Investments & Incentives. Also a comprehensive business directory of exporting and importing companies in Ethiopia and much more…"

Horn of Africa

Arabic Web Site about the Horn of Africa & the Red Sea


Islamic Voice
Online journal from India
Darul Uloom Deoband

Indian Ocean




popular Iranian daily from Tehran (social-cultural-economic).
Pars Times
Site about Iran & the Middle East aimed at researches and investors. Comprehensive Iranian directory; strong emphasis on business and finance.
Iran-Now.de - Nachrichten und Community Portal
Iran-Report (Böll-Stiftung)
Iranian Civil Society Organizations Resource Center
Tehran Avenue
Cultural and social e-Zine focussing on Tehran's young avantgarde.
One of two main pro-reformist Iranian websites, est. by people close to President Khatami. Blocked in Iran since Jan. 2004.
Khabarnameh-ye Rooydad
Reformist website (moved to a blog in Sep 2004 after having been blocked by the Iranian authorities)
Ruznet ve blog Baamdad
Reformist website, reincarnated as a blog in Sep. 2004 to avoid Iranian censorship. Also at http://www.cyber-freedom.com/baamdad/
Sobhaneh | The most important meal of the day
Popular collective liberal Persian news weblog.
Khabarnameh-ye Gooyaa
Conservative news portal
Stop Censoring Us | Internet censorship in Iran
Weblog with news about Internet censorship in Iran, to encourage activists to fight for the freedom of information in Iran.
Picture Gallery: Iran
Persian Books, Crafts & More
Persian Literature
Persian Poetry
Persian Tutor
Persian Videos
Persian Cataloging Manual (Princeton University Library)
Persian linkz page!
Maps: Iran
All Iranian Magazines
Access to Iranian/Persian online publications
Ankaboot.com: Your Iranian Web Guide
Iran-specific catalog, est. by "The Iranian".
Beethoven Music Center
One of the oldest music stores in Tehran.
Deutsche Welle: Persian: Audio-on-Demand
Encyclopaedia Iranica
Vol. 1-6 in PDF; Vol. 7 using a special font.
Iran Internet Pages
Iran Resources
Iran. Embassy/Canada (login: guest; go iran)
Iran: Virtual Library
Iranbooks Catalog
Iranbooks: Persian Publications
Iranian Christians International
Iranian Classical Music
Article with discography by T. M. McComb, 27 November 1996.
Iranian Cultural & Information Center
Iranian Human Rights Working Group
Iranian Mp3
Iranian National Council of Resistance (Mojahedin-e Khalq)
Islamic Architecture in Isfahan
Information on Isfahan, including descriptions of historic mosques; Iranian links.
Islamic Republic News Agency, IRNA
Khanaye Doost (Iranian Lesbian site)
Mazda Publishers
Neda Communications, Inc.
Iranian ISP
NetIran News
Jump-page to various news-sources, including IRNA Islamic Republic News Agency, Iran News, and Tehran Times.
Newsgroup soc.culture.iranian
Persian Top 50
Monthly ranking of Persian-related sites.
Salam Iran (Iranian Emb. in Canada)
Embassy of Iran in Ottawa, Link zu IRIB News
Salam Iran Homepage, Persian Newspapers
Society for Iranian Studies.
The e p e r s i a n . com
The Iranian
Iranian online magazine, with news, chat, music, art & literature, satire, women’s issues, book store. Est. 1995 in California by Jahanshah Javid. Originally carried ca. 20% of articles in Persian; now only English.
Old-, Middle, and Modern Iranian texts from the Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien.
Virtual Iran
Iran - past, present and future >> Democracy for Iran
Site defending the Pahlavi (royalist) position.
Bazaar In Iran
Books, music CD's, and handicrafts from Iran; promotion of world culture and civilization with special attention to Persia.
PersianMirror - The Modern Magazine for Persian Celebrations, Culture, Cuisine & Community





"Latest news & views on Iran, articles by noted writers and the hottest social & cultural issues".

Iran ISP Group

Association of private ISPs in Iran


Coalition Provisional Authority
Iraq Research and Documentation Project
Haunting collection of resources documenting the government, politics, and society of modern Iraq, "to provide a window into the inner workings of the repressive state system evolved under the aegis of the Iraqi Ba'th Socialist Party".
Iraqi-German medi project produced by iMIC (Media in Cooperation) (formerly: Streamminister). Went online/on air 11 June 2005. Niqash radio show aired Sun, Wed & Fri 12:15-12:45 on Radio Dijla (Baghdad: 105.2 FM). Aims to provide a space for Iraqi citizens to exhcnage views on the current political process. Main focus on the drafting of the new constitution. Site in Arabic, English, and Kurdish.

Resistance sites

Occupation Watch
"Exposing the impact of the military and economic occupation of Iraq". English/Arabic.
Pictures and reports on "the American's terror on Iraq".
Iraqi Islamic anti-occupation site, with news, discussion forum, etc.
Awda wa-Da'wa
Shiite resistance site.
al-Qism al-I'lami li-Tanzim al-Qa'ida fi Bilad al-Rafidayn
also at www.alaflam.ws (Aug. 2005)

Baghdad Burning

Famous "Girl Blog from Iraq... let's talk war, politics and occupation."

Free Iraq

Imad Khadduri's blog, started Dec. 2004. Khadduri is an Iraqi nuclear scientist who wrote the book "Iraq's Nuclear Mirage"


Official Iraqi government site, (c) 2002 State Company for Internet Services. Hosted sites of many Iraqi institutions. Offline since Apr. 2003.

Uruklink (archive of Saddam era site)

Iraqi Presidency

Not always online. Was at in Oct. 2002

Babil Online

Site of the Iraqi National Olympic Committee (headed by Saddam's son Uday). Stopped updating 26 Mar 2003; still online 20 Apr 2003.

Mission of Iraq to the United Nations

The only official Iraqi Government site so far.

Congressional Research Service: Iraq Research

"an online depository of documents and information related to the ongoing conflict between the United States, the United Nations and Iraq"


Quds Press

Islamic Daawa Party

Iraqi Shii party.


"Voice of the Iraqi Muslims abroad". Arabic/English.

Radio Free Iraq of RFE/RL: News

Idha'at al-Iraq al-Hurr

Text and audio from RFE/RL.

Iraq Resource Information Site

Rich, regularly updated site attempting to offer background on the Second Gulf War and its aftermath, and the sanctions. Some info on culture and religion (esp. the political importance of the Sunni-Shii divide). Slow due to site design and geocities ads.

Iraqi Forum for Democracy

Iraqi opposition, US based. Site not overly politicized, offers culture, and even auctions! ("a group of Iraqi exiles are using the Internet to preserve the culture and interests they miss, the Iraq of old that they loved"; NYT).

Iraqi National Congress

Opposition website, including data on human rights, military activity, and Saddam Hussein. Regularly updated news; "al-Mu'tamar" weekly (PDF).

Iraqi Communist Party

Iraqi Pages

"This is a Non-Political site and has no affiliation/association with any organization Political or otherwise". Hosted in Scotland.

Iraq Action Coalition

"independent grassroots coalition dedicated to ending the war on the people of Iraq"

Education for Peace in Iraq Center

Dedicated to ending the sanctions on Iraq.

AFSC’s Iraq Program

By the American Friends Service Committee (a Quaker humanitarian organization).

National Internet Service Center of Iraq

Run by the Iraqi News Agency. Hosts: Iraqi Presidency site, Iraq Info site, INA site, Major Iraqi newspapers, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Land of Civilization. Launched April 1999. Offline Nov. 2001.

Iraq Action Coalition

Pro-Iraq news source

Muslims, Islam, and the Iraq Crisis

Alan Godlas's site, est. mid-March 2003, "to inform the public in a scholarly manner about the relationship of the Iraq crisis to Islam and Muslims"

Iraq Crisis Bulletin

US-based daily news bulletins focusing on "the military, political, social, and economic impact of the Iraq Crisis [sic]". Archives from 14 Mar 2003.

Pictures from Iraq

Iraq For You - Iraq4u.com

Iraq Internet Pages

Iraq-L Mailing List

Iraqi Music

With MP3s

Music of Iraq

Iraqi Oud Tradition


Iraqi discussion forums

Visions of Iraq

110 images of the topography, cities, archaeological sites, and historical monuments in Iraq, incl. 16 images of the Iraqi Marshes.

Al-Mansour University College, Baghdad

Unofficial site


campaign of military families, veterans, active duty personnel, reservists and others opposed to the ongoing war in Iraq.

Abbassi Real Estates

"Complete Iraqi Real Estate Solution Specialists"

Iraqun.com (Iraqiun): Mukhtarat min al-shi'r al-'Iraqi

Arabic poetry, non-violent.



iGuide - Israeli Internet Guide
Very comprehensive. Incl. directory (>7500 entries), domain name listing, maps of ISP infrastr., comments, news about IL Internet. Sponsored by Netvision. Ex "The (almost) Complete Guide to the Israeli Internet" & "Israeli Internet Guide".
Israel - Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Arabic site)
Launched Jan. 2004.
Israeli Government's Official Website
Maintained by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Formerly gopher://israel-info.gov.il.
Israel for you
Official Israeli Government site in Russian.
Israeli Ministry of Science, Culture, Sports
Virtual Jerusalem - The Place Where Jews Click
Ariga: Israeli Peace Activist Site
Haaretz - English Internet Edition
Israel's leading daily
Jerusalem Post
Kol Israel
Israel Club
Formerly hosted the Voice of Israel.
Deutsch-Israelischer Arbeitskreis für Frieden im Nahen Osten
The Geneva Accord
Official site of the Geneva Inititiative (draft peace accord between Israel and the Palestinians). In Hebrew; English and Arabic in preparation.
Itzhak Rabin Center for Israel Studies
Israel's Business Arena - Globes
Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies (Tel-Aviv University)
Chaim Herzog Center
Association for Israel Studies
Gush Shalom
Peace Now (Israel)
Americans for Peace Now
Israeli Council for Peace
B'Tselem, The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories
Ta'ayush - Arab-Jewish Partnership
Radio All For Peace
Joint Israeli-Palestinian station, started on the Internet in 2004, sends in Hebrew, Arabic, and English.
Israeli/Syrian Joint Peace Site
Israelisches Tagebuch
Online-Tagebuch d. isr. Journalisten/Übersetzers Maurice Tszorf, das d. israelischen Alltag im Schatten des Auf und Ab zwischen Krieg, Friedenshoffnung und Terror beschreibt. V. SWR.
Israel prison service
Embassy of Israel in London, Peace News
Botschaft des Staates Israel
US Embassy in Israel
Canada-Israel Committee
Boycott Israeli Goods
campaign to divest from Israel and to boycott Israeli products and leisure tourism
Web portal developed by the Israeli Arab magazine Panorama.
Site of the "Arabs of 48", i.a. Arabs who remained in Israel after 1948.
newsgroup soc.culture.israel


Petra: Jordan News Agency
ad-Dustour (Jordan)
Al-Ra'i newspaper (Jordan)
As-Sabeel (Jordan)
Jordan Times
Jordan Royal Family Yahoo Club
"The Latest News and Pictures on the Royals!"
Jordanian General Intelligence Department
Jordanian National Information System
Establ.d by the National Information Centre to provide comprehensive information on Jordan's economic, social and natural resources and organizations. Arabic & English.
IT Jordanian Expertise
Aiming to supply information on Jordan's resources in the IT sector to potential investors in the field. Est. in mid-2000. Searchable database.
Queen Noor's site
Muslim Brotherhood (Jordan)
Official site
Al-Urdun Al-Jadid Research Center
Amman, Al al-Bayt University
Toujan al Faisal, the case, her writings, and her news
Former Jordanian MP arrested for publishing a letter to the King on the Internet asking him to intervene in the corruption of his prime minister. She was later sentenced to 18 months in jail, and then pardoned by the King.
Jordan Planet
Jordanian blog portal in English. Est. Aug. 2004. April 2005: 26 blogs (Dec. 2004: 14).


Kashmir Conflict (BBC Special report)
Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front
Kashmir Council for Human Rights
Kashmiri American Council
The Rape of Kashmir
Advocay site.
The truth about Kashmir (Indian army perspective)
Jammu and Kashmir (pro-Indian Kashmiris)


Kurdistan Observer
Based in Canada
Kurdish Library and Documentation Center
Kurdish Information Network
Kurdish National Liberation Movements
Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK)
Kurdistan Report
Deutschsprachige PKK-Zeitschrift (1986-97).
Patriotic Union of Kurdistan
Revolutionary People's Liberation Party Front (DHKP-C)-Kurdish
Kurdish Struggle
AKA Kurdistan
Kurdish Women Research Resources
Ann. bibliographies on gender and feminist organizing in the Middle East; gender, nation and diaspora; women and war; gender, violence and learning; feminist methodology, oral history, and genocide and testimony.
Kurdish site, in Kurdish and Arabic
Washington Kurdish Institute
Background information and links to a wide range of Kurdish related issues.


Wheeler: New media , globalization and Kuwaiti national identity
Paper, March 2000.
Kuwait Internet Pages
Q8Y2B !
Kuwait portal strong on culture.
Muntadayat Oz
Kuwaitisches Diskussionsforum; >74100 Mitglieder, >2,1 Mill. Beiträge (Nov. 2003). Unterhaltung, Musik, Sport, Freunde, Computer sind die beliebtesten Bereiche.
Kuwait University (official home page)
Kuwait Yellow Pages on the Internet
Apart from yellow pages it offers a complete Kuwait portal, with local web directory, events, TV program, news, weather, flight & shipping schedules, job offerings, property offers, gold & currency rates, etc.
Kuwait University
In Arabic.
Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR)
Kuwaiti National Committee for Missing & POW's affairs
Kuwait Finance House
Islamic bank in Kuwait
Islamic Organization for Medical Sciences
Islamist medical organization in Kuwait
Razan Club For Creative Writing
Kuwaiti club where you can send in your work (short story, article, poems, essay, etc). Offers annual prize for best creative writing . Est. by Haifa AlSanousi, a Kuwaiti lady who teaches Arabic Language & Literature at Kuwait University.
Gulfnet Kuwait
Kuwaiti ISP
Gulfnet Int'l Co - KEMS
Kuwaiti ISP
Kuwait Weather Forecast
Newsgroupp soc.culture.kuwait
Newsgroup soc.culture.kuwait.moderated
Al-Watan (Kuwait)
Al-Qabas (Kuwait)
Kuwaiti daily. Formerly at http://www.moc.kw/alqabas/.
Al-Rai al-Aam (Kuwait)
Kuwaiti daily.
Kuwait Radio & TV streams (from Ministry Of Information)
Radio Kuwait: al-Barnamij al-Aamm
MP3 stream 128 kbps. News, drama, entertainment, literary and educational programs. 24/24 h.
Radio Kuwait: Channel Two
MP3 stream 56 kbps. Specialized in local programs, as well as guidance programs and musical entertainment. Broadcasts 11 h/day.
Radio Kuwait: Qur'an and Culture Channel
MP3 stream 32 kbps. Broadcasts live and pre-recorded programs and classical Arabic songs 24/24.
Radio Kuwait: Classic Arabic Music Channel (FM 87.9)
MP3 stream 32 kbps. Broadcasts entertainment and classical Arabic songs 24/24.
Radio Kuwait: Modern Arabic Music Channel FM 103.7
MP3 stream 56 kbps. Broadcasts modern Arabic music around the clock, as well as varied programs
Radio Kuwait: International Channel
MP3 stream 32 kbps
Radio Kuwait: Easy FM 92.5
MP3 stream 56 kbps.
Radio Kuwait: Super Station FM 99.7
MP3 stream 64 kbps. Broadcasts Western pop music.
Kuwait TV - Channel 1
Windows media stream 48 kbps. Main Arabic channel. News, drama, programmes of general interest.
Kuwait TV - Channel 3
Windows Media stream 35 kbps. Youth and sports channel
Kuwait TV - Channel 5
Windows Media stream 112 kbps. Drama.
The Islamic Kuwait
Extremist Islamist group supporting Osama Bin Laden and the Taleban.
Human Rights in Kuwait (Islamic, anti-US site)
by the "Society of the Victims of Torture and Arbitrary Arrest".


Media & News

Radio Pyramid
Kyrgyz news & music; with RealAudio
Vecherniy Bishkek newspaper
Echo Science magazin

Science & Education

Osh State University
Soros Foundation in Kyrgyzstan
Kyrgyz-American Department of the KSNU
Kyrgyz State National University
Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University


Kyrgyz Stock Exchange
Authorized CANON dealer
Eridan group of companies
Translation services


Maps of Lebanon
La Revue du Liban
L'Orient Lejour
Ain Ebel: A Village in Lebanon
Al Anwar (Lebanese Daily)
Al-Manar Television
Hizballah's TV channel. ex: almanar.com.lb
Alliance Internationale des Libanais pour l'Education et la Solidarité
ANA Radio - Arabic - from Lebanon - Real Audio Player
Annahar newspaper (Lebanon)
iso-8859-6, but no hi-bit punctuation so ordering on Mac is funny.
Beirut daily. Also carries MERIP Press Information Notes and selected articles from Middle East Report in Arabic.
Associations Libanaises
Chicago Lebanese Club
Future Televesion (TV al-Mustaqbal, Lebaonon)
Multimedia daily news.
Hezbollah (Lebanon; unofficial)
'Unofficial' Hezbollah website, detailing Hezbollah aims and activities in Lebanon. Disappeared in first half of 2002.
Hizbollah (Lebanon; official)
Institute For Documentation And Research On Lebanon (IDREL)
Weekly close to the Islamic Resistance Movement.
Joun: A Village in Lebanon
Lebanese Authors
Lebanese Catholic Information Centre
Lebanese Maronite League
Lebanese Red Cross
Lebanese Students Club
Lebanese Studies Association (LSA)
Lebanese Traditional Clothing
Lebanese Women's Association
Lebanon Internet Pages
Lebanon Internet Pages - Add URL
Lebanon Links.
Lebanon newswire
Lebanon On-Line Resources.
Lebanon Online resources
Monday Morning - from Lebanon
NEWS - soc.culture.lebanon
People (Local users of Leb.Net)
Radio One - English - from Lebanon - Real Audio Player
René Moawad Foundation
Foundation named after former Lebanese President, est. 1990, dedicated to rebuilding Lebanon.
TheDailyStar - from Lebanon
Tyros International Green Pages
Amal Movement


Libya Online
Oldest Libyan website, est. 1997 in Canada.
Online version of the centrally controlled Libyan daily press, est. 1 July 2001.
Libya Today
First Libyan online journal, est. June 2003. Reproduces news from JANA, PANA, and other Internet sources; lists articles from other Libyan newspapers. + service info on Libya.
National Geographic presents a glance at Libya in November 2000
Libya Jeel
Comprehensive list of Libya-related links.
Private homepage providing extensive links to resources on Libya, including satellite images.
M. al-Qaddhafi, The Green Book
Site of al-Jama'a al-Islamiyya al-Muqatila, Islamist opposition to Gaddafi (sympathetic to the Taleben and the Chechen mujahidin). Strangely enough, it's registered to an address inside Libya, in Tripoli!


Directories; Surveys

JARING (Malaysia's premier portal)
Social Usage of Internet in Malaysia
Workshop, Kuala Lumpur, March 22-25, 2000. By InterAsia.
Internet in Malaysia
By Rahmah Hashim & Arfah Yusof. Published in: Informatik Forum 1/99


Prime Ministers Office of Malaysia

News & Media

Popular independent online news site, mostly in English.
Berita Harian Online
Borneo Online
Harakah Internet Edition
Jalinan JARING Internet Edition
Kwong Wah Yit Poh
New Straits Times Interactive Site
Nanyang Siang Pau Online
Sabah : Daily Express
Sin Chiew Jit Poh
Suara Johor Online
Star Newspaper Online
Third World Resurgence
Magazine of the "The Third World Network" (Singapore). Reports on matters of global poverty & unequal access to resources. Strong emphasis on issues of globalisation.
Utusan Malaysia Online


Malaysian political parties
"Made in Malaysia" jump page, including links to Parti Islam Semalaysia (PAS) and United Malay National Organisation (UMNO).
Anwar Ibrahim - Reformasi!
Site established by supporters of Anwar Ibrahim, including reports of his trial - and a good range of links to related sites.

Science & Education

National Archives of Malaysia
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

E-Community projects

Mosque as a Neighbourhood Centre


Malian music
Comprehensive listing of Malian CDs / which you can also purchase online.
Mali (Stanford Guide)
Mali Page (U Penn)
Fournisseur d'accès Internet au Mali.
Embassy of Mali in Washington
Service de l'Expansion Economique au Mali
French government site with useful information and good links.
Spider (first Internet cafe in Mali)
in Bamako.
WorldTravelGuide: Mali
Lonely Planet - Destination Mali
Fundación Mahmud Kati



Maroc en chiffres
Government statistics
Maps: Morocco


E-Gouvernement : Le site du comité e-Gov du Royaume du Maroc
Gouvernement marocain
The former government ministers are still listed under http://www.mincom.gov.ma/french/minister/gouv98/GOV.htm.
Ministère des Affaires Etrangères
Ministère de la Justice
Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication
With extensive information on politics, statistics, regions and cities, events, etc.
Ministère des Finances
Chargé de la Prévision Economique et du Plan
Ministère du Commerce, de l'Industrie et de l'Artisanat
Ministère des Pêches maritimes et de la Marine marchande
Ministère du Secteur Public et de la Privatisation
Ministère de la formation des cadres et de la recherche scientifique
Ministère de l'Agriculture, de l'Equipement et de l'Environnement
Ministère de la Santé publique
Ministère des Habous et Affaires Islamiques
Elections 2002
Marokkanische Botschaft in Deutschland
Deutsche Botschaft Marokko
Ambassade de France au Maroc
British Embassy in Morocco
US Embassy in Morocco
US Embassy on Civil Society Development in Morocco
Fondation Hassan II pour le Développement Économique et Social
Morocco: Official Documents


Ménara: Le Portail du Maroc
Internet par Maroc Télécom (depuis fin 1999). Principal portail marocain, avec infos pratiques, annuaires, guide des villes et des sorties; SMS gratuit, petites annonces; actualités, en français et en arabe. Also at http://www.casanet.net.ma/.
One of the oldest and most popular Moroccan portals.
Maroc.Net: La Maison du Maroc
Morocco portal (? = Maroc.net.ma?)
Portail marocain professionnel.
MarocZoom, portail fédérateur du Maroc
With subsections on Casa, Rabat, Fès, Marrakech, Agadir. Reg. by Moroccan Research & Information Technology, Rabat et Paris, Tel. +33 148212618, yass79@hotmail.com.
Ya Bildadi
Morocco Today
Maroc Online: Le portail du Maroc francophone
Registered by Petitclerc, Christophe, in France.
Größtes deutsches Marokko-Portal. Mit Diskussions- u. Informationsbörse (=Forum), kommentierter Linksammlung, Land & Leute, Städte-Infos, Wirtschaftsforum, Publikationen.
Marokko Family
Deutschsprachige Plattform für Landesinformationen, Chat, Marokkanische Musik, Kultur, etc.
Commercial portal based in Seattle (owned by Virtual Countries.com)
Orientation Morocco
General Moroccan portal in English.
Extremely heavily overloaded, commercial portal.
Portail de l'évolution du Maroc
"espace de concertation de l'ensemble des acteurs (chercheurs, industriels, investisseurs, membres du gouvernement, et le jeune peuple marocain toutes origines confondues...), soucieux de voir dans la Vision 2010 un projet commun vers un probable changement, tant d'un point de vue économique que social
Portail généraliste sur Casablanca.
I love Casablanca
Commercial Casablanca portal.
Magazine électronique: le premier site d’informations de Marrakech.
Selwane.com le portail de la ville de Salé !
Maroc Web
Apparently intended as a portal for Larache, with links to voice chat, a Larache forum, and a few other links. Not very actively maintained.
Bladi.net : le Portail des Marocains de l‘étranger
Wafin: Morocco in North America


Morocco (U Penn)
Panorama Internet au Maroc
Provided by the French Embassy in Rabat
Moroccan links.
Marweb, moteur de recherche du Maroc
Liste de diffusion Maroc - Liens
Internet Resources in Morocco
End-1990s? design, totally out-of-date, though still online Sep 03.
Morocco's WWW Sites


Moroccan IT site.
Secrétariat d'Etat auprès du Premier ministre, chargé de la Poste et des Technologies de l'Information de de la Communication (SEPTI)
Est. 1998.
Agence Nationale de Règlementation des Télécommunications (ANRT)
Moroccan Internet Society (MISOC)
Association Marocaine d'Internet pour la Promotion et le Développement d'Internet au Maroc, crée en 1993.
Association des Professionnels des Technologies de l'Information
Association de l'Internet
Association des Utilisateurs de Systèmes Informatiques du Maroc
Maroc Telecom (ex Ittisalat al-Maghrib)
Wanadoo Maroc
Portail de l'ISP (=France Telecom)
Moroccan telecommunications provider.
ISP in Rabat.
Tout le Maroc en ligne.
WanadooPro Maroc
Internet solutions.
D@lil @l Internet
Premier bimensuel papier sur le Net au Maroc. Arabe/français.
Ménara Pages Blanches
Moroccan telephone directory
Pages Jaunes Marocains
Yahya El Yahyaoui
Web site of a prominent Moroccan writer on IT, globalisation, and information society.

Political Parties & Movements; NGOs

Union Socialiste des Forces Populaires
The left wing of the old national movement (emerged 1959 from the Istiqlal party, first under the name of Union Nationale des FP). 1997: 57 seats in parliament. USFP leader Abderrahmane Youssufi was made prime minister in 1998. Site launched Aug 02.
Mouvement Populaire
Based in trad. rural Atlas-Berber establishment; close to the monarchy and used by it to weaken the urban bourgeois Istiqlal. Emerged from the Front National pour la Défense des Institutions Constitutionelles. 1997: 40 seats in parlmt. Site in F & Ar.
Jamaat al-Adl wal-Ihsan
The Moroccan Islamist group "Justice et Bienfaisance". Formerly at aljamaa.org; new domain registered in 2000.
Espace Associatif / Fadaa al-Jam'iyyat
"Pour un développement démocratique". Site hébergeant des site de plusieurs dizaines d’ONGs marocains.
Portail indépendant administré par Development Gateway pour mettre en relation la société civile avec les bailleurs de fonds nationaux et internationaux et d'apporter un outil de dialogue adapté aux associations et aux ONGs. Établi fév. 2004.
Association Al Amana
ONG pour la promotion des microentreprises.
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Marokko


Maghreb Arabe Presse
Official site of the Moroccan News Agency, in Arabic, French, and English.
News Central (Morocco)
Portail marocain généraliste. "Fermé pour des raisons de maintenance" Sep 03.
Le Matin du Sahara et du Maghreb
Second-largest Moroccan daily (circulation ca. 100,000), in French, est. 1971, mouthpiece of the state ("manuel d'histoire 'solennelle', officielle").
Maroc Hebdo International
Moroccan weekly close to the government (sister publication of Le Matin, Maroc Soir, al-Sahra' al-Maghribiyya, etc.). Site contains complete PDF version of the current edn; + archive.
Le Temps du Maroc
Morccan weekly close to the government (from the same house as Le Matin).
Al-Ahdath al-Maghribiyya
Largest Moroccan daily (circulation 120000), est. 1999 by Mohamed Brini, ex ed.-in-chief of USFP's Al Ittihad al-Ishtiraki. Independent; somewhat sensationalist.
French daily of the Union Socialiste des Forces Populaires (USFP) (a leftist off-shoot of the Istiqlal Party, founded 1959).
"Le premier quotidien économique du Maroc". En partenariat avec Libération (USFP)
As Sabah
Paper founded Apr 2000; sister publication of L'Économiste. Tuesday: Internet page.
Al Ayam
Commercially successful Moroccan weekly est. by Noureddine Miftah in Oct. 2001. Apparently close to USFP. Address same as Al Bidaoui.
Al Bidaoui
Casablanca weekly in Arabic, apparently close to USFP. Address same as Al Ayam.
Al Bayane
French daily of the Parti du Progrès et du Socialisme (PPS) (which emerged out of the communist party in 1974).
Bayane Al Yaoume
Arabic daily of the Parti du Progrès et du Socialisme (PPS) (which emerged out of the communist party in 1974).
Daily of the Istiqlal Party (circulation ca. 30,000).
At Tajdid
Quotidien du Mouvement pour l’Unité et la Réforme (l’aile politique duquel est le Parti pour la Justice et le Développement (PSD) (Islamistes acceptant la structure monarchique de l'État marocain).
Hebdomadaire du Parti pour la Justice et le Développement (PSD) (Islamistes acceptant la structure monarchique de l'État marocain).
Le Journal hebdomadaire
Critical, liberal/left-wing Moroccan weekly est. 17 Nov. 1997. Symbol of the liberalisation of the freedom of expression, it quickly became the most important Moroccan weekly, together with its Arabic sister publication, El Sahifa.
La Vie Économique
Moroccan weekly, est. 1921; bought by Servan-Schreiber in the 1980s and changed into a modern, neo-liberal paper increasingly exploring social & political issues from a critical liberal angle.
La Gazette du Maroc
Moroccan political weekly founded in the late 1990s. Ex: http://www.marweb.com
La Nouvelle Tribune
Moroccan political weekly founded in the late 1990s.
Rissalat Al-Fotowa
Arabic youth monthly of al-Adl wa’l-Ihsan, the outlawed Islamist party in Morocco directed by Chekih Yassine. The printed edition was banned in Jan. 2002; only 1 online edn. has been publ. since. (Feb.)
Al-Jarida Al-Maghribia
Formerly at http:/www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Lobby/3385/, it was the first Moroccan E-Magazine. Stopped to be updated in May 2002 (webmaster in US).
Moroccan daily close to the government
Le Quotidien
Moroccan daily
Aujourd'hui Le Maroc
Le Reporter
Morccan weekly (from Casablanca?)
Sada Taounate
Moroccan weekly from Fès?
Le Journal de Tanger
Tangiers weekly.
North Africa Journal
Finance News
Moroccan weekly
Ménara Technologie
Le Monde Amazigh / Amadha. Amazigh / al-Aalam al-Amazighi
Arabic, French, and Tamazight weekly (?) dedicated to the Amazigh cause. Publ. by Éditions Amazigh, Rabat; editor-in-chief is Amina al-Hajj Hammaad Akdort ibn al-Shaykh.
Agraw Amazigh
Arabic and French monthly (?) dedicated to the Amazigh cause. Editor-in-chief is Ouzzin Aherdan .
Médi 1 (Radio Méditerranée Internationale)
Est. 1980, Moroccan/French bilingual radio (live Real Audio stream), offers Arabic and French music, news, information.
Radio Casablanca
Radio Arif
Real Player shoutcast of Moroccan Amazigh radio.
Second public Moroccan TV channel.
Radio Television Du Maroc (RTM)
Radio France Maghreb en direct
21 kbps

Discussion Forums

Yahoo! Groups: Morocco
10 mailing lists on 27 May 2000.
Moroccan mailing list. 19 members on 27 May 2000.
Liste de diffusion Maroc
Maroc Conferences
Discussion forum in French
Marokko Diskussions- und Informationsforum
Maroc Confidentiel
Premier portail marocain des affaires top secret au Maroc, lancé mai 2002 par des Marocains en Amérique, en Europe, et au Maroc.
Le blog de othmane


Portail marocain bilingue (français/English) dédié aux affaires et au tourisme
Office de la Formation Professionelle et de la Promotion du Travail
Kompass - le Portail des Entreprises
Agence Nationale pour la Promotion de la Petite et Moyenne Entreprise
Site lancé sept. 2004.
Bourse de Casablanca
Office des Foires et Expositions de Casablanca
Association de la Zone Industrielle de Tanger (AZIT)
lancé sept. 2004
GTZ Maroc
Dlala.com: Enchères au Maroc sur Internet
Maroc Immo
Immobilien in Marokko
Häuser, Wohnungen, Ferienobjekte etc.
El Dar: Kunsthandwerk aus Marokko
Marrakesh Express
On-line Moroccan rug and pillow gallery and shop (by Susan Schaefer Davis), to allow women to market their textiles directly. With lots of useful information on the textiles.
Messebau in Marokko
Maroc Auto Moto
Portail marocain pour véhicules et transports.
First Moroccan site dedicated to cars.
ARAB INVESTMENT FORUM // MOROCCO // 26-27 February 2003

Social Issues



Good culture page. With forum, news about exhibitions, galeries, books, events; critical reviews etc.
Moroccan literary journal
Tifinagh Web
Premier site en tamazight pour tifinagh (par l'artiste Yeschou=Lahbib Fouad). Origines & évolution de l'alphabet t.; calligraphies, peintures, textes. Est. 2001; disparu automne 2002.
Tetouan-Asmir Association
Azalay e.V., Hilfe zur Erhaltung der nomadischen Lebensform
Verein zur Unterstützung existenzbedrohter Nomadenpopulationen in der marokkanischen Sahara. Organisiert auch Touren mit Nomaden.
Juden in Marokko, eine 2500 Jahre alte Geschichte
Die in Marokko lebenden "Nachfahren Abrahams" bilden heute noch die grösste jüdische Gemeinschaft in der arabischen Welt.
Journey to the Heart of Morocco
Award-winning film about Jemaa el-Fnâ, Marrakesh.
Goethe-Institut Rabat/Casablanca
ex: http://www.goethe.de/wm/rab/deindex.htm
Center for Cross-Cultural Learning, Rabat
Tanjazz : Festival de jazz de Tanger - Mozilla
Privately done pages (1995) focussing on Moroccan culture. With info on museums, Hassan II mosque, West Sahara, history, etc.
Karima Skalli
L'Institut français de Tanger - Tétoutan
"Le premier marché d'art marocain sur le Net", établi ca. sept. 2004.
Lancé automne 2004


"Je partage donc j'existe" : Rachid Jankari
Blog de Anouar
Al Jinane : Blog marocain de la culture collective


L'Etudiant Marocain
Rabat, Université Mohammad V.
Rabat: Institut des Études Africaines (Univ. Mohammed V)
Rabat: École Mohammadia d'Ingénieurs
Registrant of Moroccan top-level domain.
Rabat: École des Sciences de l’Information (ESI)
Internet wurde 1995 von hier aus gepuscht (Najat Rochdi).
American-Moroccan Exchange
Al Akhawayn University, Ifrane
École Supérieure des Télécommunications
Languages and Linguistics, Fes
Centre de Langues
Institut National des Postes et Télécommunications
École Nationale Supérieure d'Informatique et d'Analyse des Systèmes
Institut National de Statistiques et d'Économie Appliqué
Fez, The Center for Studies and Research on Women
American Language Center (ALC) Marrakesch

Travel; Pictures

Staatlich Marokkanisches Fremdenverkehrsamt in Deutschland
Tourismus in Marokko
Office National des Aéroports (Maroc)
Royal Air Maroc (Deutschland)
Air France (Maroc)
KLM (Maroc)
Office National des Chemins de Fer (Maroc)
includes online train schedules.
Compagnie de Transports au Maroc (CTM)
Public bus company. With schedules. ex: Compagnie du Tourisme Marocain
Agenda: Confèrence, Expositions, Festivals, Spectacles
Marrakesch Stadtführer (Marokko)
Informationen zu Sehenswürdigkeiten, Geschichte, Kunst, Sport, Hotels, Appartements und Restaurants in Marrakech.
Agadir Stadtführer (Marokko)
Private Appartements und Hotels in Agadir. Beschreibungen, Bilder, Preise und Buchungsmöglichkeit.
Essaouira et les environs
French language tourist information
City of Alhoceima
English language tourist information
Lonely Planet Morocco
Links zu Reiseberichten und Bildern aus Marokko
Maroc auto moto
Province Ouarzazate
Atlas Voyages
Agence de voyages à Casablanca.
Olive Branch Tours
Agence de voyages à Casablanca. "Spécialiste de tous ce qui touch au tourisme réceptif".
Maroc en solitaire
Maroc Riads
Guide & location de riad au Maroc. En ligne depuis 08/2004.
Hotel **** à Casablanca (Bd. d'Anfa)
Dar Al Batoul
Maison d’Hôtes Traditionelle (Riadh) dans la Médina de Rabat.
Villa Mandarine, Hotel - Restaurant (Rabat)
Riad Arabesque, maison d'hôtes, un ryad dans la médina de Fès - Guest house - Maroc
Mövenpick Tangiers
Marrakech-Medina: location et vente de riyads et de maisons traditionnelles
Dar Badra (Marrakech)
Riad de l’Orientale
Chambres d’hôtes / bed and breakfast, Marrakech.
Riad Samsli (Marrakech)
Dar shama, villa maison d\'hôtes à Marrakech
LA MAISON ARABE (hotel de luxe à Marrakech)
Melia Riad Salam
Hotel (4-5*) à Casablanca (Corniche)

Friendship Associations

Deutsch-Marokkanische Gesellschaft
Pflegt bes. wirtschaftliche Belange.
Deutsch-Marokkanischer Freundeskreis e.V.
Aktiv v.a. im Raum Duisburg, Köln, Mönchengladbach
Marokkanisch-Deutsche Gesellschaft in Rabat
Verein fuer in Deutschland lebende Marokkaner!
Verein marokkanischer Studierender und Absolventen e.V. in Bochum
Verein marokkanischer Studenten in Berlin
Verein Marokkanischer Studierender und Absolventen in Krefeld und Mönchangladbach
Marokko - Reiseführer: Reise-Know-How
Friends of Morocco (FOM)
Organization of Americans, est. 1988, mostly returned Peace Corps volunteers, with experience in Morocco and Moroccans in America.
American Moroccan Forum

Individual pages

MAROC ,géographie,histoire,économie,politique,du maghreb ou amazigh land


Sharia Penal Code - Zamfara State of Nigeria
Complete text of the law as promulgated on 27 Jan 2000.


Oman Internet Pages
Oman Daily
Daily Omani newspaper (Arabic in GIF)
Oman Studies Centre for Documentation and Research on Oman and the Arabian Gulf
Omanet (Omani information ministry)
Al-Watan (Oman)
Oman Radio & TV


Pakistan Government
Pakistan Government link-page to four national, English-language papers: Dawn, The News, The Nation, and The Frontier Post. The site also provides jumps to other media sources, official press releases, and data on Pakistan.
Pakistan 2010 Programme
Economic programm initiated by the former prime minister Nawaz Sharif (1997-99).
Pakistan's most widely circulated English language newspaper. Updated round-the-clock, with a major update before 05:00 GMT.
"Islamic Propagational Institute of Quran and Sunna". By Pakistani group Ahle-e-Sunnat (Muhammad Ilyas Attar Qadri). English and Urdu.
Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan
Jamaat-i-Islami is one of several Muslim parties in Pakistan. This highly-detailed website provides news, speeches, Qur'an commentaries, and background data on the party.
Leading Internet-focused periodicals in Pakistan. With ongoing ISP survery.
International Islamic University, Islamabad


Guide de Palestine-sur-Web (Jean-François Legrain)
Le Guide Palestine vise l'actualité la plus récente en introduisant aux ressources d'Internet concernant l'histoire du pays et la société d'aujourd'hui mais aussi et surtout les données du conflit avec Israël, ses acteurs et les enjeux de la négociation.
Guide des Arabes d'Israël-sur-web
Guide de l’Intifada-sur-Web (J.-F. Legrain)
Complément du Guide de Palestine-sur-Web, vise l'actualité du soulèvement qui embrase la Cisjordanie et la bande de Gaza depuis l'automne 2000.
Cyber-Intifada Resource Guide (Sean Lawson)
Bibliography: Palestine
Palestine Maps
Ramallah Online

Directories; Portals; IT

Complete guide to Palestine's websites (Bir Zeit)
Excellent resource for study, incorporating diverse perspectives and subject categories. The News and Media section links to Palestine's first Internet radio service, together with significant Arabic and other language media resources.
Palestine Online
Palestine-Net - Land, People, News, Business, History and Culture
Palestinian Information Technology Assosciation - PITA
Est. early 1999 in Ramallah, as a membership-based organization for locally registered companies in the IT sector.
Palnet Communications
One of the first and a leading Palestinian ISP, est. 1994. HQ-ered in Beit Hanina, Jerusalem, with POPs in PA areas & Israel (Jerusalem, Nazareth, Nablus, Ramallah, and Gaza and covering most area codes in the country (02 Jer. & Ramallah, 06, 07, 09).
ALBURAQ Your Gateway to Palestine
Palestinian portal from Nablus, est. May 2000
Palestinian web magazine from Nazareth, with music, news, games, forums, etc. Est. Aug. 2004.
Palestine Online (Bailasan)
"Your comprehensive guide to Palestinian business, art, and culture"
Palestine Telecommunications Co. (PalTel)
Palestinian state-owned telecom company.


Palestinian National Authority
So far only links to official PNA sites.
Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics
PLO. Negotiations Affairs Department
Launched during Camp David II, 19 July 2000: negotiations news, PL positions, details on permanent status & interim issues, biographies of PS negotiators, UN resolutions, agreements & protocols, PR, opinion, links. Formerly at http://www.pna.org/nad/
Palestinian Ministry of Information
State Information Service (Palestine)
In Arabic and English. Includes links to Arafat's homepage, prisoners, refugees, and tourism.
Palestinian National Authority - MoPIC
Homepage of the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation
Palestinian Legislative Council

Political Parties

Fateh Organization Website
Official Fateh site, est. Sep. 1997
Discussion forum of the Al Aqsa Brigades
Editorially-focused, English-Arabic site, promoting current Fateh policy. Active since 1998; since April 2002 no longer accessible. By Sep 2005 linked to fatehfighters.org.
Muntadayat Sawt Filastin : Harakat Fath


Islamic Association for Palestine
Hamas: The Islamic Resistance Movement (official page)
Official site of Hamas since 1999. Used to be palestine-info.com, was changed in first half of 2002. Also palestine-info.co.uk, palestine-info.cc.
al-Kutla al-Islamiyya li'l-I3lam
Official site of a Hamas-affiliated Islamist student association.
Majallat "Al-Fateh"
From Haganah.org: “Related to Hamas, this site presents, in comic book style, material designed to encourage children to engage in Jihad.” Bimonthly.
ex: Hamas (PL) (unofficial)
This 'unofficial HAMAS Website' (but closely linked to the 'official Arabic site'). Was online 1998-2000.

Nida' al-Quds

Site of the Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine. Reg. in the US, hosted in Iran.

Ramadan Abdallah Shallah

Official site of the Secretary-General of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad. Online since Oct/Nov. 2004.

Popular Front for The Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)

Political Developments

MERIP Primer on Palestine Uprising
Partners for Peace
Non-profit organization which for over 10 years has sought to educate the American public about key issues in the effort to secure peace and justice in the Middle East. Our major projects include highlighting the nonviolent efforts of Palestinians, Israelis, and citizens of other nations to end the occupation of Palestinian territories, organizing the "Jerusalem Women Speak: Three Women, Three Faiths, One Shared Vision" speaking tour, and advocacy with the media. We strongly advocate a connection between means and ends. We think that for the good of both Palestinians and Israelis that the occupation should end, but think this goal should be advanced by nonviolence rather than attacks on civilians. Attacks on Israeli or Palestinian civilians warrant criticism and do significant damage to advancing substantive peacemaking.
Camp David Middle East Summit 7/11/2000
Permanent archive of the official US summit web site.
Propositions israéliennes, de Camp David (2000) à Taba (2001)
Two maps of the Israeli proposals.
Camp David: The Tragedy of Errors (by Hussein Agha & Robert Malley)
Deconstruction of the myth of Barak's 'generous offer' (New York Review of Books, 9 Aug 2001)
Camp David Peace Proposal of July, 2000: FAQ (by PND)
Critical review by the PLO Negotians Affairs Department of some media 'myths' regarding the Palestinians' rejection of the Israeli proposals.
Mitchell Report (30 Apr 2001)
Israeli army's coverage of "Riots in the Territories"
UN "Question of Palestine" homepage
Palestinian Conflict Resolution
The Palestine-Israel Journal
Kempf, Wilhelm: De-escalation oriented conflict coverage? The Northern Ireland and the Israeli-Palestinian peace processes in the German press
Nahostkonflikt: Staatsgeschichte im Kriegszustand (Deutscher Bundestag - Online-Diskussions-Forum)
Diskussionsforum, in dem die Experten der fünf Bundestagsfraktionen ihre Positionen erläutern, und die Öffentlichkeit zur Stellungnahme aufgerufen wird.
Arab-Israeli peace process: selected reference documents (Israeli perspective)
Al-Quds Intefada [sic] Update (English)
Crossing Borders
Joint project of Givat Haviva, plus Palestinian and Jordanian partner organizations. Project funded by the government of Denmark.
ex: Middle East Children's Alliance
Was active 1999-2000. Also called at some point "Volunteers for Peace in Palestine"


Religious Aspects of Jerusalem
Jerusalem's Old City Map
East Jerusalem (map)
Jerusalem Maps
Israeli settlements around Jerusalem (map)
American Committee on Jerusalem
Jerusalem in Old Maps and Views


Palestinian Satellite Channel
With live streaming in RealAudio
Wafa - Wikalat al-Anbaa2 al-Filastiniyya
Palestine News Agency
Jerusalem Media & Communication Centre (JMCC)
Al-Quds (Jerusalem)
The most widely read Pal. daily, est. 1951, publ. in Jeru. Indep., supports PA & Oslo process. Ed.-in-chief: Mahmoud Abu Zalaf.
al-Quds (London)
Al-Ayyam newspaper (Palestine)
Daily est. 1995, publ. in Ramallah, supports PA. Editor-in-chief: Akram Haniya, a close associate of the senior Pal. negotiating team.
Dunya al-Watan
Electronic daily from Gaza, est. 2003.
Palestine Times Monthly
Palestine Report Online
Falasteen Electronic Newspaper
Electronic journal with literary and cultural focus.
Arabic Media Internet Network
News & opinion critical of the Oslo process, from a predominantly secular perspective.
Palestine Information Center
Islamic perspective
Palestine Media Watch
The Electronic Intifada
"will equip you to challenge myth, distortion and spin in the media in an informed way, enabling you to effect positive changes in media coverage of the Palestinians and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict."
Voice of Palestine
Palestinian Broadcasting Corporation. Daily 11 A.M. news bulletin in Real Audio format.
Sawt Al-Aseer
"Voice of the Arab prisoners in the Israeli occupation jails". In Arabic.

NGOs, International Cooperation

Palestine Monitor - Voice Of Civil Society (Palestinian NGO Network)
Gateway to Pal. civ.soc. Conveys unified responses about local developments from the perspective of civil society. PNGO is a voluntary cluster of Palestinian NGOs who support civsoc, democracy, social justice and sustainable development.
Al-Awda: The Palestine Right to Return Coalition
"Assoc. of grassroots activists ... to educate internat. community ... develops global & local grassroots initiatives for action related to Palestinian rights." With mailing list, used also by non Pal. human rights orgs.
Palestinian Independent Commission for Citizens' Rights (PICCR)
National body charged with monitoring and working toward the integration of human rights into Palestinian legislation and institutions. Establ.1993/4 by decree by Arafat. Old site: http://msanews.mynet.net/gateway/piccr/index2.html
Int'l group working for "equality and diversity, and against supremacy and globalization". Pro single democratic state in Palestine.
Palestine Red Crescent Society
The oldest Pal. human rights NGO (WB) est. 1979. With press releases and summaries of publications on HR issues.
LAW-The Palestinian Society for the Protection of Human Rights and the Environment
Pal. (WB) NGO to promote human rights and the principles of the rule of law. Old site: http://msanews.mynet.net/gateway/law/
Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR)
Director: Raji al-Surani, Director.
Palestinian Human Rights Monitoring Group
HR NGO (dir.: Bassem Eid) est. 1996 in Jerusalem "because some parts of the human rights community in Palestine have become hesitant, treating the violations of the Palestinian Authority differently than those of Israel".
Palestine Children's Relief Fund
Gaza Community Mental Health Program
Est. 1990 to provide comprehensie mental health services, incl. clinical & community-based therapy, training, documentation & research. Target group: victims of violence and HR abuses.
Democracy and Workers’ Rights Centre (DWRC)
Works to instill respect for the law in workers, employers and the Palestinian Authority. Clients come from workers under PA, in private industry, and in Israel.
Women's Centre for Legal Aid and Counselling (WCLAC)
NGO est. 1991, dedicated to promoting equal legal and social status of Palestinian women.
Hanthala Palestine
The Applied Research Institute - Jerusalem (ARIJ)
Est. 1990, ARIJ (seat: Bethlehem) is a non-profit org. promoting sustainable development in the occupied Palestinian territories and the self-reliance of the Palestinian people through greater control over their natural resources.
Palestine Refugee ResearchNet
Network of Palestinian refugee camps in Palestine, Jordan, and Lebanon.
Alternative Information Center
Joint Israeli-Palestinian human rights group based in Jerusalem.
Jam3iyyat Miithaaq
Palestinian youth organisation.
Baheth Center for Studies
Palestinian research center based in Lebanon, est. 2002.
Human Rights Action Project, Birzeit University
Last updated Nov. 1999.
Arab Thought Forum
NGO est. by Hanan Ashrawi to strengthen the political aspect of Pal. civil society's struggle.
Holy Land Foundation
Defence for Children International / Palestine Section
Est. 1992.
Aman– Coalition for Accountability and Integrity
Est. Feb. 2000 by Hanan Ashrawi as "a national initiative for good governance in Palestine". Comprises Arab Thought Forum, al-Mezan, Transparency International (Pal.), Pal. Council on Foreign Rel., Miftah, Muwatin, Paltrade. Offline April 2002.
Office of the United Nations Special Coordinator in the Occupied Territories.
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung: Palestinian Project
Web pages of the Palestine office of the political foundation of the German Social Democratic Party. Deutsch, English, Arabic.
Deutsch-Palästinensische Gesellschaft


Palestinian Development InfoNet
Jump-page of Palestinian Development InfoNet, offering extensive links to a broad range of perspectives on Palestine.
The Palestinian Trade Development Center
Palestinian Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture

Education & Academic Research

Palestinian Academic Network (PLANET)
at al-Quds University.
Birzeit University
Birzeit Institute of Law
Birzeit Outloud
Al-Azhar University Gaza
Est. Apr. 1998.
Center for Research & Documentation of Palestinian Society
Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (Nablus)
Institute for Palestine Studies
Research material and documentation on Palestinian affairs and the Arab-Israeli conflict; incl. searchable inventory of IPS books and journals, with abstracts and TOC. Arabic, English, and French.
Center for Policy Analysis on Palestine
Journal of Palestine Studies
Israel/Palestine Center for Research and Information (IPCRI)
Center for Policy Analysis on Palestine
Centre de Recherche Français de Jerusalem (CRFJ)
Center for Palestine Research and Studies (CPRS), Nablus
Tawjihi Website
Site for those going up to the final high school exam. Includes exam questions of recent years and searchable exam results.


AlKarmel Magazine
Cultural magazine edited by Mahmoud Darwish. Web site est. Augs. 1999.
Palestinian Art
Palestinian House of Poetry
newsgroup soc.culture.palestine


Ramsh al-3ayn
Design & graphics from Palestine (Gaza), with a popular forum. Est. 2004?
Muntada Hurra
Palestinian Islamic forum, est. June 2004.


ArabO Palestine Palestinian Blogs
Palestine Blogs
Palestinian blog in Arabic, est. Dec. 2004
Wahed Iftiraadi
Palestinian blog, est. Oct. 2004
fadel ashour
Blog by M@ri!am, student from Gaza, est. June 2005.


Ministry of Municipal and Agriculture
Ministry of Endowments (Awqaf) & Islamic affairs - Qatar
Qatar Charitable Society
Al-Watan newspaper (Qatar)
Al-Raya newspaper (Qatar)
CP-1256 and ISO-8859-6
Al Marra
Shabakat Qabilat Aal Marra.

Saudi Arabia

Afdal 1000 mawqi' Saudi
Saudi web directory, based on user ranking/number of visitors.
Saudi Links
Sahara Online
Grown out of a BBS est. 1989, one of the oldest ISPs in Saudi-Arabia.
Saudi Royal Family Database
Almost 3,000 records of Saudi royal family members, biographies, photos and family tree information, plus over 80,000 listings of Saudi businesses
King Abdul Aziz University
King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology
CDLR (Committee for the Defence of Legitimate Rights)
Islamist Saudi oppositioin based in London. Arabic only (the English link is perpetually 'under construction'). Incl. CDLR leader Muhammad al-Masaari's proclamations and speeches in text and audio format.
Tanzim al-Tajdid al-Islami [= CDLR]
Saudi salafi opposition under the guidance of Muhammad al-Mas'ari
Movement for Islamic Reform in Arabia (MIRA) / al-Haraka al-Islamiyya li'l-Islah
Islamist Saudi opposition in London, led by Sa'd al-Faqih. Formerly at islah.nu, then islah.info. Also at http://www.islah.org and http://www.miraserve.com.
Movement for Islamic Reform in Arabia (MIRA)
Muntada al-Islah
Committee against Corruption in Saudi Arabia
Saudi daily owned by Mu'assasat al-Asir.
al-Yaum al-Elektroni
Online version of a daily from ad-Dammam (Saudi Arabia).
Saudi daily.
Arab News (Saudi English daily)
Saudi Arabia, Government Directory (Royals Database of the Al Saud)
Saudi Stock Exchange -Tadawul- market and company information, Saudi Arabia Security Exchange,
Nesma Net
Saudi ISP from Jiddah.
Saudi Arabia page
King Abdulaziz Foundation for Research and Archives
Documents and Manuscripts Archives, Oral History Center, Historical Films and Photos, Geographical Information System Center, Restoration and Preservation Unit, etc.
Al (al-Shaykh) Mubarak
Site of the Al Mubarak, of the Banu Tamim
Al-Madina regional branch of the Saudi religious and morality police
News items, citizens' violations, and a section that allows citizens to inform anonymously on persons they suspect of violating religious and moral laws.
Intikhab Dot Com
Arabic & English site for the first Saudi municipal elections in April 2005. "releasing, exploring and discussing all the latest issues regarding the Saudi election. Saudielection.com aims to heighten awareness in people about the candidates who are running and their platforms". Created July 2004.
Yamani 4 Jidda
Site of Abd al-Rahman Yamani
Saudi Radio
home page to live Internet streams
Saudi Radio: Qur'an
Windows Media stream 16 kbps
Saudi Radio: al-Barnamij al-Amm
Windows Media stream 16 kbps
Saudi Radio: al-Barnamij al-Thani
Windows media stream 16 kbps
Saudi Radio: International Channel
Windows Media stream 16 kbps
Saudi Blogs
Global Voices Online » Saudi Arabia
From This Side of The Window
Saudi blog in Arabic and English
Sabbah’s Blog
Saudi blog in English, est. 2003 (?)
Saudi-Arabia, Ministry of Higher Education
Saudi Arabia Internet Pages
Internet Filtering in Saudi Arabia in 2004
country study by the OpenNet Initiative


Internet in Schwarzafrika: Senegal (1999)
Artikel v. Christian Flatz


Internet in Schwarzafrika: Somalia (1999)
Artikel v. Christian Flatz
Somali Site
Focus on governance and human rights situation in Somalia. Est. 1999, run from Qatar.
Somaliland Forum
supports a united, independent Somaliland. Site in Somali and English.
SomaliNet - Somalia
Somalia-specific portal, with news and directory. Content partly in Somali, partly in English.

South East Asia

Vietnamese Muslims
The history and stories of Vietnamese Muslims. This is a good opportunity to be introduced to an under-represented subject of study.


Sudan: Selected Internet Resources (Portals to the World, Library of Congress)
Sudan Internet Resources (by John Ryle of Rift Valley)
Sudanese search engine est. Apr. 2004 (with an index for 56 pages at the time).
Sudan Maps (U Texas)

Government Sites

Sudan Info Net
Sudanow (Markaz al-Sudan li'l-Ma‘lumat)
Sudan Ministry of External Relations
With many press releases since 1999. Opening page burdened by slow Java applet.
Sudan Ministry of Agriculture & Forestry
SD draft constitution (1998)
Sudan Vienna Embassy (AT & UN)
Sudan Mission to the UN in Geneva
Sudan Embassy, USA
Botschaft der Republik Sudan in Berlin
Sudan Embassy Pretoria

ISPs, Directories, Communities

Sudan's first ISP. Faced criticism from various sides when it came on line in 1998. Has had various problems since (e.g. Nov. 1999), but continues.
First SD ISP to provide ISDN connection. Active since 5 Aug. 2001. Also www.zinanet.com
Sudatel (ex Datanet)
Select links, with comments. From Stanford University's Africa Internet guide; maintained by Karen Fung.
Sudan Direct
"Contemporary Guide to Modern Sudan".
CyberGates (Khartoum)
Internet club & cybercafe (6000 LS/h Oct 2001); webdesign; fax service; courses in programming, application usage, databasing. By mid 2002 web site had moved.
ArabNet: Sudan
Sudan Internet Society
Sudan Internet Association
Unofficial website. Did not make it beyond planning stage in two years (2000-2001). Originally hosted at http://www.omda.net/sia/
Sudan (U of Penn)
Small list of links by Ali Ali Dinar.
Directory, est. 1995 by Dr Yasin Miheisi, London, "to provide background information on Sudan, review of current events and developments, news, resource guides and links to other relevant sources of information."
Sudan Online List (SOL)
List of links by Elfatih Osman. Last updated Feb. 1996, shortly after its creation. Formerly hosted at ftp://ftp.servtech.com//pub/users/fatih/sol.html, moved to upenn unchanged.
Sudanese Sites Web Ring
Very slow.
Sudan on the Internet
Links page last updated Jan. 2001.
Ahmed Elyas Elameer's Homepages
al-Nilin (al-Nilayn)
Sudanese portal (pro-Government)

Political Parties

Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) (US site)
The second "sectarian" party, affiliated with the Khatmiyya brotherhood. Site based in the US, came online in May 2000.
DUP Electronic Newspaper
went online ca. Nov. 2003.
SPLM Today
Official site of the SPLM/A, launched Nov. 2003 to succeed the hacked and abandoned www.newsudanweb.com.
Baath Party of Sudan
Relaunched Dec. 2002.
SPDF (Sudan People's Democratic Front)
Nuer majority party led by Riek Machar.
Justice and Equality Movement
Islamist opposition, Darfur
Baath Party of Sudan
Democratic Unionist Party (DUP)
Site went online in late Dec. 2003, from Germany.
Popular National Congress (Turabi)
online since 10 May 2000. Arabic, with an English news section. Also offers a newsletter.
Akhir Lahza (PNC Youth)
Youth and student site of the PNC.
Sudanese Communist Party
(Re-)launched ca. June 2000 (formerly hosted at http://www.colba.net). Incl. Qadaya Sudaniyya (irregularly published).
Beja Congress
Umma Party (Sudan)
Formerly at http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Senate/2884/, but nothing has been done at the new site yet (Oct 2001).
National Democratic Alliance-Sudan
Darb al-Intifada
Private site run by Sudanese in the US enjoining another popular uprising against the regime. Close to the DUP. Formerly www.intifada.org (did they sell the domain?). With mailing list intifadah@topica.com.
Intifada links
Links to Sudanese opposition sites
Free Sudan (anti-GOS links)
"non-sectarian one-stop resource center for anyone fighting the GOS by any means necessary. This means, we simply provide links to all anti-GOS websites". Set up by Australian L. Szondy after he became a victim of abduction and torture in Sudan.
Sudan Alliance Forces
SAF Poland
Democratic Alliance (UK)
Sudan Democratic Alliance

Other political sites

Sudanese opposition
al-Fikra al-Jumhuriyya - The Republican Thought
Devoted to the ideas of Mahmud Muhammad Taha. Incl. RA versions of many of his lectures, religious songs (anashid), GIF versions of his books, and archival images. English version under construction, as is the Arabic biography. Launch 03/2000.
Sudan Margins
"The first alternative media forum that is run by marginalized Sudanese and their supporters." Est. Sep. 2005.
The Black Book
""The Black Book" of Politics: Western Sudan Speaks of Discrimination". Article from the Sudan Democratic Gazette, July 2000, based on the "Black Book".
Beja People
est. ca. late 2003
Blood for Oil in the Sudan
Site close to Lyndon Larouche and the Schiller Institute. Defends Khartoum's policies.
Close to SPLA's "New Sudan". With news, discussion board, chat room. Internal link to SouthSudannet (SSNet: ssnet@topica.com) "exclusively for the SouthSudanese and very trusted friends", open only upon recommendation.
Free South Sudan
Est. 1998. Not actively updated since Apr 1999. Small discussion list moved from here to http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/thefreesouthsudan in Feb. 1999.
New Sudan African Society
Made by Martin Amur. Close to the SPLA. Started 2001.
South Sudan Nation
Est. end 2003 by adherents of an independent South Sudan worried that the imminent peace deal will threaten their aspirations.
Jon Alterman: Sudan may emerge as irritant to US-Egyptian ties (April 1998)
Research paper from the Washington Institute for Near East Policy.
European Sudanese Public Affairs Council (ESPAC)
London-based pro-GOS lobbying institution.
Sudan Campaign


Latest News From Sudan At Sudan.Net
Sudan Tribune
Sudan News Agency (SUNA)
Arabic, English, and French bulletins. Formerly at sunaservices.net. Relaunched Jan 2002; updated only 1-12 Jan. 02 (as of April 2002).
Sudanese Media Center (SMC)
Pro-Government news portal in Arabic and English, est. 2003.
al-Ra'y al-Aam
Independent. Owned by Mahjoub Erwa.
Middle-of-the-road. Ed.-in-chief: Mahgoub M. Salih (doyen of the Sd. press). Ex ayaamonline.com: was very comprehensive, text + PDF, plus extra services, halted in Nov 01 bec. of tech. problems (server too slow); back Jun 02; off again; on again Mar 04.
Middle-of-the-road, but rather pro-Govt. Bought by Salah Idris in 1999, who made Kamal H. Bakhiet editor-in-chief. Website formerly at alsahafa.net.
Sudan Radio Service
Launched in 2003 with USAID support (Office of Transition Initiatives, Bureau for Democracy, Conflict and Humanitarian Assistance). Programming in Dinka, Nuer, Juba-Arabic, Bari, Shilluk, Zande, Moru, Arabic, and English; recorded streams available on the Internet.
Sudan Today
News portal about Sudan in Arabic, est. 2003. Jan. 2004: "Under construction" (English, no Arabic)
washingtonpost.com: Sudan
Soudan (Le Monde diplomatique)
National Information Center
Independent daily known for its critical reporting of issues of corruption. Editor-in-chief: Sidahmed Khalifa (sidahmedkh@hotmail.com). Paper was est. 1988, closed 1989, reest. ca. May 2001. Online edn. since June 2001.
Akhbar al-Youm
domain for sale. Was: Pro-govt. Editor-in-chief: Ahmed al-Ballal al-Tayyib. Online edn. under constrution since 8 Aug. 2001 at the former URL, www.akhbar-alyoum.net.
Alwaan (old site)
Islamist daily close to Turabi. Editor-in-chief Hussein Khojali. Website not updated since 28 Feb. 2000; later died.
Alwaan (new site)
Opposition daily publ. in Cairo, but with contacts in Khartoum. Website under construction since Feb 2001, not updated since.
Khartoum Monitor
One of SD's two dailies in Engl. Site supp. by CD's Dept of Foreign Affairs. Promotes discussion of conflict in SD, aid & dvlpmt, AIDS, small arms trafficking, child soldiers, landmines, human rights etc. Suspended since Oct. 2003.
The Sudan Mirror on the Web
Newspaper for Southern Sudan, distributed in SPLM-held areas, published in Kenya with USAID help. Est. 2003. Website dead.
al-Sahafi al-Duwali
publ. in London? Website under reconstruction since Nov. 2001; later died.
Daily news and current events. Powered by WN.com (WorldNews). Dead.
Africa Confidential - Headlines - Sudan
Radio Voice of Hope
Radio of the New Sudan Council of Churches, in coop. with the Dutch Min of Int. Cooperation. Started broadcasting 23 Dec 2000. Sat 3:30-4:30 UTC on 15320 KHz.
al-Ra'y al-Akhar
Went online mid 2000
NIF; Ali Osman Muhammad Taha line. Editor-in-chief: Muhammad Taha Muhammad Ahmad. Site no longer exists.


Sudan and the IMF
Sudanese Petroleum Corporation (SPC)
Site providing economic data on the Sudan, and aiming to market Sudanese products in the UK and on the Internet. All content is provided through .exe files only, at least when first established in May 2000.
Sudan Master Technology
Devoted to documenting the human costs of oil exploration and Osama Bin Laden's Sudan connection. "Provided by ViTrade, an international research and financial risk analysis company" (Viscount Trading, Kent, England).
Newtech Industrial and Engineering Group
Consulting company, est. 1983.
Massa Media Center
TV and multimedia centre in Khartoum.

NGOs, Humans Rights

Sudan Organization against Torture
Based in the UK. Site up since late Feb. 2002. Formerly"Sudanese Victims of Torture Group" (SVTG).
Sudan Human Rights Organization - Cairo Branch
Sudan Human Rights Association (SHRA)
Based in Kampala. Newsletters ("Sudan Monitor") 1998-99.
LRRC (Cairo): Sudan Issues
Sudan Infonet
Government of Sudan Advisory Council on Human R…
Sudan National Committe against Traditional Practices affecting the health of woman and children
Government body to fight the practice of female genital mutilation (FGM) and other harmful traditional practices (HTPs) affecting women and children in Sudan.
quarterly journal of the Sudanese Women Rights Group - UK
Khartoum Cheshire Home
Rehabilitation center for children with a physical disability. NGO established in 1974. Mailto:KhartoumCheshire@hotmail.com.
Sudan Care Foundation, Inc.
non-profit organization incorporated July 20, 1999 in Maryland, USA, dedicated to relieving poverty and distress and to rehabilitating displaced persons in the Sudan and its neighboring countries.
US Dept. of State Sudan HR report 2000
HRW Sudan page
Started in 1998 as "Human Rights causes of the famine in Sudan", and continues to be updated.
HRW publications on Sudan
AI on Sudan
Derechos Human Rights Links: Sudan
Business & Human Rights: Sudan
By Christopher Avery, an international lawyer working independently on business/human rights issues. Provides good links to a wide range of materials, and promotes informed discussion of important policy issues.
IFEX Sudan alerts
International Freedom of Expression Exchange alerts.
HRI: Sudan 2000
By Human Rights Internet (Canada)
sudanreeves.org :: Sudan Research, Analysis, and Advocacy
Advocacy site by Eric Reeves
Mende Nazer
"Campaigning for Mende Nazer's freedom and an end to all slavery in the Sudan". Est. 2002.
Coalition against Slavery in Mauretania and Sudan


International Centre for Faith Research (Khartoum)
Munazzamat Al Dawa Al Islamiyya
Largest Sudanese Islamic NGO. Went online in 2000; offline late 2001.
Intellectual Works Foundation


Sudanese Higher Education Admission
University of Khartoum (official)
Formerly khartoumuniversity.edu; domain change in 2003.
University of Khartoum (inofficial)
No longer actively maintained.
The Ahfad University for Women
Comboni College Khartoum
Save UofK
Site trying to rally support against the establishment of a "Private Khartoum University Academy". Arabic only. Set up ca. mid 2001. Dead by 2003.
Canadian University of Sudan
Founded by Canada and Sudan, but soon closed for non -compliance with Sudan Ministry of Higher Education regulations.
Education Planet - Sudan Resources
Nile Kids
First Sudanese site in English for kids.

The War | Humanitarian Aid

Humanitarian Aid Commission (HAC), Sudan
Government body to coordinate and control humanitarian aid work in the Sudan. Site est. 2003.
Civil Protection Monitoring Team Sudan
International body to monitor compliance with ceasefire, Geneva conventions etc in Nuba Mts and other agreed agreas.
ReliefWeb Sudan maps
Sudan: The Passion of the Present
Sudan activist blog ("independent, non-partisan, all-volunteer community initiative to stop the genocide in Sudan"). With important links.
Crimes of War > Sudan Magazine
Prunier: Identity Crisis and The Weak State
Background paper on the making of the Sudanese civil war by the French political scientiest Gérard Prunier (Jan. 1996)
Scorched earth: oil and war in Sudan
Report by Christian Aid, 14 Mar 2001
Sudan Update
by Peter Verney. Full opening was planned for Sep 2000, but has been delayed. Site already contains useful bits and pieces.
Harker Report
Investigation of humanitarian impact of the Canadian oil company Talisman's operations in the Sudan, by John Harker (Dec. 1999). Commissioned by the CD govt. which subsequently chose not to follow its recommendations.
Talisman Responsibility Report 2001
ReliefWeb: Sudan The Latest
UN Sudan Information Gateway
portal service with background facts, figures and maps about the Sudan, links to local and international newswires, and information on the work of agencies and programmes of the United Nations system and their partners in the Sudan.
Operation Lifeline Sudan-Southern Sector
WFP Sudan
Country brief, projects, emergency reports.
ICRC activities: Sudan
Oxfam in Sudan
MSF in Sudan
Médicins sans Frontières
DED Sudani
Homepage des Deutschen Entwicklungsdienstes im Sudan
IDP's in Sudan (Global IDP project)
maintained by the Norwegian Refugee Council
INCORE guide to Internet sources on conflict and ethnicity in Sudan
Carter C - Sudan Chronology
South Sudanese Friends International home page
Close to SSLM, SSFI is committed to grassroots solutions in S Sudan. Est. 1994 by Wal & Julia Duany; based in Bloomington. "Spent years working behind the scenes, bringing people together for talks, and helping them find common ground for reconciliation"
USCR: Country Information: Sudan
from the US Committee for Refugees.
World Vision: Sudan: Policy Papers
Bombing in Southern Sudan
Complete chronology 2000-2001
"I'm Still in War": BEG refugee tells his story (RA)
Mayen Wol, a refugee from Bahr-el-Ghazel in Southern Sudan, recounts the many members of his family who have been killed in the latest phase of the civil war.
Sudan Lost Boys
Run by Servant's Heart's mission who aim "to provide physical, mental and spiritual assistance to the suffering people in "No Go" regions of South Sudan, in addition to working with South Sudanese refugees here in the US". Est. 6 Apr 2001
Sudan Care Foundation
Based in Maryland, USA. Small projects for the benefit of Sudanese refugees and IDPs.
Sudanese Youth Online: A Service of the Cultural Orientation Project
"to help you re-establish contact with relatives and friends in other parts of the U.S. who were separated from you during your resettlement". For Southern Sudanese who arrived in the U.S. from Kakuma, Kenya 1 Oct 2000 - 30 Sep 2001. Access restricted.
FRM video
Video on Far Reaching Ministries activities in South Sudan. Includes footage of them preaching to GOS POWs in Yei.
OneWorld News Service - Sudan
Not updated since 1999.
Nuba Mountains
Advocacy page by a Dutch reporter.
The Nuba Mountains Homepage
Salam Sudan Foundation (Washington, DC)
"Cultural organization, advocating since 1982, a universal culture of justice, peace, dignity, and democracy, human, and cultural rights for all. It strives to advance this through cross-cultural, inter-faith and development-focussed research"
Norsk engasjement i Sudan
fra Utenriksdepartement
Darfur Information Center
Est. March 2003 by Ali Dinar "to inform about the current conflict in Darfur & to show the atrocities that are committed against groups and individuals there."
Darfur Information.com
Presents the GoS view on the conflict in Darfur. Managed apparently by the European-Sudanese Public Affairs Council (UK).
Darfour News (Rabitat Shabab Nahdat Darfur)
Site based in Khartoum, critical of the Government and of the armed rebellion
Conflict in Sudan - The Case of Darfur (web dossier by African Studies Centre, Leiden)
Excellent selection of links on the conflict in Darfur, compiled Sep. 2004.
Counter-Insurgency on the Cheap (by Alex de Waal)
Excellent background article on the conflict in Darfur.
AAAS - Sudan Event
With audio presentations on satellite imagery used in the analysis of the Darfur conflict.
Darfur Drawn: The Conflict in Darfur Through Children's Eyes
Global Voices Online » Sudan
Extracts from the blogosphere


Sudanese Books
First Sudanese E-Bookshop, based in London, est. Oct. 2002
Index of Peoples in Sudan
From the Joshua Project, whose mission is "to highlight the peoples of the world who have the least exposure to the Gospel". With statistical and missionary information.
Languages of the Sudan (Ethnologue)
Sudanese music and multimedia
Classical and Sudanese music, with Real Audio samples
Sudanese Women Music
Sudanese Music (on Sudani.com)
links to Sudanese music sites.
Sudanese music & other (on Sudani.co.uk)
Sudanese Music (on Ana Sudani)
Sudanese Music (on Sudanside)
Mustafa Seed Ahmed
Site dedicated to one of modern Sudan's most famous singer. Est. 2002. With downloadable audio (Windows Media).
Mustafa Sid Ahmed & Other Sudanese Music Resources - Mozilla
Musicians & singers from Bara town
Radio Sharhabil Ahmad
Streaming MP3 music by Sharhabil Ahmad.
Hamza El-Din
Site of the Nubian composer & singer, Hamza Ala' Ed-Din, professor of ethnomusicology in several US and Japanese universities, who now lives in the San Francisco Bay.
Yousif Elmosley
Official web page of the Sudanese musician [Yusuf al-Mawsili] who lives in Iowa. Created in 2002.
Omer Ragab Poems
Sudanese poet and singer living in the USA
Aghani Sudaniyya
Sudanese music
Aghani Sudaniyya
Sudanese music
Sudanese Music (on Kabaros)
Sudanese Poets
"Alvitory, Mustafa Sanad, Salah A.Ibrahim, Alsafi Gafar, Mohammed S.Deiab, Naser Mahjoub, Humaed, Mohammed Gameel, Alim Abass, Rawda Hag, Hawari H.Hajo, Mustafa Awad Karim". In Arabic.
Aims to provide short biographies, lists of works etc of Sudan's major poets. A useful start. Arabic only. Est. 22 Aug 2001.
Worldwide Nubians
Beja Cultural and Educational Organization
Belongs to the Beja Congress.
Massaleit human rights: A Sudanese Community-based awareness group
By Massaleit Community in Exile, Care of African Studies, AUC, Cairo.
Modaffar Alnawab Web Site
Arabic poems.
South Sudanese Beauty
Photos of South Sudanese fashion models (Alek, Clara, etc.)
Dinka Culture
Sudan Artists Gallery
Est. mid 1999, to collect scattered production of artists descending from, or living in the Sudan, or those who shared some experience or memory relevant to the Sudan. Many online reproductions.
Mada'ih Sudaniyya
Songs of religious praise (madih) from the Sudan
Mada'ih Sufiyya min Tabat - al-Shaykh Abd al-Mahmoud
Sudanese Sammani praise songs for the Prophet (madih)
Tabat People
Site dedicated to the Sudanese Shaykh Abd al-Mahmud, of the Tabat branch of the Sammaniyya. Reg. 4 Apr 2001 by Izzeldin Bashir Eltayeb of Milwaukee (prob. b. 1970).
Alternative site dedicated to the Sudanese Shaykh Abd al-Mahmud, of the Tabat branch of the Sammani. Registered 16 Sep 2004 by Ahmad Darwish (of Allah.com, his 'home' site which refers to the spiritual authority of Sh. Hasan Qariballah). Sammania.com refers for most content to tabatpeople.com.


The Sudanese Travels of Theodoro Krump, 1700-...
Extensive excerpts translated by Jay Spaulding.
Arcangelo Carradori's Dictionary of 17th-Century Kenzi Nubian
edited with an English translation by Jay Spaulding. An important source for Nubian history and linguistics during the age of transition from medieval Christendom to modern Islam. Once available in limited edition, it has long been out of print.
Fontes Historiae Nubiorum (FHN)
Research project, started in 1991. "Aims at making available the textual sources - both literary and documentary - for the history of the Middle Nile Region between the eighth century BC and the sixth century AD."
Meroitica Home Page
By Kharyssa Rhodes. Never progressed beyond initial set-up (in 1998). A mailing list on "Sudanese archaeology from the A-group through the Meroitic Period" was announced 23 July 1998, but never got off the ground.


Sudan Archive Durham
Sudan Studies Association
Sudan Studies Association Mailing List
Official email distribution and discussion list for the Sudan Studies Association. Est. 16 Sep 2001. 28 members on 4 Oct 2001.
Kassala Province Files
A guide to public records from the Condominium period and early years of Sudan's independence, deposited at the National Records Office, Khartoum. Preliminary version, of 1996, not updated since.

Portals & Virtual Communities

Sudan Net
The leading Sudan portal; by Muaz M Ataalsid. With Latest News, Discussion Board, Community Center, Entertainment (incl. many music files), Facts on Sudan, info about the Government, Society & Culture, Travel & Tourism, Education, Weather, Links.
Gurtong Peace Project
South Sudanese Diaspora coalition. "Info on cultural, political & humanitarian issues, to facilitate constructive discussions & link members of the Diaspora in a spirit of reconciliation and love for the homeland." 260 members Feb. 2004.
SudaneseOnline.Com (NewSudan-L)
With quality links, phone (Khartoum, scanned) & e-mail directory, discussion board (Arabic & Engl, since 3 Apr 2001), music, etc. Est Jan. 2000 by Bakri Abubakr. 379,199 hits Sep 2001; 308883 8/01. 09/01: 8,636,703 total vis since launch.
Promising Sudan portal run out of Khartoum. Arabic only. Est. early 2002.
Sudan portal (Arabic only) managed from Khartoum by Khaled Izz el-Din & Mhd Ali Abd el-Halim. Est. 16 Oct 2000. Guest book had 300 entries on 4 Oct 2001.
Sudan Home
Est. 14 Jan 2000 by CyberGates, Khartoum; run from Sudan. Incl. small discussion board (43 reg. members 2 Oct 2001) with 9 diff. categories (politics, TV, SD websites, computer prob.s, Sudatel, social prob.s, sports, Sudan Internet Society). Mostly Englis
My Sudan
Sudanese/Arab community to communicate & discuss the latest issues concerning not only the Sudan but also the world in general, and discussing them on an open forum. Discussion board /chatroom, news, writer's corner, games, jokes, music.
Atbara Net
"The first tool in the Internet dedicated only to Atbara town and its people". Portal started in May 2000 by Adil Abdel Aati, Warsaw. On 1 Aug 2000, a public list was added which had 27 subscribers by 4 Oct 2001.
S.S. Review
Cultural & multidisciplinary ezine of the South Sudanese community in the UK and other diasporas.
Site close to SPDF, run by David Machar, SE. Registered 19 Feb. 2000.
SUDAN-L Archives
293 subscribers on 4 Oct 2001. Archives everything since its start in May 1994.
Est. early 1995 by "Wahid-Sudani" (elgasim@crsa.bu.edu). 358 subscribers on 4 Oct. 2001. Archives only the last two weeks.
Yahoo Groups: Sudan
5 groups as of 27 May 2000. 26 groups on 3 Oct 2001.
The Free South Sudan (Yahoo!)
Est. 14 Feb. 1999. 25 members on 3 Oct. 2001, by which time a total of 11 msgs had been posted. Orig. came from http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Senate/4117/
Dinka Bor (Yahoo!)
for communication among the Dinka Bor and their friends, esp. refugees from Kakuma or elsewhere. Est. 19 July 2001, 7 members by 3 Oct 2001.
FreeSudan (Yahoo!)
"info on abduction & torture in SD, the role of oil, and HR and security. ... set up by Australian Louis Szondy after he became a victim of abduction and torture in Sudan. Cf www.freesudan.com. Est. 26 Apr 2001. 748 memb. 4 Oct '01. few msg.
"This Mailing List has been set up by the British Council in Khartoum to encourage knowledge sharing between library & information workers in Sudan." Less than 5 members on 27 May 2000; 24 on 4 Oct 2001. Extremely low traffic.
New Sudan Mailing & Discussion List
SAF 'platform for Sudanese democrats interested in the cause of democracy and human rights in Sudan... providing SNA/SAF documents ... culture, politics, history and future of the Sudan '. Est. 20 Oct 1997, 135 members by 3 Oct 2001.
SIAList (Yahoo!)
For members of the Sudanese Internet Association. Est. 23 Apr 2001. 41 members on 3 Oct 2001.
Sudan: The Friendly Sudanese Mailing List
Established August 1999. 111 members on 27 May 2000; 122 on 4 Oct 2001.
Sudan Peace List
Est. June 1998. 77 members on 27 May 2000; 66 on 4 Oct 2001.
SudaneseCom (Yahoo!)
To monitor HR in Sudan, relieve the victims of the famine and participate in any effort for social and economic development. Est. 6 Jun 2001. 37 members on 3 Oct 2001.
Sudan Online (Yahoo!)
Est. 13 May 2001. 9 members by 3 Oct 2001. Postings only May-June, exclusively news forwarded by owner, Farhan Ahmad Siddiqui
Formely at ListBot.
Sudanese Initiative Ottawa (Sudinot - Yahoo!)
Est. 17 May 2001. 21 members on 3 Oct. 2001.
The Sudanese Email List
Est. 28 Nov. 1998, apparently by the Sudanese Students Association (Ames, Iowa). Very low traffic; mostly commercials not related to the Sudan. 8 subscr. on 4 Oct 2001.
Several forums for discussion: Politics, History & Culture,Social Issues, Networking, African and World Issues. Run by the SS Community site close to the SPLA. Started Nov. 2000. Not really very active.
South Sudan Discussion Board (SSDB)
or South Sudan Discussion Forum. Open discussion board. All postings on 1 page; 1st post 16 Jan 2000.
Southern Sudanese Community
@MSN: for "unity of Southern Sudanese, end of tribalism, and the effort by all to be united and live as brothers and sisters and children of the same Almighty God. Discuss politics, Religion, and our lives as Sudanese." Run by Felix Dumo, Winnipeg.
Sudan-Technology Email group
Yahoo! interface to Sudan-T (of Emory)
Sudan-T archives
70 subscribers on 4 Oct 2001. Complete archive since Feb. 1996.
"a place for all sudanese all over the wqrld to discuss the problems of Sudan". Est. 2 July 2001. 6 subscr on 4 Oct 2001. >1 msg/wk.
NDA Scandinavian
Political news, by NDA in Scandinavia. Access restricted.
Sudanese Community Center, Washington DC
Est. 2001.
Sudanese teens
Est. 25 July 2000. Did not take off.
Sudan girls
"Bint al sudan 3nwan al7.amaal fi ay zaman wi makan". Est. 22 Dec. 1999. Members: 194 on 2 July 2002; 391 on 3 Feb 2005. Open; mostly hijacked by porn and advertising.
Ali Saad Ali's group site, focussing on youth culture, incl. Sudanese rap.
Ali Saad Ali's group site: "The First Sudanese Mailing List Group", >5300 members in 2004.
Sudanese Student Organization at Bradley University
Well-designed site launched in Feb. 2002, but not much content so far (except for 4 pages of low-resolution Sudanese MP3s).
Sudanese Students Association
at Ames, Iowa. Very basic page; bad programming. Not updated since Sep 1999.
South Sudanese Students Association
at Ames, Iowa.
Amnesty International Sudan Action
Forum for AI groups around the world working on the Sudan Action File, to share ideas and experiences and to plan future activities. Est. 2 Jan 2000. 32 subscribers on 4 Oct 2001. 1 msg/wk.


Sudanese Alternative Discourses (SAD)
Sudan Update
Secular Sudan
Website of Mutasim Elagraa.
Sudan Catholic Information Office Monthly Report
Sudan Foundation
Alm Altagana Sudanese Monthly Magazine
Sudan News & Views
"independent electronic newsletter working to advocate peace, human rights and humanitarian aid for the Sudan." Ed. Dr. Yasin Miheisi. 29 issues from Apr 1994 - Sep/Oct 1997. No longer published; Yasin maintains his website.


Al Nashat Coffee Shop / Sudan New Republican Party / Sudan Alyom Magazine
Owned and maintained by Mohamed Osman (a Sudanese sympathetic to the Repubican Brothers). Continuously under construction since 1998.
Sudanese Development Initiative Abroad
"Addressing issues of displacement and migration in East AFrica and the Horn.” Site no longer up since early 2002.
Omdurman Internet
Vigilance Soudan
Sudan online
Aims to provide information about Sudan and to create business links. Created Nov. 1998, not updated since; links do not work.
Francis M. Deng, Foreign Policy Studies
Francis Deng's homepage at the Brookings Institution.
Sudan Bodybuilding

Dept. of State Travel Info Sudan

UK Foreign Office Travel Advice: Sudan

Fielding's Danger Finder: Sudan

Weather Underground: Khartoum

Wheather in Khartoum (Yahoo)


Syrian Telecommunication Establishment
First Internet site and ISP in Syria (pilot project started 17 Nov. 1997). Formerly www.syriatel.net
Internet Society of Syria
A non-governmental (and still rather virtual) organization.
ISP by the Syrian Computer Society
Syrian Computer Society
Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA)
Teshreen Foundation for Press and Publication
Offers Teshreen (Arabic daily), Syria Times (English daily), Teshreen al-Osboi (Arabic weekly)
Syria Times
English daily published by Teshreen
Baath Party (Syria)
alThawra (daily newspaper)
al-Baath (daily newspaper)
Ministry of Industry
Ministry of Economy and Foreign Trade
Ministry of Tourism
National Information Centre
Occupied Golan - Syria
By the National Information Centre
General Establishment for Advertisements (Syria)
Ministry of Information
Arab Writers Union (Damascus)
Syria Net
Est. 1995. Moderated list for scholars interested in Syrian Studies: history, economy, environment, public health, science, development issues, society and culture. Info on new publications, research projects, conferences etc.
Based in Germany, run by Michael Gassner. Information about Syria and Arab culture etc.
Syrian Human Rights Committee
Akhbar al-Sharq
Syrian opposition site, banned in Syria
Kulluna Shuraka (All of us are partners)
Syrian reformist electronic bulletin founded by Ayman Abdel Aziz Nour, an engineer with ties to Al Assad, featuring articles by reformers of diverse political orientations, including, on occasion, government officials. Disseminated as e-mail service after Syrian authorities blocked the website in 2004.
al-Badil: Nashitu Munahadat al-'Aulama fi Suriya
Anti-globalization movement in Syria. Very slow site!
C y b e r Syria - Your Online Syrian Guide
Internet marketing, web design and hosting for Syria. Registered in Damascus. Site technically in the US.
English-language site aiming "to promote Syria, both technically and culturally". Est. 1998 by a Syrian in the USA.
"Business, culture and arts in Syria". By Arabia.On.Line. Static since Sep 2001, but still online even after Arabia Online went offline in fall 2004.
Damascus Online - Syria
Syrian Studies Association
NEWS - soc.culture.syria
Thara (Syria)
dedicated to women's rights in Syria, launched following the Woman and Society Conference, Damascus University, 1-2 Dec. 2003.
Syria Comment
Joshua Landis' (U Oklahoma) weblog on Syrian politics, history and religion.
Syrian blog, est. Nov. 2003
Mahamm ma baad mu'tamar Hizb al-Baath
Syrian reformist blog, by Ali Suleiman, est. June 2004.
AN@S Online >>>
Syrian blog, est. Dec. 2004
The Damascene Blog
Well-known Syrian blog in English. With extensive list of links to other Syrian blogs in Arabic and English.
Syria as It
Syrian photolog
Amarji - A Heretic's Blog
Blog by Syrian author Ammar Abdulhamid
Syrian blog by Bassam al-Khouri, based in Leipzig, est. June 2005.
al-Siyaha fi Suriya
Blog in Arabic, based in Leipzig, est. Sep 2005
Fille de Damas
Syrian blog in English and Arabic, est. April 2005
Syrian blog in English
L0rdDiabl0's Blog
Tech blog from Syria, est. April 2005
Syria Blog - ...Damascene Ramblings
"One American's continuing love affair with Syria"


Tunisian TV
Radio Tunis
Arabic and French news transmissions.
La Presse
Tunis Hebdo
Conseil National pour les Libertés en Tunisie
Première association autonome de droits humains en Tunisie.
Site d'"Ettounsi" (Zouhair Yahyaoui), lancé en juillet 2001 et qui s'est vite imposé comme un des premiers sites d'information sur la réalité politique tunisienne. Ettounsi fut arrété et condamné à 30 mois de prison en juin 2002.
Alternative news source, censored in Tunisia. Available also as a yahoogroup subscription service
Tunisie Réveille-toi!
E-magazine oppositionnel.
Nawaat: l'alliance Tunisienne
Kalima Tunisie
E-magazine oppositionnel de gauche.
Yezzi - Manifestation en ligne contre la dictature du régime tunisien du général Ben Ali.
Liberté pour les Internautes de Zarzis
Amnistie internationale - Cyber-répression en Tunisie
Tunisia - Another version
Tunisian Islamist site.
Tunisie Blogs
An-Nahda (Tunis)
Islamist party of Tunisia. Formerly at http://www.ezzeitouna.org/annahdha/ANNAHDHA.HTM
Partic Communiste Ouvrier Tunisien - al-Badil
Rassemblement Constitutionnel Démocratique (RCD)
Parti de Ben Ali.
PDP - Parti Démocrate Progressiste - Tunisien
Hizb El-Wehda el-Shaabiyya (Parti de l'Unité Populaire)
Congrés Pour la République
Forum Démocratique pour le Travail et les Libertés (F.D.T.L)]
Perspectives Tunisiennes
Lufthansa (Tunisie/Maghreb)


Internet Development in Turkey: A Case Study
On the early history of the Internet in Turkey.
Istanbul Boy
Kütüphane Hizmetleri / ITU Library Services
Pointers to Press in Turkey (Kose Yazarlari ve Basin)
Guide to columnists and news publications in Turkey.
The Republic of Turkey (Official Gov't site)
Official government site, introducing aspects of Turkey and Turkish culture.
The Turkish Times
The oldest English language Turkish publication in the United States since 1989.
Turkish Bible
Turkish Language and Literature
Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Turkish Music
Turkish Radio
Turkish Studies Association
Turkish TV
Türkiye - Internet Kütüphaneleri
Turkish libraries on the Internet
Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi
Turkish Parliament (in Turkish)
Web Servers in Turkey
Very large list of web sites, with few commentaries.
ZAMAN gazetesi.
Turkish TV and Radio
Turkish Study Group Newsletter
Turkish Language Learning Resources
Turkish Archives


United Arab Emirates Internet Pages
Emirates Internet and Multimedia
Emirates Internet & Multimedia Web Mail Service
UAE maps (ECSSR)
Al Bahhar
UAE portal by Etisalat (UAE's phone co.). Launched May 2000 as arabvista, tog. with Altavista (Compaq); claimed to have indexed >1 mio Arabic pages, but never caught on and was transformed into UAE portal in 2001, with growing regional success.
Dubai e-government
One-stop shop for all public services in Dubai, incl. data on Dubai. With search engine. Est. April 2000 - the first Arab e-government service.
Albayan newspaper (UAE)
Daily from Dubai.
Daily from Abu Dhabi.
Al-Ittihad newspaper (UAE)
Daily from Abu Dhabi.
Portal delivering data services to Etisalat's mobile phone subscribers
Internet Filtering in the United Arab Emirates in 2004-2005: A Country Study
by the OpenNet Initiative


Uzbekistan Web Community
UZBEKISTAN 1999 US Human Rights report
Uzbek-news List
Uzbekistan Economic Review

Western Sahara

ARSO (Western Sahara)
ARSO - Association de soutien à un référendum libre et régulier au Sahara Occidental
Western Sahara Online
Western Sahara
English information page of the Saharaouis.
UN-Infos zur Westsahara (deutsch)
Moroccan government site on the West Sahara


Yemen Gateway
Best Yemen portal; links to news sources and good background sources and scholarly articles.
al-Diwan al-Yemeni
Yemeni discussion fora (in Arabic)
Yemen portal named after a place in Hadramowt
Embassy of Yemen (US)
French Embassy - Yemen
Lonely Planet: Yemen
Monde Diplomatique: Yemen
Multaqa Hadramowt
Polish Embassy to Yemen
Royal Netherlands Embassy
TeleYemen - Yemen Online
US Embassy, Sanaa
Voyages au Yemen
Weihrauchland im Wandel
Auszüge aus einem Diavortrag von Hartmut Fiebig (Ende 2001)
Y.net Yemen links
Links collected by the main Yemeni ISP
Yahoo! Links to Sites in and About Yemen
Yemen in the Arab Net
Yemen Maps (UT links)
Yemen Network
Yemen directory in Arabic and English. Est. 1996.
Yemen Online
Yemen pictures, Sanaa, Jibla, Shiban, etc...
Beautiful photographs.
Yemen Webdate
Majallat al-Yemen al-Elekktroniyya
Yemen, Yesterday and Today
Yemen (Model League of Arab States)
Republic Of Yemen Home Page
President Ali Abdullah Salleh
Majlis Al-Nouwab (Parliament)
General People's Congress
Information about parliamentary elections and the political structure of Yemen.
Ministry of Information
Ministry of Supply
National Information Centre
Rabitat abna al-Yaman party (RAY)
Women's National Committee
Yemeni Islah Party
Official homepage of the major Islamic party in Yemen. In Arabic and English.
Social Fund for Development
Currently leads to "Italy Villa Rentals"!
Ministry of Oil and Mineral Resources
Zawya.com | arab business and finance: Yemen news
Saba News Agency
Yemen Times
Independent weekly frequently carrying articles critical of the Government.
Yemen Observer
Independent English newspaper (but not very critical of the Govermnet), covering current events, culture, and society. Also features chat room. Formerly at www.yemen-observer.com.
Al Thawra
Official daily newspaper. Formerly www.althawra.com
al-Ayyam (Aden)
Newspaper. With very annoying java applet (ad, endlessly opening new windows)
al-Tariq (Aden)
in PDF
Al Gumhuryah
in PDF
Newspaper of the General People's Congress
Al Sahwa
Newspaper of the (Islamist) Islah Party. In PDF format
Al Sahwa
Al Shoura
"Yemeni Weekly Newspaper issued by Ethad Al-Kewa Al-Sha'abiah, Sanaa" (mouthpiece of the People's Forces Union Party)
Al Wahdawi
"People's Nasserite Unionist Party Newspaper" (PDF)
Naba Al Hakika
Publ. in Taizz
26 September
Yemeni weekly
Yemen Radio
UNDP - Yemen
Mission Economique de l'Ambassade de France au Yémen
Central Bank of Yemen
National Bank of Yemen
Yemen Commercial Bank
Established in February 1993 as the first private sector Bank after the unification of Yemen.
Central Organization for Control and Audit
General Investment Authority of Yemen
General Tel. Institute
Energy Information Yemen
from the U.S. Department of Energy
Yemeni business and news site (private corporation)
Hunt Oil: Yemen operations
Nexen Inc. - Operations, Yemen
Formerly, Canadian Oxy Oil. Operations in Masila field.
Yemen Investment
Al-Gharasi Int'l Trading Group 
Al-Madar Trading Agencies
al-Mamoon Tours
Al-Mudafar Med. Corp.
Al-Rasheed for Engineering
Al-Saeed Trading Company (Yemen)
ALFA Company Ltd for Trading
Alnasim Travels
Aman Insurance Company
Al-Towaity National cor.
Mareb Insurance
Measar Salab Establishment
Rami Medical Establishment
Yemen Co. for Ghee Soap
Yemen Bank For Dev. Construction
Yemen Airways - Yemenia
Shibam Tours
Suzuki - Yemen
Thabet Son Corporation
Software development and consultancy
Bahaj Yemen
CHICCO - Yemen
DNO Yemen
Arabia Felix hotel, Sana'a, Yemen
Yemen Tourism Company
Yemen Old Splendour Tours
Yemenite Virtual Museum
CEFAS : Centre Français d'Archéologie et de Sciences Sociales de Sanaa
ex: Centre Français d'Etudes Yéménites
American Institute for Yemeni Studies
Center for Arabic Language and Eastern Studies, Sana'a
National University
Queen Arwa University
Ibb University
Taiz University - Faculty of Science
Sana'a Institute for Arabic Language
Hadramout Science University
Yemen American Language Institute
Yemen Language Center and Yemen Center for Arab Studies
The British Yemeni Arabic Institute
English School
Sana'a Turkish School
al-Ahgaff University
Islamic University in al-Mukalla
Al-Eman University
Badr Language Institute
in Tarim, Hadhramowt
Ethnologue: languages of Yemen
Rulers: Yemen
Dates and names on Yemeni heads of government since the Middle Ages
Rulers of the States of the Aden Protectorates
Dynastic tables
IFEX Yemen alerts
International Freedom of Expression Exchange alerts.
HRI: Yemen (2000)
Human Rights Internet guide (Canada)
Transparency Yemen
Yemeni chapter (in formation) of Transparency International (TI), established as a unit of the Forum for Civil Society (FCS), a non-profit, non-partisan, non-governmental organization.
Yémen : l'Arabie heureuse en mouvement
Rapport de la mission du goupe sénatorial France-Yémen, 9-16 mars 2001.


SIL Ethnologue: Languages of the World
Comprehensive linguistic encyclopedia database, with information on 6,500 languages - and pointers to country-specific information (including sensitive maps).
Dictionaries for Afro-Asiatic Languages
Languages of the Middle East
Map of Semitic Languages

Arabic Language

Academy of the Arabic Language (Cairo)
Majma' al-Lugha al-Arabiyya.
Pointers to Arabic & other Semitic NLP and Speech sites
By European Network of Excellence in Human Language Technologies.
Arabic Linguistic Bibliography, Michigan
Arabic language links
Arabic-Info (newsgroup)
Jamal El-'Attar, Al-Jahiz's Original View of "Arabic"
A Rich Concept of Arabic / al-'Arabiyya: al-Jahiz's Original View of "Arabic" in relation to the Holy Qur'an.
Bibliography of Arabic Dictionaries (John Hinton)
Bibliography of printed Arabic dictionaries, glossaries and lexicons, compiled by John E. Hinton. 1995.
Arabic Lexicons (monolingual)
Online versions of the most important monolingual Arabic dictionaries: Lisan al-Arab, al-Qamus al-Muhit, al-Ghani, al-Mu'jam al-Wasit, al-Muhit, Muhit al-Muhit. Allows individual or simultaneous search. By Sakhr.
Sakhr Multilingual Dictionary (Arabic - English - French - German - Turkish)
Bi-directional. For Arabic interface, see http://www.alqamoos.com
English <-> Arabic translation (Sakhr)
Translates text copied into it or Web pages (by URL). Several options, i.a. choose specific domain dictionaries. Beta version. Server often overloaded.
English<->Arabic Online Dictionary
From a company selling electronic pocket dictionaries.
Lessan (Dt.<->arab. Wörterbuch)
Am 2. September 2005 wurde www.lessan.org gestartet. Lessan ist ein offenes, freies Online-Wörterbuch für deutsch-arabische und arabisch-deutsche Übersetzungen. Das Wörterbuch ist mit einem Erstumfang von über 20.000 Übersetzungspaaren gestartet.
Bank al-Mustalahat al-Muwahhada
Arabic-French-English dictionary for Arabization of technical etc. terms. Run by ALESCO.
Wikamus (Arabic Wictionary)
239 entries by 6 August 2005.
The Alternative Arabic Dictionary
Arabic slang. Words it may be good to know, but not to use.
The Arabic Language - General Introduction
Arabic Language, Culture & Grammer Notes
Arabic alphabet, pronunciation and language
Good introduction to the Arabic script, plus useful links for studying Arabic.
Arabic Alphabet Online
Arabic Alphabet (animated)
demonstration of how the Arabic letters are drawn.
Xerox Arabic Morphology
Particularly interesting page for Arabic finite-state morphological analysis.
Arabic Papyrology School
Offers an easy, step by step introduction to methods that enable you to read and understand original Arabic documents, which give an insight into everyday life. "If you are a student of Arabic or a beginner in Oriental studies you will acquire the skills of recognizing specific scripts, formulas and vocabulary. If you are a graduate in history, Arabic or Oriental studies you will enlarge your knowledge of palaeography, phraseology and vocabulary." Teaches you the skill of reading Arabic papyri, i.e. documents of everyday life from the 7th up to the 16th century, written on papyrus, paper or parchment. Learn to read the individual scripts, to deal with specific phrases and to translate special words. "This is the best online interactive free tutorial that I have ever seen" (Alan Godlas)
Statistics of Spoken Arabic
Transliteration Standard
Turkish and Arabic Transliteration Tables
Egyptian Arabic Profile
Egyptian Arabic Language Learning Online
Palestinian-Arabic Page
The Nature of Old Arabic and its Change into Middle and then Modern Arabic
Arabic Calligraphy
Arabic Papyrology School: an interactive introduction to the reading of Arabic documents
Interactive e-learning school to promote Arabic papyrology. Integrated into the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS).
Arab Corner Pages
Arabic on the WWW
Arabic Languages
Arabic Forum
Journal of Arabic Linguistics Tradition
Online refereed journal est. Nov. 2003 to promote a principled understanding of the Arabic linguistics tradition (phonological, morphological, syntactic, semantic etc.) in the 8th-10th centuries.
Yemeni Arabic (small corpus)
MS Word files
Nubi (Arabic creole of Uganda): grammar
A paper discussing Arabic learning
Acqusition Order in Arabic as a Foreign Language - a Cognitive Approach

Online introductions

Arabic Class 2003
University of Texas First Year Arabic Class 2003 website, with many useful resources.
Arabisch-Sprachkurs der FU Berlin
Online-Komponente des Arabisch-Grundkurses am Institut für Islamwissenschaft der FU Berlin. Lektion 1 steht Aussenstehenden zum Testen offen (Benutzername und Passwort> sibawaih)
Abboud, McCarus: Elementary Modern Standard Arabic (audio files)
Abboud, McCarus: Intermediate Modern Standard Arabic (audio files)
Sep 03: apparently still under construction
Arabic Pronounciation Help
Test Your Arabic Knowledge - Online Quiz
Learning Arabic from English - CD-ROM
Arabic Alphabet for kids
Check Your Arabic Knowledge - Another Online Quiz
Learn to Read the Qur'an in 10 Lessons
Arabic Tutorial Page
Arabic Voweling Problem Sets - Interactive Tutorial
My Arabic Teacher
Introduction to Forms and Form1 verbs
Tools for the westerners to learn the derived verbs of the Arabic language easily.
Arab Academy
Web based Arabic language instruction. Still in the early stages of development (Apr 2001).
Electronic resources for teaching Arabic
Edumagic Arabic Language Interactive Learning
Arabic learning software (Macintosh)
Arabic Self-Learning
Interactive Multimedia Dialogue for Introductory Arabic as a Foreign Language (NOT online! Available in prototype).
Arabic Language & Culture
Introductory online lessons.
Online course in easy Arabic (mainly for travellers). With introduction to script and pronounciation (using RealAudio).
Learn Arabic (Sakhr online course)
Arabic online (Middle East International Services)
Arabic: Vocabulary Guide: Alphabet
Arabic: Vocabulary Guide
LanguageGuide: Arabic Grammar: Introduction: Nouns
Islam: Learn Arabic & Islam Online, Arabic Language Courses
The Toronto Shariah Program offers instruction in Classical Arabic, Islam and the Shariah sciences aimed at English speakers on- & offline, using a traditional (Indian) Dars Nizami curriculum (incl. 5 year course). W/ free audio samples (advanced grammar).

Offline courses

Center for Arabic Study Abroad (CASA)
was: http://www.sais-jhu.edu/languages/casa/
Arabic Language Studies Program
al-Diwan Center: Arabic Courses in Cairo
Arabic Course Descriptions at uga.edu
Arabic CourseDescriptions at University of Arizona
Arabic Classes at University of Arizona
Arabic at Clark Atlanta University
The George Washington University Arabic Program
Arabic Classes at Purdue University
Arabic at University of Pennsilvenia
Arabic Program at Penn
Arabic Courses at Riverside Community College
Arabic Courses at bgsu.edu
Arabic Courses at University of Toronto
Three Years of Arabic Program
Arabic Language Courses at Ohio State
Arabic at Stanford University
Arabic Courses at University of Missouri - Kansas City
Bachelor of Arts Degree in Arabic Language and Literature
Arabic at University of Virginia
Arabic Language Institute in Fez (ALIF)
Arabic School software

Arabic Related Links

Arabic Language links

LingNet Arabic links


Arabic Turath: Over 1 million pages from Arabic classics of literature, thought, law, etc.

Maktabat Dar al-Nadwa

PDF versions of important books from the modernist Arab tradition

Mawqi' Dr. Yusuf Ziedan li'l-Turath wa'l-Makhtutat

Sells digital images of Arabic manuscripts.

Arabic Language Books and Other Resources

From WorldLanguage.com (online store)

Arabic as a Foreign Language BOOKSHELF

Persian Language

Online Persian Language Learning Resources
Inventory of online sources for learning Persian. Sections include online lessons, dictionaries, books, and information about available CD ROMs. It includes links to centers in the US, Europe, and Iran.
Steingass Persian-English Dictionary
Online English - Persian Dictionary
Online Persian dictionary
Wörterbuch Deutsch - Persisch (Farsi)
Wird von den Benutzern ständig erweitert. 120000 Einträge
Online translator English to Persian
Persian Digital Library
Project funded by the Science and Arts Foundation (US) to provide free online Persian texts (everything from literature and poems to legal texts and articles). So far only complete works of Hafez (Unicode). Special font for MSIE5/Win provided.
Lirica Persica Hypertext
Info on the CD to browse and search 20,000 lines of Persian ghazal. With concordances, lexical lists, statistical indexes, and rhyme, refrain, and meter lists. By Daniela Meneghini, U Venice.
Basic Persian Words and Phrases
English-Farsi Email Transliterator
English-Farsi On-line Dictionary
does not require Persian fonts
English-Farsi On-line Dictionary with Transliteration
Farsi Pocket Electronic Dictionary
MacKenzie's Concise Pahlavi-English Dictionary
English to Farsi wordlist (about 500 words)
Teachionary: Farsi
Persian Language Learning Resources
Persian Word Processor

Turkish Language

Türk Dil Kurumu (TDK)
With online Turkish-Turkish dictionary
Türkçe Sözlük / Turkish Dictionary
Ca. 55 000 headwords; 90,000 word senses; 30,000 usage examples. From Bilkent University.
Turkish-Urdu-English Wordlist (FTP)
Archive of Turkish Oral Narrative
Uysal-Walker Archive of Turish Oral Narrative at Texas Tech University, one of the world's most comprehensive collections of its kind, makes increasing parts available online.
ingilizce sözlük türkçe sözlük terimler sözlüg˘ü
ek$i sozluk - kutsal bilgi kaynagi - agl ege de

Other ME/Islamic languages

Fulani-Arabic Transliteration
Mir in Cyberspace (Urdu teaching)
Teaching unit for intermediate and advanced Urdu students, built around a ghazal by Mir Taqi 'Mir,' one of the greatest Urdu poets.
Online Kurdish-English dictionary
Kamusi: Internet Living Swahili Dictionary
>57,600-entry two-way dictionary, searchable, downloadable. Participatory online edit engine. Plus discussion forum, learning resources, pronunciation guide.
Pushto (Pashtun language) instructional recordings (U Minnesota Learning Resources Center)
produced for the U of Minnesota Pakistan Peace Corps Project, 1965, Manual. 7 introductory lessons with PDF files of the text and MP3 sound files (11-33 MB!)
Arabic-Syriac Dictionary
Georgian language: an annotated bibliography
Hebrew for English Speakers
Hebrew Language at U Texas, Austin
Hebrew Language Kit for Macintosh
Hebrew Language-Learning Links
The Amharic Language Multimedia Series (The most popular language in Ethiopia)
Proposal to add the Tifinagh script to the ISO unicode system

Computing in ME Languages


"IT IS Arabic Language And Technology." Moderator Paul Roochnik. Computer-related issues. Often highly technical, but useful for nearly everyone who uses Arabic, or transliteration fonts, on a computer.
Arabic Computing Discussion
Gateway to the Comp.software.arabic newsgroup. Formerly “Reader” mailing list . With Reader archive (1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, and 1998); Reader Resource Center for Arabic-related computing tools and utilities.
Arabic computing: File archive
Links to Arab fonts
Probably the most exhaustive inventory of links to computer fonts for the Arabic script, with descriptions. Excellent!
Arabic Unicode Fonts
Free arabic fonts
I.S.C: Web Fonts
free Arabic, Persian, Kurdish, Urdu, and Assyrian fonts
ArabInk - Arabic Stuff
Reader, an Arabic Script Software Resource
Arabic Software
Amr's Arabic Archive
Dale Frakes' Arabic Software
Klaus Lagally's ArabTeX, a package extending the capabilities of TeX/LaTeX to generate Arabic writing from ASCII transliteration & some popular encodings for Arabic and Hebrew, e.g. ASMO 449, ISO 8859-6 (ASMO 708), CP-1256, and HED.
ArabTeX Homepage
ArabTeX: LaTeX with Arabic generation capabilities for UNIX and DOS
Otakar Smrzˇ page for ArabTeX and Perl extensions for various Arabic encodings.
ASCII Input Coding for Arabic Text
MacCampus (Language Fonts)
"Europe's largest independent foreign language font developer for the Macintosh. And we do Windows, too."
Arabic Fonts
Fonts for Arabic
Luc Devroye's extensive list of Arabic fonts. Last updated Sep 2001.
Adobe Middle Eastern Software Center
Persian Computing
Aims to be a resource on everything re Persian computing. Goal: provide a comprehensive collection of technical articles, standards, algorithms, news, and a forum for discussion. Still in its infancy.
Arabic Script Software Map (TU Berlin)
Only of historical interest (maintened between 1994 and Juli 1996).


Nicholas Heer's home page
Information on Arabic HTML, Klaus Lagally's ArabTeX, sample HTML Arabic text files, and links to Internet sites dealing with Arabic and Persian computing.
Using the Internet in Arabic: Problem and Solutions
How To View Arabic Pages
Arabic Representation on ASCII
Arabic on the WWW Ring
Membership site for Arabic HTML developers, formed under the WebRing. Est. 1996, app. not further developed.
Java Applet to view Arabic or Persian
Shiraz Web Demo
This demo allows the user to translate a Persian web page.
Arabic Mozilla Work Progress
Stopped to be updated when Mozilla bidirectional capability and Arabic letter shaping was reached late in 2001.


Arabic Macintosh: An informal resource centre (Knut Vikør)
Notes rel. to the use of computers & computer networks for the ME/Arabic scholar: Arabic on the Mac / From DOS to Mac Arabic/ Arabic OCR / EudoraTables / Non-European lang. on the Net / Jaghbub diacritic font package / scholarly Network Resources
Introduction to writing Arabic on the Mac
Mac to PC and PC to Mac Arabic and mixed text filters.
By Knut Vikør.
Est. Aug. 2002
Iranian Macintosh User Group (IRMUG)


Arabeyes Project
Meta project to support Arabic in the Unix/Linux environment. Aims to be a central location to gather information and channel voluntary efforts to standardize Linux/Unix Arabization.
Arabic on Linux
Arabic Linux Mailing List
Linux Arabisation (Saudi Computer Society)
The main Linux Arabisation project; carried out by the Saudi Computer Society and sponsored by IBM.
Linux and Perl
AraWebParse - Visual Rendering for Arabic Web Pages
for UNIX
AXmedit - Arabic Motif text editor
Free Arabic text-editor that runs on Linux. Saves in Arabic HTML(Arabic ASMO 708). It was developed in Nice, France.
Localized Persian/Arabic Mosaic


Arabic Windows: Arabicizing Windows Applications to Read and Write Arabic
Arabic DOS programs & Fonts (Fast link)
Arabic X Terminal Emulator for X-Windows
Arabic Word Processor Intext for DOS
Arabic Word Processor Kateb for DOS
Dr. Berlin's Arabic Font Archive
Free Windows fonts.
ArabFont - a collection of Arabic fonts for DOS
Unipad - Unicode editor for Windows95 & NT
ParsNegar Persian/Arabic/Urdu Word Processor
Urdu Software from CompCorp
Arabica Online - Arabisch und Persisch schreiben
Programm, das es erlaubt, in Microsoft Word arabische und persische Texte zu schreiben (ab Windows 95).
Middle East Medievalist Multilingual Computing Resource page
information about the use of Right to Left languages in Microsoft Word 2002 (Office 2002) and Windows XP.


Arabic Atari

Arabic Computer Sciences



L'islam d'Europe sort de l'isolement (Tariq Ramadan)
Article, "Le Monde Diplomatique", avril 1998.
Federation of Islamic Organisations in Europe
ex: European Council for Fatwa and Research. Site being updated Apr. 2002.

Deutschland, Schweiz, Österreich

Islamische Organisationen in Deutschland / Th...
Islamrat für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Einer der beiden islam. Dachverbände in Deutschland. Mitglieder u.a. die Islamische Gemeinschaft Milli Görüs IMGT, u. Nurculuk.
Zentralrat der Muslime in Deutschland
Offizielle Seite des Zentralrats der Muslime in Deutschland (einer der beiden islam. Dachverbände in Deutschland, offenes Bek. z. Grundgesetz; Mitglied u.a. der Verein Islamischer Kulturzentren [Süleymanci]. Vorsitz: Nadeem Elyas (Araber).
Islam-Archiv Deutschland
Verband der Islamischen Kulturzentren e.V.
Offizielle Seite des VdIK, eines Vereins türkischer Moscheegemeinden, der Mitglied im Zentral der Muslim in Deutschland ist.
Islamische Gemeinschaft Milli Görüs
Offizielle Seite der Milli Görüs (einer Vereinigung islamistischer Türken in Deutschland). Mitglied im "Islamrat für Deutschland". Seite auf dt., türk. u. englisch.
Islamische Föderation Berlin
Dachverband von 26 Vereinen speziell in Berlin: pro-Integration. Zu den Mitgliedsvereinen der IFB gehören neben Moscheen auch Jugendvereine, Frauenvereine und Selbsthilfegruppen.
Islamische Gemeinschaft deutschsprachiger Muslime & Freunde des Islam Berlin e.V.
Islamische Gemeinschaft deutschsprachiger Muslime & Freunde des Islam Berlin e.V.
Deutsche Muslim Liga Bonn e.V in Berlin
Zweig der DML (v. Bashir Ahmad Dultz). Mitglied im Zentralrat der Muslime in Deutschland.
Diyanet Isleri Türk Islam Birligi (DITIB)
Kurz-Info zu DITB=Türkisch-islamische Union der Anstalt für Religion betreut ca. 600 Gemeinden mit 110.000 Mitgliedern (Stand 1996). Gegr. 1985 in Köln vom Ministerium für Religiöse Angelegenheiten der Türkei. Sitz: Köln-Ehrenfeld
Begegnungsstube Medina (Nürnberg)
1995 auf Initiative v. Cemalettin Özdemir gegr. Verein türkischer Muslime der zweiten Generation, der sich ausschließlich der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit gegenüber Nichtmuslimen widmet. U.a. einige einführende Texte.
Religionsgemeinschft Islam LV Baden-Württemberg e.V.
Huda - Netzwerk für muslimische Frauen (Bonn)
Mit Zeitschrift.
Islamische Jugend
Von 5 Aachener Jugendlichen gegründet. Im Ausbau.
Muslime Helfen e.V.
1985 gegr. Hilfswerk von Muslimen in Deutschland mit dem Ziel, weltweit humanitäre Hilfe für Muslime zu leisten.
kauf & hilf (v. Muslime helfen)
Dt.-islam. Versandhaus: Kopftücher, CDs, Poster, Parfums & Öle, Grußkarten. Gegr. 1998.
Islamische Akademie Villa Hahnenburg (ISLAH)
Bildungs- u. Begegnungsstätte bei Köln, die Dialog & Integration der Muslime in die dt. Ges. fördern will. Arbeitet seit 1999. Umfangreiches Programm (Politik und Gesellschaft, Persoenlichkeitsbildung, Familie und Erziehung, Sprachen). Türk. Leitung.
Alevitischer Kultur Verein Bünde
Deutsch u. türkisch. Informationen über die Aleviten. Viele Links.
Alevitischer Kulturverein Bochum
Türk.-Dt. Internet-Magazin über den Islam.
Die Fontäne. Populäre, pädagogische und wissenschaftliche Vierteljahreszeitschrift
Deutschsprachige Nurcu-Zeitschrift, die Islam und moderne Wissenschaft aus den gleichen Wurzeln erklären will.
Islamisches Zentrum Hamburg e.V.
Größte schiitische Moschee in Deutschland.
Al-Fadschr / Die Morgendämmerung
Zeitschrift des (schiitischen) Islamischen Zentrums Hamburg.
Islamischer Weg e.V.
Deutsche Schiiten
Osmanische Herberge (Haqqani Trust Deutschland)
Naqshbandi-Haqqani Anhänger v. Shaykh Nazim al-Qubrusi.
Morgenstern / Spohr Verlag
Zeitschrift u. Verlag v. Anhängern des Sh. Nazim al-Haqqani al-Qubrusi.
Weimar Institut - Eine Initiative der Europäischen Muslime
Islamische Zeitung (Weimar)
Gemacht von Anhängern des Abd al-Kadir al-Murabit; hat angebl. Verbindungen zur Islamischen Gemeinschaft Milli Görüs IMGT.
Islamischer Studentenbund Essen
gut gemachter Site
Muslimischer Studentenverein Karlsruhe
Verein Islamischer Studenten (Uni Braunschweig)
Keluarga Muslim Braunschweig
Studentengemeinde indonesischer Muslime an der TU Braunschweig.
Islamischer Studierenden Verein Duisburg
Muslimische Hochschulgruppe Mannheim
Islamische Studenten Vereinigung TU Berlin
Muslim - Markt (Muslimisches Branchenbuch)
Wurde zum Portal für Muslime in Deutschland ausgebaut; betrieben von den Brüdern Yavuz und Gürhan Özoguz aus Delmenhorst, die sich selbst als fundamentalistische Islamisten bezeichnen und Anhänger der Islamischen Republik Iran sind.
vaybee! - Die erste türkische Community
Community-Plattform für in Deutschland lebende Türkinnen und Türken, zweisprachig. Basiert in Köln, gegr. Mai 2000.
Centre Islamique de Genève
Ältestes Zentrum seiner Art. Gegr. v. ägypt. Muslimbrüdern (Said Ramadan).
Islam in der Schweiz
Vom islamischen Zentrum Bern. Mit vielen Links.
Muslime, Musliminnen der Schweiz
Seite der Organisation "Muslime, Musliminnen der Schweiz" (MMS, gegr. 1994 v. Tariq Ramadan bes. f. Muslime der 2. Generation). Deutsch / français.
Al-asr.net :: Das islamische Nachrichtenportal :: www.al-asr.net :: Islam, Nachrichten, News, Israel, Palästina, Naher Osten, Ägypten
Österreichisches Islamportal
Data-Türk HasBahCa
Türken in der Schweiz. Türkisch und Deutsch.
Institut für islamische Bildung (Wien; M Abu Bakr Müller)
Seite österreichischer Anhänger (meist Konvertiten) des Naqshbandi-Scheichs Abd al-Qadir Issa, mit Übersetzungen islamischer Texte v.a. aus der einschlägigen Szene.

Britain & Ireland

Muslim Directory (UK)
Limited online edition of the print directory.
The Muslim Council of Britain
Created 25 May 1996 as "a step towards greater consultation, cooperation and coordination on Muslim Affairs in the UK". Comprises many Muslim organisations of varying background and orientation.
Islamic Society of Britain (ISB)
Platform for 2nd-generation Muslims & converts, est. June 1990, works for unity among British Muslims & cordial relations with non-Muslims in order to promote better understanding of Islam in the multi-cultural society. Based in Glasgow.
Islamic Centre England (London)
Under construction
Young Muslims UK
Islamic Foundation (Leicester)
A research and publications organisation.
Islamic Foundation Online Store
Sells books published by the Islamic Foundation (Leicester). Acceptable security.
Federation of Students Islamic Societies (FOSIS)
Est. 1995, not updated since.
Al-Quran Al-Kareem Committee in U.K
Holds Qur'an recitation competitions. Basic info about the Qur'an. Design outdated (1998).
Belfast Islamic Centre
Very thorough site, with excellent information sources, and quality links. (Gary Bunt)
Forum for Social Studies
Mas'ud Ahmad Khan's Home Page
"One of the Web's Leading Resources on Traditional Islam": UK-based Islamic site close to British Traditionalist (pro-madhhab) Abdal-Hakim Murad, with "in-depth explanation on madhhabs, bid'a, and salafi". Soon to come: bookstore.
Electronic edition of the leading British Muslim newspaper, including articles and archives. Only Feb - Dec 1997 editions online; currently not updated.
UK Islamic Education Waqf (UKIEW)
Information on Muslim schools in the UK.
About Islam and Muslims - Islamic belief, Quran…
Introduction to Islam for Muslims and non-Muslim in the UK. From the Islamic Society at the University of Northumbria.
ArRum Club
"The UK's first off/online Club promoting 'halal living' - Islamic art & culture, business networking, career mentorship and academic thought."


Union des Organisations Islamiques de France
The most important Islamic umbrella organisation in France.
Union des Jeunes Musulmans (UJM)
"Under construction" since its debut in Nov. 1996 - but no progress.
Etudiants Musulmans de France (EMF)
formerly (until 1986) Union Islamique des Étudiants de France (UIEF). Very basic web site.
Oumma.com : L’Islam en toute liberté
"fait circuler l’information sur la vie cultuelle de la deuxième religion de France; organise le débat d’idées sur l’intégration et la représentation de l’islam en Europe et partout dans le monde francophone". Avec Tariq Ramadan, etc.
forum de discussion de Oumma.com
 :: BEUR FM :: Cultures & Musiques du Maghreb
Avec forums de discussion et chat très actifs


Centre for Islam in Europe
By the Centre for Islam in Europe (Ghent Univ.). In Ar., Dutch/Flem., Engl., French, German & Turkish. Papers on Islam in Flanders, in Europe, education of Muslim children, Imams in Holland. + academic announcements.
L’islam en Belgique
Article de Corinne le Brun: "Le réveil de l’lslam"


Zaynabiya Islamic Center, Stockholm (Shia)

Southern Europe

Centro islamico di Milano e Lombardia
Il Fondaco dei Mori (Milano)
Associazione Islamica Zayd ibn Thabit (Napoli)
Italian Muslim from Naples, close to Ahl al-Sunna wal-Jama'a. Incl. links to Islamic texts in Italian translation.
Ahl ul Qiblah castellano
Associació Catalana d'Estudis Islàmics (Barcelona)
Comisión Islámica de España (CIE)
"el órgano representativo del Islam ante el Estado Español para la negociación, firma y seguimiento de los acuerdos adoptados." Brief description. Web page http://www.cie.es no longer functioning.
Verde Islam
On-line publication of Spanisch Muslims (mainly converts)


American Muslim Council
Arab American Guide
"The Ultimate Guide of the Arab American Community"
Arab Cultural Center of San Francisco
Amr Be Maroof Wa Nahy An Monkar (Shia)
Shiites in the US.
Arab American Action Network
CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations)
particularly known for "Media-Watch" (critical observation of the covering of Islam & Muslims in American media)
Elijah Muhammad and the Nation of Islam (radio broadcast c. 1960)
Article in the Journal for MultiMedia History, written by Claude A. Clegg, III, discussing a 1960 radio broadcast by Elijah Muhammad and its impact. Hear the broadcast and read the analysis.
Idara Dawat-O-Irshad (anti-Ahmadiyyat)
Anti-Ahmadi site. With links to Islamic organizations in the DC area. Est. 1997, last updated Jan. 1999. Outmoded design. © Idara Dawat-O-Irshad, Alexandria, VA
Islamic Assembly of North America (IANA)
Founded in 1993, IANA is one of the organizations of Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jama'ah. Publishes al-Manar al-Jadid
Islamic Circle of North America
New York based dawah site, which - as well as serving local communities with news and information - provides access to publications, the Muslim Alert Network (for media-monitoring), a quiz, and Islam-related product pages.
Islamic Educational Center of Seattle (IECS)
Shiite site.
Islamic Halal Food Monitor of Canada
With ingredients watch, recipes, articles, chat, Q&A.
Islamic Institute of New York
Islamic Society of North America
Appears to be a US Islamist site. Originally a gopher site, included Masood Cajee's "Cybermuslim" directory.
Muslim Arab Youth Association
Muslim Women's League (US)
"MWL is a nonprofit American Muslim organization working to implement the values of Islam and thereby reclaim the status of women as free, equal and vital contributors to society". Has position papers on 'honour killing', FGM, gender equality. + News.
Muslims AGAINST Terrorism
Est. a week after the Sep 11, 2001, terrorist attacks in America.
Nation of Islam
Official website of the 'Nation of Islam', including history, biographies, and a link to 'The Final Call' newspaper.
National Arab American Medical Association
Shahid Athar's page
Sisters Association for Dawah in Arlington
SBIA - South Bay Islamic Association
The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee - New York City Chapter
Information Times - America's Daily Internet Newspaper
Syed Adeeb, Chief Editor
Qur'an & Sunnah Society of North America
Islamic Circle for North America (ICNA)
Tablighi? Indian Muslims in the US
Turks.US - Empowering Our Community

US Islamic Mosques & Centers

Islamic Society of Wichita (Kansas)
Islamic Center of Southern California
Islamic Center of Sacramento
Islamic Center of Greater Cincinnati
Central Illinois Mosque and Islamic Center
Islamic Center of Blacksburg
Had one of the first Islamic audio collections on the net. No longer a leading site, though.
Islamic Center of Greater Austin

Student Organizations

MSA (US, national)
US-based, information-rich site. Recommended are the Calligraphy and Image Archives. Fascinating choice of routes to Islamic primary sources (Qur'an, Hadith, etc.), as well as Tafsir commentaries.
MSA CalTech
MSA U Buffalo
MSA U Michigan
MSA U Southern Carolina
Contemporary source on things Islamic of interest to students.
MSA U Texas
MIT Arab Student Organization

YOUNG MUSLIMS CANADA - in pursuit of Allah's pl…

Southern Africa

Jamiatul Ulama (Kwazulu-Natal)

Asia & Pacific

Regional Islamic Da'wah Council of Southeast Asia and the Pacific (RISEAP)
Est. 1980 to serve Muslim minorities living in Australia, Brunei, Myanmar, Fiji, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand & Taiwan.


Al-Khazina: The Treasury
Excellent site on Middle Eastern history and culture, with good maps, timelines, carefully selected links. Class project by Prof. Jerome Wright Clinton, Dept. of Near Eastern Studies, Princeton University
Islamic History Sourcebook
Links to sources for Islamic history. With some 'primary' material, excerpts of a number of important secondary texts, legal sources, historical maps, timeline, further Web resources, etc.
The Library of Iberian Resources Online
Full-text of recent, but out-of-print books on the peoples and nations of the Iberian peninsula. Initially, the collection focuses upon the Hispanic Middle Ages, ca. 500 to 1500, but will eventually expand to include titles from the 16th and 17th centurie
Exploring Ancient World Cultures: Early Islam
Don Whitcomb's excavations at Aqaba/Ayla
The Mamluk Bibliography
Two databases: primary and secondary, containing >10,000 entries.
Muslim Scientists and Islamic Civilization Before European Renaissance, 700 - 1500 C.E.
'On Muslim contribution to humanity & Islamic Civilization. Dedicated to those Muslims whose multi-disciplinary contributions sparked the light of learning & productivity & without whom the European Renaissance would not have begun and come to maturity'
Karlsruher Türkenbeute: Virtuelles Museum
Highlights der Sammlung "Karlsruher Türkenbeute" im Badischen Landesmuseum mit interaktiven 3D- und Zoom-Aufnahmen, "Themenreisen", Artikel zu Kunst und Kultur, Downloadservice, Archiv, Foren, Chat.
OMAR: Oriental Manuscript Resource
Arabic manuscripts database under development at the University of Freiburg, Germany.
Records on Islam
Primary documents from the British Foreign Office relating to Islam and modernization 1873-1926. Paying.
Gertrude Bell
Gertrude Bell's photos, diaries and letters

Ancient Near East

Classics and Mediterranean Archaeology Home Page
Code of Hammurabi (2500 BC)
Tr. L. W. King, comm. Charles F. Horne & the Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th edn., 1910- by the Rev. Claude Hermann Walter Johns.
Egyptian Book of the Dead (240 BC)
The Papyrus of Ani (The Egyptian Book of the Dead). Tr. E.A. Wallis Budge.
Egyptology (Greg Reeder)
Site devoted to Ancient Egypt, emphasizing occult aspects.
Ägyptologie Community: Chat, Forum, News, TV-Tipps
Projekt mehrerer Ägyptenseiten aus Deutschland und der Schweiz.
Guardian's (Ancient) Egypt
"explore the mystery and splendor of Egypt from the comfort of your own computer".
Institute of Ancient Near Eastern Studies (U Prague)
Institute of Egyptian Art and Archaeology (U Memphis)
L'Égypte éternelle (Ancient Egypt)
"Akadémia virtuelle reposant sur un projet culturel, informatif, éducatif, ouvert au grand public de la planète Terre, et dédiée à la découverte et à l'étude de l'ÉGYPTE DES PHARAONS."
Oriental Institute, U of Chicago
One of the leading sites for the Ancient Near East. Virtual museum, links, etc.


MENIC Religion links
Web site on religion, strong on Islam, by Jean-Francois Mayer

Islamic Religion

Islam general

Yahoo on Islam
al-Muslim: Dalil al-Safahat al-Islamiyya
al-Ahram's directory of Islamic scholars' websites
al-Islam.com (by The Global Islamic Software Company, GISCO)
Best Islamic Site (Yahoo! evaluation, May 1999). Multilingual, comprehensive information, search capabilities, Qur'anic recitation, easy navigation. Maintained by GISCO (al-Alamiah)/Harf/Sakhr.
Islamic Dictionary
Islamic Studies, Arabic, and Religion
Extensive index of sites relating to academic Islamic Studies, incl. links to mysticism, Shi'ism, and Islam and the West. Also has useful full texts online. By Prof. Godlas, U of Georgia. Regularly updated and checked!
Comprehensive Islamic site, in Arabic, English, French, Dutch, and some Urdu. Includes a searchable fatwa archive in Arabic, extremely rich audio resources in MP3, and more. Subsidiary of the Islamic Assembly of North America.
Islamic World
Islamic site in Malaysia, created mid-2000.
Run by the Qatari Ministry of Endowments and Islamic Affairs. Arabic and English. Includes audio streams of hundres of Qur'an reciters.
Ferdaws TV
Audio and video streams of popular Islamic preachers (incl. Amr Khaled).
Interactive Islam
With many audio files in good mp3 format
Converting dates
Algorithms for conversion between Julian Day Number, Civil (Gregorian), Julian, Hebrew, Islamic (Hijri), and Persian (Shamsi) calender dates
Islamic Calendar Converter
Gregorian-Hijri Dates Converter
Umwandlung islamischer und christlicher Daten
Computus Calendar Program
Universal calender conversion program (DOS only)
International Institute of Islamic Thought
HQ in Herndon, Virginia, with branches in several Muslim countries, the IIIT is dedicated to the "Islamization of knowledge" (est. following a conference in Lugano in 1977)
Religion of Islam Home Page
The Sunnah Islamic Page
Islamic Digest
Muslim Peace Fellowship
"a gathering of peace and justice-oriented Muslims of all backgrounds who are dedicated to making the beauty of Islam evident in the world". Based in Chicago.
All you need to know about Islam
Personal da'wa page by Mohamed Ashour, an Egyptian living in the US
Islam Q & A
Homepage of the Saudi Salafi preacher Muhammad Salih al-Munajjid, est. 1997. English, Arabic, French, Indonesian, Japanese. Popular. Was at
alt.muslim - your muslim news community
Muslim Wake Up
Collective blog by progressive Muslims in the US (Southern California).
IJTIHAD: A Return to Enlightenment
Muqtedar Khan's Column on Islamic Affairs. Promotes a liberal American Muslim perspective.
The official website of Irshad Manji, author of The Trouble with Islam.
Forum Islam
Site sunnite francophone, enregistré en Suisse
Umar Abd el-Kafy
site of a Muslim preacher (from Egypt, 1996 forbidden from preaching there, went to the Gulf). With Real Audio and video.
Newsgroup soc.religion.islam


Qur'an in Arabic, tr. into sev. lang., recitation (Husari/Hudhayfi)
Koran-Browser arabisch/deutsch (andere Sprachen ebenfalls verfügbar). Mit Volltextrezitation von Husari und Hudhayfi; thematischer Index. Dt. Übersetzung: Paret, leicht verändert. By Global Islamic Software Company (Harf/Sakhr).
The Holy Quran
Text in Arabic & Yusuf Ali Engl. tr.; best links to many recitations & to tr. (Albanian, Bangla, Bosnian, Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Melayu, Persian, Russian, Spanish, Swahili, Tamil, Thai, Turkish, Urdu). Requires membership.
House of Qur'an (aff. by The Islamic Centre England London)
Has Qur'an in Arabic and Persian; recitations; translations; exegesis. Qur'anic art; Qur'an for kids.
Quran Subject Index
Topics index of the Qur'an
Basic topics index referring to an English translation.


Qur'an in Arabic (MSA, U Buffalo)
Last updated 1997.
Qur'an (Arabic, GIF)
8th-c. Qur'anic MS page (S. al-Nur, XXIV, 32-45)
From a MS Qur'an copied on vellum in maa'il script, late 2nd/8th c., prob. Mecca or Madinah. Believed to be one of the two oldest extant Qur'an mss. Written exceptionally in vertical format; almost no diacr. marks. London, BL, Or.2165,ff.67v-68r.
Qur'an, Sura 1 & 113-114 (P.Duk.inv. 274)
4 images from an Egyptian Koran papyrus [not before 700]. From the Duke Papyrus Archive.
Sultan Baybars' Qur'an of 1304-6 (704-5 AH)
Sample pages of a 7-volume Qur'an at the British Library. With information about the pages displayed, including the ability to enlarge sections of the text, as well as an audio file of Arabic recitation.


Rules of Qur'anic recitation (Tajwid)
Arabic language site, detailing aspects of Qur'anic recitation.
Used to be high-quality streaming audio of Qur'an in MP3; now a US online store for Islamic audio, with many lectures of Shaikh Kishk (Arabic) and Hamza Yusuf (English).
Qur'an recitation/memorization site
allows selection of any Qur'anic passage and single or repeated recitation as an aid to memorization.
Qur'anic recitation (Abd al-Baset Abd al-Samad)
Very comprehensive archive of Qur'an recitation by hundreds of reciters, according to all major readings (qira'at). On a site provided by the Qatari Ministry of Endowments and Islamic Affairs
Recitace svatého Koránu
Full Qur'an recitation by Saad Al-Ghámidi; in MP3 and Real Audio
full Qur'an recitation by Abdul basit Abdul Samad, Shaikh Abd-ur Rahman As-Sudais & Shaikh Su'ood As-Shuraim, and Saad al-Ghamidi
Qur'an, Du'a' & Tawashih
Qur'anic recitation and religious song by Abd al-Basit Abd al-Samad, Muhammad Jibril, & Nasr al-Din Tubar.
Qur'anic recitation (Sheikh Nazim al-Qubrusi)
Du'a', opening, and a selection of shorter suras. In RealAudio format, taken from a CD that is also sold there.
Selected Suras by Various Readers
from the IslamCentre, based in South Africa, page of an individual who also sells Quranic cassettes etc. Not very actively updated.
Qur'an Audio Files
Abd al-Baset Abd al-Samad, Abd al-Rahman Sudays, Husari, Hudhayfi, Ajami (entire Q); Manshawi, M. Ayyub (planned); Sadaqat Ali (al-Rahman, al-Mulk); Amir A Khan (al-Fatiha, al-Takathur)
Qur'anic recitation (tartil)
Commercial site managed by the Islamic Bookstore (now acq. by Yahoo), but offers some good samples of its recitation catalogue. Thirteen recitors, including Saad al Ghamdi and Muhammad Siddiq al-Minshawi, provide beautiful and high quality recordings.
Mawqi3 al-Qari' Muhammad al-Haydan
Islam 4 Real Blog- Free Nasheeds MP3 - Quran - Lectures
Some Quran Suras with RealAudio


Qur'an Browser (Engl. transl.)
Search Q. passages by keyword, substring, word pattern; perform phrase searches, logical operations on groups of passages, compare different versions, etc. 5 tr. (M. M. Pickthall, Abdullah Yusuf Ali, M. H. Shakir, Maulvi Sher Ali, Rashad Khalifa)
Qur'an translations (list)
From Rashad Khalifa's site. The translations, however, are not necessarily endorsed by him. Tr. Engl., Span., French, German, Dutch, Ital., Swedish, Chinese, Turkish, Russian, Albanian, Malay, Swahili, Indon., Latin, Thai, Urdu, Japanese, Bosnian.
Qur'an translations (Windows program)
Free Windows application, with English, German, Turkish, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Swahili, Indonesian, Bosnian versions.
Qur'an (tr. Yusuf Ali, Pickthall & Shakir in parallell)
With powerful search engine.
Qur'an (tr. Yusuf Ali)
Qur'an (tr. Yusuf Ali)
Qur'an (Yusuf Ali tr., searchable)
Qur'an (tr. Marmaduke Pickthall)
Qur'an (tr. Shakir, powerful search engine)
Powerful searches (Proximity, Boolean, Browse) on the Shakir translation. From the U of Michigan.
Qur'an (tr. Shakir, searchable)
From the Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia.
Qur'an (tr. Shakir, searchable)
Boolean search options; basic interface.
Qur'an (tr. Shakir)
Qur'an (Irving tr., not searchable)
T.B. Irving's was "the first American version".
Qur'an (tr. Palmer)
Qur'an (tr. Ahmad Darwish, rev. Hasan Qariballah &al)
With expl. by Jalalayn & as-Sawi. Tr. rev. by Hassan El-Fatih Qaribullah, Dean of Omdurman Islamic University; Abu Saleh Muhammad El-Fatih Qaribullah, Islamic Studies, Omdurman IU; Abdellah Ben Sadek Al-Ghumari, Tangiers, Azhar Scholar of Hadith
Qur'an (tr. Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din al-Hilali & Muhammad Muhsin Khan)
"Rough translation of the meaning of the Noble Quran in the English language", drawing on at-Tabari, al-Qurtubi & Ibn Kathir with comments from Sahih Al-Bukhari. With Maududi's introduction to the individual chapters.
Qur'an (tr. dt., von al-Qursu PC)
Qur'an-Übers. v. al-Qursu PC f. Win 3.1/Win 95/Win NT (arabisch, indonesisch, deutsch, englisch). Dt. Fassung folgt meist der flüssig-frommen Übers. v. Muhammad Rassoul, Leiter des (islamistischen) "Zentrums für Da'wa und Information Köln".
Qur'an (tr. dt. IHV, S. 1 & 80-114, mit Kommentar)
Aus versch. dt. Übers. zus.gestellt (Rassoul, Hofmann, Denffer, SKD). Aus d. Arbeit d. Isl. Hochschulv. Köln. Komm. nach Sayyid Qutb (Zilal), M. Asad (Message of the Qoran), Razi (al-Tafsir al-Kabir), Izzet Derveze (et-tafseeru'l-hadith), Ibn Kathir.
Qur'an (tr. dt., Ahmadiya-Übersetzung)
Qur'an (tr. Ital. Hamza Piccardo)


Murata & Chittik: The Qur'an
From Sachiko Murata & William C. Chittick, The Vision of Islam, Introduction (pp. XIV - XIX)
Ibn Abd al-Wahhab: Excellent Qualities of the Holy Qur'an
The Excellent Qualities of the Holy Quran. By Imam Muhammed Bin Abdul Wahab. English tr. by Muhammed Iqbal Siddique
Guide for memorising the Qur'an
(c) 1996 University of Essex Islamic Society
Etiquettes of Reading and Handling the Qur'an
Lohlker: Der Koran im Internet
Der Koran im Internet / Quran in Internet Ein heiliges ‚Buch‘ in der Moderne
Radical New Views of Islam and the Origins of the Qur'an
NY Times article on Christoph Luxenberg and revisisionist research on the origins of the Qur'an.
Distortion in the Qur'an
Brief discussion of the textual history of the Qur'an (from a Christian evangelical site directed at Muslims)

Qur'an Resources on the Internet

Links to: translations (Yusuf Ali, Pickthall, Shakir, Yusuf Ali, Maulvi Sher Ali, Khan/Hilali, Irving, Palmer; + Bosnian, Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Swahili, Turkish); articles; p. of 8th c. Qur'an MS. By Dar al Tableegh, UK.

Qur'anic study for children (Rashad Khalifa, 'Submitters')


Taysir al-wusul ila ahadith al-Rasul
Vast Hadith database, searchable.
Hadith collections in translation
Nawawi: 40 hadith (arab./dt.)
In sorgfältiger arab. Transkription u. dt. Übersetzung.
Nawawi: Forty Hadiths
Unauthorized modified version of an English translation of the book. The original English translation was published by : the International Islamic Federation of Students Organizations translated by Ezzeddin Ibrahim and Denys Johnson-Davies.
Bukhari & Muslim: Liebe zum Propheten
Sammlung von hadith, die die Liebe zum Propheten zum Thema haben. Aus Bukhari & Muslim in dt. Übers. aus dem Engl.
Hadith (Sahih Bukhari) Search (Engl. tr. Muhsin Khan)


Commentary to Sura Fateha
Maududi's Chapter Introductions to the Qur'an
Excerpted from Abu 'l-Ala al-Maududi's commentary, "The Meaning of the Qur'an".
Tabataba'i: Al-Mizan
An Exegesis of the Holy Qur'an by Allamah Sayyed Muhammad Husayn Tabataba'i (Shiite). In progress.
Voice of Islam
English lectures, Friday Sermons, and current news regarding Islam in RealAudio and Real Video formats. Est. 1996; sponsored by the Islamic Center of Southern California. With daily tafsir.
Sufi Qur'an Commentary : Sufi Tafsir
art. "al-Tafsir al-Sufi" by Prof. A. Godlas, to be published by the Encyclopaedia Iranica. Extensive discussion of Sufi tafsir throughout the ages. Needs the font "Iran Web 2" from the Encyclopaedia Iranica web page.
Fi Zilal al-Qur'an (Sayyid Qutb)
Juz' 1-7
Essentials of the Sciences of the Qur'an
Formerly on Muslim.net, a domain that was closed by Nov. 2001.
Tafsir S. 1-3, Mafhum ul-Quran, by Ghulam Ahmed Parwez
English rendering of commentary of Sura 1-3 from Mahfum-ul-Quran (written in Urdu) by Late Allama Ghulam Ahmed Parwez. The work was carried out by Idare-Tulu-e-Islam in Lahore (Pakistan). Last updated Dec. 1995.


Islamic and Middle Eastern Law on the Net
Part of the The World Wide Web Virtual Library. From SOAS Centre for Islamic and Middle Eastern Law.
Index of fatwa-related sites on the Internet (online fatwas, archives, etc.) (http://omnibus.uni-freiburg.de/~bruecknm/fatwa/cyberfatwa.html)
Fatwa databank
Fatwas by Qaradawi, Idris Palmer, S.M. Hillaly, M. Okam, M. Shaltout, M. Azzarqa, M. Siddiqi, T.J. Al-Alwani, M. Al-Hanuti, Sayyed Sabiq, N. Yaakubi, M.H. El-Arafa, Europ. Council f. Fatwa, Sh. Ibn al-Uthaymin, A. Sakr, A.M. Jaffar, Khurshid Ahmad
Dar al-Ifta al-Misriyya
Official Egyptian Fatwa institution
Fatwa-Online (By The Permanent Committee for Islaamic Research and Fataawa)
Saudi; Engl. tr. of Salafi fatwas of AbdulAziz Al-al-Shaykh; Abdullah b Ghudayyan; Abdullah b Qu'ud; Abdullah b Munay; Salih b Fowzaan; Bakr Abdullah Abu Zayd. Died: Ibrahim b Muhammed Al-al-Shaykh; Abdul 'Aziz b Baz; AbdurRazzaq b Afifi
Muslim Women Lawyers for Human Rights
US org. to increase familiarity of the Muslim community with Islamic, American, and international HR laws; assist individuals, esp. women, and organizations on HR matters of human rights as seen from the perspective of Islamic law
Organization of Muslim attorneys and law students in the United States and Canada. With members directory, mentoring program, e-mail list (since 1996).
Muslim Lawyers Guild
Est. by Hajj Abu Bakr Rieger, Potsdam, of the Islamische Zeitung (Murabitun), to network Muslim Lawyers worldwide and provide addresses and legal support to interested parties.

Islamic Practices & Beliefs

Asma' Allah al-Husna
The 99 names of God; explained in Arabic.
The Last Sermon of the Prophet

Hajj (Pilgrimage to Mecca)

Yahoo! style guide for pilgrims to Mecca. By the Hajj Research Center, Umm al-Qura University, Mecca.
Mawqi' al-Hajj wa'l-Umra
Multimedia guide to the Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca. Arabic, English, French, German, Turkish, Urdu, Indonesian, Malay. By al-islam.com (GISCO/al-Alamiah/Harf/Sakhr).
Manasik al-Hajj (Hajj Guide)
Arabic site with resources on the hajj, several downloadable audiovisual guides, practical info. = http://www.hajj-guide.org/
Dalil al-Hajj wa'l-Mu'tamir ila Bayt Allah al-Haram
Online version of "A pilgrim's guide to the Kaaba" by Mühendis Abdülvehhab Bekri Bevad‡kçi, Aleppo 2002. With step-by-step instructions.
Hajj information centre
Detailed information on the Hajj, including images and a link to CyberTV.
Hajj and Umrah Info Portal
Background and practical information on the Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca.
Hajj in Pictures
Hajj Assistance Committee of North America
Canadian guide (in English). The HACNA was founded by (Shia?) immigrants of South Asian orgin from Tanzania.

The Prophet's Prayer

By Muhammad Naasir ad-Deen al-Albaani. Engl. transl.

"Our Dialogue" (Islam in Perspective)

Over 1780 "Questions and anwers" on points of Islamic belief and practice, taken from the "Our Dialogue" pages of the Saudi English daily, Arab News. Put on the web by Allied Promoters Karachi.

The Life of the Last Prophet (Yusuf Islam)

Based on Sira sources, Yusuf Islam's audio production of Muhammad's life - containing recitations, sound effects and music - provides an interesting introduction to the subject. Requires RealPlayer.

Kalabadhi: Allahs Eigenschaften

aus Abu Bakr al-Kalabadhi, Kitab al-Ta'arruf li-madhhab ahl al-taSawwuf.

Ghazali: Über Intention, Reine Absicht und Wahrhaftigkeit

Einleitung zum 37. Buch der IHyaa 'uluum-i ddiin (Neubelebung der Wissenschaften der Religion). Übers. Hans Bauer, Halle 1916, Nachdruck Georg Olms Verlag, 1979 (mit geringen Änderungen).

Faith (Iman), acc. to a Naqshbandi Sufi Qur'an commentary

"Faith" as discussed in the Naqshbandi Sufi Qur'an Commentary of Kamal al-Din Wa'iz-e Kashifi (d. 910/1504-5) of Herat (from his Persian Qur'an commentary, Mavaheb-e 'aliya, Tafsir-e Husayni (vol. 1, p. 284)

Der Gottesdienst (ibada) und der Zustand des Dienens

Dem Dhû-l-Nûn al-Misri zugeschriebener Ausspruch. Aus Ibn 'Arabi, La vie merveilleuse de Dhû-l-Nûn l'Égyptien (Das wunderbare Leben des Dhû-l-Nûn, des Ägypters), tr. fr. Roger Deladrière; ed. Sindbad, Paris 1988, p. 116. Dt. tr.

Maududi: Islam: Ergebung in den Willen Gottes

Volltext einer Einführung in den Islam von einem führenden Theoretiker der islamistischen Bewegung, Syed Abu l-'Ala Maududi (1903-1979). [? = Fundamentals of Islam ; dt. ??]

Understanding Islam

Pakistani site 'explaining Islam only from within Qur'an and Sunna'. By Moiz Amjad (b. 1962, MBA), a student of Javed Ahmad Ghamidi (b. 1951) of the paper, "Ishraq". Incl. an Urdu section.

Amr Khaled's "For Islam"

Site of the young, popular Egyptian preacher Amr Khaled.

Dar al-Ansar

Site of the popular Islamic scholar Safwat Higazi

Islamic Thought

The Effect of Tawheed on People's Life

Human Relation in Islam

Islamic Awareness

"to educate Muslims about the questions & issues frequently raised by the Christian missionaries" and by Orientalists. Indonesian background, registered in Japan.


Site best known for its audio files of Islamic hymns. Est. 2000.

Qibla calculation (Excel application)

Ramadhan - The Sacred Month of Islam

Nasr Abu Zaid pages

Islamic Concepts

Glossary of Islamic Terms and Concepts
A New Astronomical Quranic Method
Abusing the word "Islam"
Discover Islam
Islam-Seite von Murat Nalcakan
Private Seite eines 1975 in Deutschland geborenen und in Deutschland aufgewachsenen Muslims türkischer Herkunft, der über deutschsprachige Literatur zu einem salafitischen Islamverständnis kam und dies hier darlegt.
The Islamic Gateway
Concept of Worship in Islam
Islam & Medicine
Al Ghazali
Course page by Henry Snyder (1999).


Twelver Shia

The Shi'a Homepage
Leading Shia site
A Shi'ite Encyclopedia
Comprehensive selection of files available for download, including discussions on Islamic concepts and thinkers.
Ahlul Bait Digital Islamic Library Project (Shia)
u. A. sehr umfangreiches Archiv zum downloaden von Sounds und Bildern, und englische Bücher als Volltext.
Shia Link
World Federation of Khoja Shia Ithna Asheris
Ambitious framework linking Ithna Asheris globally: including links and background information.
By the "United Muslims of America". Extensively documents Khomeini's life and work; plus news from Iran (from a conservative point of view)
Khameinei Office Official Site
To answer religious questions, to introduce the jurisprudential decrees of Khomeini and Khamenei, and to quickly accommodate related requests (istiftaa@wilayah.org)
Imam Khomeini Education and Research Institute
Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Fadlallah's Homepage
In Arabic, English, and French.
Mu'assasat al-Imam Ali (Official site of Ayatollah Sistani)
Islamic Institute of the Americas
"A comprehensive source of information on the traditional teachings and spiritual message of Twelve-Imam Sh'íah Islam".
Islamic Seminary (Shia)
Attempt at an online representation of a Shia seminary, by someone who had studied in Najaf and Qom. Incl. translations of quite a few texts. Site was online 1996 - early 2002.
Ansar al-Sahaba
Mawqi' Imam al-Masjid


Ismailism and Aga Khan at Heritage
Semi-official site of the Ismailiyya, run by The Heritage Society "whose aim is to encourage preservation of manuscripts and rare documents, research and publication in the field of religion"


Sufism's Many Paths (Alan Godlas)
Google Sufism Directory
Links to Sufi-related sites
Useful links.
List of Sufi-related resources on the Internet
Sufi & 'Irfan Links (1998, J Cole)
Safinat al-Najat
Anti-extremist Sunni Sufi site in Arabic. With lively discussion forums.
Anqa Publishing - Ibn Arabi life and Works
Database Sufisch-Islamische Begriffe (nach Schuon)
Kurze Erklärung sufisch-islamischer Schlüsselbegriffe (adab, dhikr, shari'ah, imân, ibadah, 'amal, qalb, fitrah, dîn, nafs, dhanb, kafir) v. esoterischen Standpunkt der Schule v. Frithjof Schuon.
Sufi Study Reading List
Islamic Texts And References
Collection of texts in English, French, German, Swedish, Spanish, and Arabic. By adherents of the esoteric school of Guénon, Schuon, etc.
Muslim mysticism
Diverse sources on Muslim mysticism, including Jaluddin Rumi and Titus Burkhardt.
Burdah shareef
Complete Arabic text and English translation of the Qasidat al-Burdah in praise of the Prophet.
Imaam Ash-Shaa'fee on Sufism
Dala'il-ul-Khayrat - durood shareefs
Complete English translation
Dhikr (Remembering Allah) Purposes and Procedures
Ibn Arabi: Selected Works
Selected quotations
A A Tabari: The Other Side of Sufism
Schimmel: Sufism and its Influence on Europe
Lecture by Dr. Anne-Marie Schimmel, Stanford University, May 4, 1997 (visit of Hisham Kabbani)
International Association of Sufism
Soufisme livres : maitres soufis, livres sur le soufisme inédits en français
Sufism Journal Online
Journal affiliated with the International Association of Sufism, CA
Revue "Soufisme d'Orient et d'Occident"
Avec articles extraits de la revue.
Ayn al-Yaqin
Articles excellents sur Ibn 'Arabi, 'Abd el Qader...

Bookstores & Publishers

Powell's Books: Sufism
Pearl Publishing House
publishes books on Sufism; Islamic Medicine; Dream Interpretation; Quranic Commentaries; Hadith
Octagon Press
Run by followers of Idries Shah
Moon Over Medina: A Sufi Bookstore
Ibis Books on Sufism
Fons Vitae (Sufi Publisher)
Almiraj Sufi Books (Australia)
Specialists in books on Sufism, Islam and Comparative Spirituality, in Tasmania. Formerly Al Isra & Mi'raj Bookshop.
Alif publishing on the sufi tradition
Ney York publisher


Journal of the History of Sufism
Ed. Thierry Zarcone, Ekrem Isin & Arthur Buehler. Offers TOCs of the printed version, plus full text of book reviews.
"A journal of multidisciplinary Sufi studies". Contact Shahazada Sayeed Mohammad Hasan.

Qadiriyya & Rifa`iyya

Sheikh Abd al Qadir Jilani
Qadiriya - la prière en Islam, sens et symbolique
Tariqa Qadiriya Boutchichiya
Avec "pensées du jour" - extraits du Coran, citations de maîtres soufis...- témoignent de la profondeur de la spiritualité de l'islam et de sa beauté. Inclut des textes en arabe, en espagnol et en anglais.
Sidi Hamza al-Qâdiri al-Boudchichi
Site de Karim Bendriss, auteur du Renouveau du soufisme sunnite au Maroc. Dédié à Sidi Hamza el Qadiri El Boutchichi.
Shaykh Sidi Hamza el Qadiri el Boutchichi
English site of the Qadiriyya Boutchichiyya
Rifai-Kadiri-Arusi Tariqas
"especially about the Rifai Tariqa and it also contains information on Seyh Efendi's other Tariqas: Kadiri and Arusi. You can find Explantions About the Seyhs, the Practices, Cultures and Histories of these Tariqas."
Qadiri Rifa'i Sufi Order
By Shaykh Taner Ansariand Shaykh Ibrahim Spiegel. Formerly Ansaripub.org
Kadiri Tayyari Sufi Order of North America
Futuh al-Ghaib


Mevlevi Order Of America
Mevlevi: Rumi Society
Mevlevi: Threshold Society
Mevlevi: Threshold Society
Mevlevi: Threshold Society (Dutch)
Dutch Mevlevi site.
Mevleviyye tariqa in Deutschland
Seite eines Mevlevi-Hauses in der Niederlausitz, geleitet von Abdullah Halis Dornbrach.


Halveti-Jerrahi Tariqat
JERRAHI-HALVETI order in Italy
Nur Ashki Jerrahi Sufi Order
community of dervishes within the Halveti-Jerrahi Tariqat, in the specific lineage and spirit of Sheikh Muzaffer Ashki al-Jerrahi, Sheikh Nur al-Jerrahi, and Sheikha Fariha al-Jerrahi. Based at Masjid al-Farah in NYC, with circles in the US & Mexico.


Sufi Conference
affiliated to the Golden Sufi Center, California (Naqshbandi)
Golden Sufi Center
California-based Sufi group around Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee & Irena Tweedie, affiliated to the Naqshbandiyya-Mujaddidiyya.
Bahaudin Naqshband: Discipleship and Development
Extracts from the Testimony of Bahaudin the Designer (Naqshband).
Naqschibandi.de: Scheich Nazim
Naqshbandi-Haqqani Foundation (US)
Haqqani Foundation Homepage. Details of the Naqshbandi Order, including information on aspects and interpretations of prayer.
Naqshbandi-Haqqani site in Italian
With Qur'anic and Sufi audio & video files.
As-Sunnah Foundation of America
Naqshbandis (Followers of Sheikh Hashim Kabbani).
Naqshbandi-Haqqani Sufi Order of America
Multilingual sub-site of Shaykh Hisham Kabbani, khalifa of Shaykh Nazim al-Qubrusi in America. Haqqani Foundation Sufi news, video and more in 12 languages.
Naqshbandi: Islah-ul-Muslimeen
disciples of Muhammad Tahir Naqshbandi
Naqshbandiya Foundation For Islamic Education
Naqshbandiyya-Haqqaniyya in Turkey
Naqshbandiyya: Ahlus-Safa
Naqshbaniyya: Sufism - the Way of the Heart
Written by Haqqani Sufi Foundation (mateens@sybase.com). Posted Tue, 17-Oct-1995 23:56:35 GMT
Naqshbaniyya: The Way of the Heart (Hisham Kabbani)
Jamil Islamic Center Of California
opened by Shaykh Nazim in 1992, and led by Sh Muhammad Mazhar Jamil.
Haqqani Sufi Foundation
Den Lehren des Naqshbandi Scheich Nazim al-Qubrusi gewidmet. U.a. viele Lehrtexte v. Scheich Nazim.
Dargah Luari Sharif (District Badin) Sindh
Hazrat Sultan-ul-Aulia, (king of saints) Khawaja Muhammad Zaman (Q.S.)., founder of "Dargah Luari Sharif" and the largest School of Naqshbandia in Indo-Pak Subcontinent.
Asociación Haqqani-Naqshbandi
Centro de Estudios Sufíes de la Tariqa Naqshbandi
German Naqshbandi magazine
Naqshbandi, Spanish
Naqshbandi, Egypt
Naqshbandiya à Montréal
Brazilian Naqshbandi


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